Page 138 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
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       IIT-Bombay’s research hub receives $18.6-mn donation

          The Indian Institute of  Techno-
       logy Bombay’s (IIT-B) Research Hub
       for  Green  Energy  and  Sustainability
       (GESH) received a $18.6-mn donation
       from a US-based alumnus in the fi nal
       quarter of 2023. The donation stands as
       “a beacon of India’s growing leadership
       in green energy and sustainability”, the
       institute said in a statement.

          The green energy initiative by IIT-B
       aims  to  expand  academic  research,
       bridge it with  real-world applica-
       tions, and foster innovation  through
       interdisciplinary collaboration among
       academia,  industries, and regulatory
                                         75+ responses, with 22 research pro-  to  Action – has been  initiated at  the
          “It aims to enhance the talent pool in  jects funded, marking a signifi cant step  institute wherein 150+ hours of industry
       sustainability, addressing global chal-  forward in advancing sustainability-  training has been approved to be initiated
       lenges like climate change and environ-  focused research,” according  to the  in the coming months.
       mental  degradation, helping position  institute. These  projects,  IIT-B  added,
       India as a global leader in sustainable  span  fundamental,  translational,  and   “At the IIT-B campus, GESH is lay-
       energy solutions,” the institute said.  educational areas.         ing the foundation for a comprehensive
                                                                          sustainability strategy to create a road-
          According to Director  of IIT-B,   “The  hub is currently  developing  map that could serve as a model for other
       Prof. Shireesh Kedare, GESH serves as  industry-tailored training programs,  institutions. Additionally,  a  campus
       a platform to unify expertise across IIT-  focusing on green energy and sustain-  sustainability course is in development,
       B and beyond,  driving  India’s ambi-  ability. Plans are underway to expand  fostering environmental  responsibility
       tions in green energy through research,  these initiatives to cultivate  a new  among students  and faculty alike.
       education, and capacity building.  generation of  sustainability leaders  Efforts to raise awareness of sustainable
                                         equipped to address emerging chal-  living,  including tracking  individual
          “The  vision  of  GESH  IIT-B  is  to  lenges,” the statement said, adding that  carbon footprints, are also underway,”
       support the transition to green energy  a new course – Sustainability  Theory  the university added.
       (environment-friendly and  sustain-
       able energy sources) and sustainability   Bench scale catalyst testing facility
       through research, education and capa-
       city building, with academia, industry,   inaugurated at EIL R&D centre
       regulators and  other stakeholders.
       GESH commitment extends to advancing   Ms.  Vartika  Shukla,  Chairman  &  Facility is utilised for screening of cata-
       sustainability, climate services, solutions,  Managing Director, Engineers India  lysts to study the intrinsic  kinetics  of
       and related domains,” he said.    Ltd. (EIL) inaugurated a Bench Scale  various catalytic  reactions eliminating
                                         Catalyst  Testing Facility  and a Low  external  mass  transfer  resistance  and
          “One  of  GESH’s  early  successes  Wind  Disc  Turbine  at  the  EIL  R&D  the Low  Wind Disc  Turbine is incu-
       has been the overwhelming response to  Centre, Gurugram.           bated at IIT Roorkee and funded under
       its call for research proposals on green                           EIL’s Startup India Initiative – EngSUI,
       energy and sustainability  with almost   The Bench Scale Catalyst  Testing  EIL said in a social media post.

       138                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025

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