Page 140 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
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Ace Green Recycling to build India’s largest battery
recycling facility at Mundra
Ace Green Recycling, Inc., a lead- producing lithium carbonate of purities recycling facilities in China, and we
ing provider of sustainable battery exceeding 99%, which is fed back into believe our LFP battery recycling
recycling technology solutions, has the battery materials value chain. technology to be more advanced des-
announced it has fi nalised a lease pite a more mature and larger scale
agreement for a site to build India’s Recycling lead batteries lithium-ion recycling ecosystem
largest battery recycling facility. To In addition to recycling LFP bat- there.”
be located in Mundra, Gujarat, the teries, Ace plans to use its Green-
facility will build on Ace’s existing Lead recovery technology to recycle “Ace’s innovative technology
Indian commercial operations, which lead batteries at its Mundra recycling enables profi table recycling of LFP
have been recycling lithium-ion bat- park. This technology is a far more batteries, even with the current low
teries since 2023, including lithium environmentally friendly alternative lithium price, by recovering signifi -
iron phosphate (LFP) chemistries. to legacy smelting operations, with its cant amounts of these critical minerals.
fully electric process producing zero
As a part of this expansion, Ace Scope 1 carbon emissions. We believe that our successful
announced plans to establish 10-ktpa operational demonstration positions
of LFP battery recycling capacity “LFP is expected to dominate the us for future partnerships and colla-
in India by 2026, using its modular lithium battery market by 2030, and borations that will unlock the full
LithiumFirst technology along with Ace is strategically scaling our LFP potential of our LithiumFirst tech-
the planned deployment of the tech- battery recycling capacity to meet nology in this market,” said Mr. Vipin
nology in Texas. The new facility, the demand and support our growing cus- Tyagi, Chief Technology Officer of
company said, will recycle LFP bat- tomer base,” said Mr. Nishchay Chadha, Ace.
teries at room temperature in a fully CEO, Ace. “We believe that Ace is
electrifi ed hydrometallurgical process unique in its ability to sustainably When fully operational, Ace ex-
producing no Scope 1 carbon emis- recycle LFP batteries, and we plan to pects the Mundra LFP battery recy-
sions, and with zero liquid and solid continue our focus on this market to cling facility to create up to 50 high
waste. The company claims it has build on our fi rst-mover advantage. value jobs in the local economy,
achieved commercial lithium reco- bringing the company’s employment
veries at levels of around 75%, Our team recently visited battery in India to over 100.
140 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025
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