Page 144 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
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Indian Chemical Society to honour ‘Heroes of Chemical
The Indian Chemical Society (ICS), have made immense contributions to in a coffee-table book and honour
established on May 9, 1924, under shaping Indian chemical and allied them posthumously. “We request
the visionary leadership of Acharya industries, with the ‘Rasayan Udyog assistance in providing informa-
Prafulla Chandra Ray as its founding Maharshi’ title. Sectors include refi neries, tion and relevant photographs in the
president, and supported by eminent bulk chemicals, organic & inorganic prescribed format for this initiative
scientists like S. S. Bhatnagar, J. N. chemicals, intermediates, pharmaceu- from various industries. Their contri-
Mukherjee, and J. C. Ghose, is cele- ticals, fi ne chemicals, agrochemicals, butions will be remembered forever,”
brating its centennial jubilee. fertilisers, paints, pigments, polymers, said Prof. Yadav.
plastics, fragrances & fl avours, etc.,
Prof. G. D. Yadav, President, ICS, and emerging areas such as green The Society has invited family
announced on January 7 that at the energy and electronics. members or representatives of the
celebrations to be held in Mumbai on honorees to attend the event on the
January 28-28, 2025, ICS will hon- To commemorate their legacy, evening of January 28, where the
our the heroes of yesteryears who ICS will document their life stories awards will be conferred.
HEG subsidiary and Sri Lanka’s CGT plan graphene
facility in India
TACC Ltd., a wholly-owned subsi- diverse applications, per a regulatory graphene and its derivatives, leveraging
diary of HEG Ltd., a LNJ Bhilwara Group fi ling by HEG, a leading graphite Sri Lanka’s premium vein graphite and
fi rm specialising in graphite, has entered electrode manufacturer. TACC’s synthetic graphite expertise.
into a partnership with Ceylon Graphene Together, the two companies aim to
Technologies/CGT (a joint venture bet- The proposed graphene manufac- develop high quality graphene materials
ween LOLC Advance Technologies and turing facility will enable large-scale and solutions,” HEG said.
Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology) production, ensuring the delivery of
to establish a graphene manufacturing sustainable and innovative graphene Graphene is a revolutionary material
facility at TACC’s premises in Madhya solutions to global markets, said the made of a single layer of carbon atoms
Pradesh. regulatory fi ling. The company did not arranged in a hexagonal lattice, known for
disclose the investment being made to its exceptional strength, conductivity, and
The partnership comes in the wake of set up the facility. lightweight nature. It is widely regarded
TACC Ltd. entering into a non-binding as a game-changer across industries,
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) “This MoU establishes a strategic enabling advanced applications in electro-
with CGT to advance graphene techno- collaboration between TACC and CGT nics, energy storage, coatings, composites,
logy and unlock its vast potential for to jointly explore the manufacturing of construction material, textiles and more.
BASF increases prices for TDI in ASEAN and South
With immediate effect, or as con- ASEAN and South Asia. “Price ad- in the cost of transportation, energy
tract terms allow, BASF will increase justments are necessary in conside- and regulatory efforts,” the company
prices for its Lupranate TDI (Toluene ration of sustainable business develop- said in a statement issued on January
Diisocyanate) by $300 per tonne in ment, as well as continued increases 10, 2025.
144 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025
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