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       CHEMCON 2024

       IIChE meet highlights role of chemical engineers

       in aiding sustainable development

          The Doaba Regional Centre of
       Indian Institute of Chemical Engi-
       neers (IIChE) under the Department
       of Chemical Engineering, Dr. B. R.
       Ambedkar National Institute of Tech-
       nology  (NIT),  Jalandhar,  organised
       the 77th Annual Session of the Chemi-
       cal Engineering Congress (CHEM-
       CON) and International Conference
       on  the theme “Role  of Chemical
       Engineering towards Sustainable Deve-
       lopment and  Aatmanirbhar Bharat”
       from December 27-30, 2024 in
       Jalandhar (Punjab).

          At the inaugural ceremony, Prof.
       M.K. Jha, Chairman, Local Organi-
       zing Committee (LOC), informed    Mr. Sunil Thakkar, President, IIChE; Prof. Binod Kumar Kanaujia, Director, NIT Jalandhar;
       that more than 855 delegates from   Mr. Yashwant Gharpure, Gharpure Associates; Mr. Pradip Kumar Agarwal, CEO, Heritage
       countries like South Africa, Australia,   Group of Institutions; Mr. Biswanath Chatopadhyay, CEO, IVL Dhunseri Petrochem
       Canada,  New Zealand, USA,  and       Industries Pvt. Ltd.; and Prof. G.D. Yadav, former Vice Chancellor, ICT, Mumbai.
       Bangladesh are participating in the  sustainable development and the need  Jalandhar, highlighted the role of
       conference. In addition, representa-  to focus on specialty chemicals and  Chemical Engineers in conserving air,
       tives from IITs, NITs, State Govern-  R&D initiatives to achieve the goal of  water  and  land.  Prof. B.K. Kanojia,
       ment Institutions, Research Institutes,  Aatmanirbhar Bharat.      Patron, CHEMCON 2024 and Direc-
       Private Institutions and industries                                tor,  NIT  Jalandhar,  emphasised  the
       were present.  The event included   Mr. Sunil Baran Kuila, Secretary  challenges related to climate change,
       three memorial lectures, 18 Chemical  IIChE, discussed the grave challenges  clean energy and waste management.
       Engineering Design (CDS) sessions,  of global warming and how Chemical
       10 invited lectures, and 110 oral and  Engineers can contribute towards sus-  In his video message, Prof. Joseph
       poster presentations in parallel ses-  tainable development. Mr. Sunil Thakar,  D.  Smith,  President,  American
       sions. In addition, a panel discus-  President, IIChE, spoke on environ-  Institute  of  Chemical  Engineers
       sion on “Role of Chemical Engineers  mental issues such as use of fossil  (AIChE), discussed AIChE’s priorities
       towards  Aatmanirbhar Bharat” was  fuels, population growth and exploi-  on promoting research  and innova-
       organised, with representation from  tation of resources. He informed that  tion,  encouraging collaboration with
       academic institutions, industries and  23% of carbon dioxide emissions  chemical  engineering institutes, and
       research organisations.           come from the transport sector and  addressing societal challenges through
                                         adoption of electric and hydrogen  professional expertise.
          Dr. Poonam Gera, Head, Depart-  vehicles is needed to address this.
       ment of Chemical Engineering, NIT,  He also discussed alternative energy   The conference also featured
       highlighted  the  signifi cant  achieve-  sources such as nuclear, wind and  Indo-American and Indo-Canadian
       ments of the Department. Dr. Vishwa-  solar energy and highlighted their  joint symposia, which provided valu-
       nath  Chattopadhyay,  Chairman,   limitations.                     able insights on the vital roles chemi-
       NOC, CHEMCON 2024, emphasised                                      cal engineers play in promoting sus-
       the  importance of clean energy  in   Prof. Ajay Bansal, Registrar, NIT  tainable development.

       Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025                                                               147

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