Page 150 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
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Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                                                                                   Pharmaceuticals

       STAR PERFORMER                                                                                                MILESTONE
       Aragen receives ‘Platinum Medal’ from EcoVadis                                                                PM unveils genome sequencing data of 10,000 Indians

       for its sustainability initiatives                                                                               Prime Minister  Narendra Modi                                    communities,”  Mr. Modi said. Later,
                                                                                                                     released the genome sequencing data                                 Dr. Singh  highlighted the impressive
          Aragen Life Sciences, a Hyderabad-                              sustainability goals but also support our   of 10,000 Indian  nationals  at  the                               growth of India’s bioeconomy, which
       based Contract Research, Develop-                                  customers and partners in helping reach    ‘Genomics Data Conclave’ organised                                  has surged from $10-bn in 2014 to
       ment and  Manufacturing Organisation                               their goals as well.” During the last few   by the Department of Biotechnology                                 over $130-bn in 2024, with projections
       (CRDMO),  has received  the presti-                                years, Aragen has consistently improved    in New Delhi recently.                                              to hit $300-bn by 2030.
       gious ‘Platinum Medal’ rating from Eco-                            its EcoVadis rating from 46 in 2021 to
       Vadis. This highest level of recognition                           82 in 2024.  The company’s key sus-           “I am confi dent this will be a mile-  as a critical  resource for  genomics   India now  ranks  12th globally in
       places Aragen in the top 1% of com-                                tainability initiatives include increasing   stone  in  the  fi eld  of  biotechnology  research, contributing to advancements  biotech  and  3rd  in  the  Asia-Pacifi c
       panies worldwide for its sustainability                            its share of renewable energy, imple-      research,”  Mr. Modi  said  in  a  video-  in personalised healthcare and medicine.  region.  The Minister also pointed out
       practices.                                                         menting green chemistry principles in      recorded statement played out  at the                               that India is  the largest vaccine pro-
                                                                          R&D, and collaborating with suppliers      conclave.                            He said more than 20 renowned  ducer in the world and the third-largest
          EcoVadis is widely respected as  to receive the Platinum  Medal in the  to lower Scope 3 greenhouse gas emis-                                research institutions like IITs, Council  startup ecosystem.  The rapid rise of
       the global leader in business sustaina-  EcoVadis 2024 assessment across all  sions. Aragen has prioritised water ste-  At the event, Dr. Jitendra Singh,  of  Scientifi c  and  Industrial  Research  biotech startups – from just 50 in 2014
       bility ratings, and its metrics evaluate  sectors.                 wardship, employee-centric policies, and   Union  Minister of  State (Independent  (CSIR), and Biotechnology Research  to over 8,500 in 2023 – demonstrates
       over 150,000 companies across 175                                  maintaining an ongoing dialogue with       Charge) for Science and  Technology,  and Innovation Centre (BRIC) have  India’s growing leadership in biotech-
       countries. Its assessment is based on   Commenting on the recognition,  stakeholders in the sustainability sector.   launched the ‘Framework for Exchange  played an important role in this research.  nology and its potential to revolutionise
       a thorough review of a company’s  Mr. Manni Kantipudi, CEO,  Aragen  Recently the CRDMO also received         of Data Protocols (FeED)’ and the Indian  He said this national database encapsu-  the global bioeconomy.
       environmental, labour, ethical, and  Life Sciences, said, “We will continue  approval from Science Based  Targets   Biological Data Centre (IBDC) portals.  lated the extraordinary genetic landscape
       procurement practices. Aragen said it is  to build an inclusive  ecosystem  that  initiative (SBTi) for its near-term and   These platforms provide access to  of the country and promised to serve as   Dr. Jitendra  Singh further  an-
       the only Indian headquartered company  will  not  only  help  Aragen  achieve  its  net-zero sustainability targets.  the 10,000 whole genome samples for  an invaluable scientifi c resource.  nounced a future target of sequencing
                                                                                                                     researchers worldwide.                                              10-million  genomes  to accelerate
       REGULATION                                                                                                                                         “It will facilitate  advancements in  India’s advancements  in genomics
                                                                                                                        “The  Genome India Data, that  the treatment of genetic and infectious  and personalised medicine.  He also
       Food regulator clarifi es on methylcobalamin usage                                                             represents  the  genetic  diversity  in the  diseases, foster the development  of  suggested expanding the initiative  by
       in health supplements                                                                                         country, will be available to researchers  new medications and precision  medi-  collaborating with prominent institu-
                                                                                                                     at the IBDC through “managed access”,  cal techniques, and enable research into  tions such as the Tata Memorial Hospital
          The Food Safety and Standards                                   Authority and submit any additional        the PM  said.  This data set will serve  the lifestyles  and habits of diverse  to enhance data enrichment efforts.
       Authority of India (FSSAI) has pro-                                safety data requested.
       vided clarity on use of methylcobala-                                                                         GROWING PRESENCE
       min, a form of Vitamin B12, in health                                 The regulations also stipulate  that    Eli Lilly plans new global capability centre in Hyderabad
       supplements, medical purposes and                                  the level of  Vitamin B12  in products
       nutraceutical products. However, the                               must not exceed one Recommended               US pharma  major Eli  Lilly  and  (LCCI)  Hyderabad  and  will  initially  ble  solutions.  LCCI  Hyderabad will
       Union Health Ministry’s decision to                                Dietary  Allowance  except  in  specifi c   Company  is planning  to establish  a  focus on expanding Lilly’s capabilities  enhance our technical capabilities,
       lift the ban on methylcobalamin, the                               categories  such as Food for Special       new global capability centre (GCC) in  in  automation,  artifi cial  intelligence,  enabling us to better meet growing
       critical vitamin B12 derivative, is yet  among health professionals and indus-  Medical Purposes and Food for Special   Hyderabad.              software product engineering and cloud  business demands, fully leverage
       to be formalised, leaving its regulatory  try  stakeholders. Dr. Sanjay Agrawal,  Dietary Use. In such cases, prior approval                    computing to deliver advanced techno-  technology in our operations, and
       status in limbo despite scientifi c back-  Scientifi c  Advisor  of  Alkomex  GBN  from the Food Authority is required for   The company will be  recruiting  logy solutions that meet the evolving  further  expand our presence  in  India,”
       ing and growing demand for its use in  USA and leading pharmaceutical con-  levels exceeding the RDA.         more than a 1,000-1500 highly-skilled  needs  of Lilly’s business worldwide,”  said Mr. Manish  Arora, Managing
       treating conditions such as diabetic  sultant said as per the Food Safety and                                 people including technology engineers  the company  said. LCCI  Hyderabad  Director, LCCI Hyderabad. LCCI
       neuropathy.                       Standards  Regulations, 2022,  the per-  According to industry experts,     and data scientists. Recruitment for the  will be Lilly’s second capability centre  Hyderabad will focus on scaling up
                                         mitted forms of Vitamin B12 currently  FSSAI’s clarifi cation will guide manu-  new site is already underway, and the  in India.  The earlier one which is in  Lilly’s  innovation  and  effi ciency
          While  the Government  of India’s  include cyanocobalamin and hydroxo-  facturers and stakeholders in aligning   centre is expected to be operational by  Bengaluru was launched in 2016.  by unlocking new technological
       Scientifi c  Committee  approved  the  cobalamin.  However, he said methyl-  their products with regulatory standards   mid-2025.                                                  advancements and leveraging data
       molecule’s  safety in 2019, the neces-  cobalamin may also be permitted under  while addressing the growing demand                                 “Our teams in India play a pivotal  insights, accelerating the delivery of
       sary gazette notifi cation to offi cially lift  certain conditions,  provided  that food  for diverse forms of  Vitamin  B12 in   “The Hyderabad centre will be  role in driving Lilly’s global busi-  next-generation medicines to patients
       the ban is still pending, raising concerns  business operators notify  the  Food  health supplements.         known as Lilly Capability Centre India  ness support with centralised, scala-  around the world.

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