Page 144 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
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       Government cancels auction of 11 critical mineral

       blocks due to poor response

          The  government  has  cancelled  the  celled  the  auction  of  three  critical  technology.  The  initiative  involves
       auction of 11 critical mineral blocks in  mineral  blocks  in  the  third  round,  14  government,  industry,  and  research
       the fourth round due to poor response.  blocks in the second round, and 14 in the  collaboration,  focusing  on  acquiring
       While  no  bids  were  received  for  four  fi rst  tranche  of  critical  minerals  as  the  overseas assets like lithium and cobalt,
       blocks, the remaining seven mines got  response  was  lukewarm.  The  govern-  particularly in Australia, and boosting
       less than three technically qualifi ed bid-  ment had earlier said that 24 critical and  domestic mining through auctions and
       ders, according to the annulment notice.  strategic mineral blocks have been sold  roadshows.
       The four blocks which include tungsten  in four rounds of auction.
       and glauconite, are located in the States                             According  to  an  estimate  by  the
       of Chhattisgarh and Arunachal Pradesh.  “Out of 48 blocks put to e-auction,  World Bank, by 2050, the production of
                                         24  have  been  successfully  auctioned,  minerals, including lithium and cobalt,
          Critical  minerals,  such  as  cobalt,  including four mining lease (ML) and  will  need  to  increase  by  nearly  500%
       copper, lithium, nickel and rare earths,  20  composite  licenses  (CL)  blocks,”  to meet the growing demand for clean
       play crucial roles in the production of  the mines ministry had said.  energy technologies. The International
       clean  energy  technologies,  ranging                              Energy  Agency  foresees  that  the  rise
       from wind turbines to electric vehicles.  India  is  all  set  to  launch  a  Criti-  in  electric  vehicles  and  battery  stor-
                                         cal Mineral Mission in 2025 to secure  age will speed up the demand for these
          The  government  had  earlier  can-  vital  resources  for  green  energy  and  minerals at least 30 times by 2040.

       Minister pushes for accelerated J&K lithium utilisation

          India’s electric vehicle (EV) market  lithium reserves. With 6-mt of lithium  native chemistries such as sodium-ion,
       is expected to reach Rs. 20 lakh-crore  discovered  in  Jammu  and  Kashmir,  zinc-ion,  and  aluminium-air  batteries,
       by  2030,  generating  fi ve-crore  jobs  accounting for 6% of the global reserves,  with research led by Indian Oil Corpo-
       across the EV ecosystem. Additionally,  this resource has the potential to power  ration Ltd. targeting a range of 450-km.
       the EV fi nance market is projected to  the production of 60-crore EVs. Efforts  “These advancements in battery chemi-
       grow to Rs. 4 lakh-crore by 2030, said  are underway to accelerate the utilisation  stry  could  prove  to  be  a  valuable
       Mr.  Nitin  Gadkari,  Union  Minister  of  of this lithium, he said.  national  asset  for  India.  Furthermore,
       Road  Transport  &  Highways,  while                               the reduction in customs duty on lithium-
       speaking at the 8th Catalyst Conference   In addition to lithium-ion technology,  ion  batteries  from  21%  to  13%  has
       on  the  Sustainability  of  the  E-Vehicle  there  is  signifi cant  progress  in  alter-  made EVs more affordable,” he stated.
       Industry – Evexpo 2024, New Delhi.  Keva becomes member of Fragrance Creators

          A key factor driving the success of  Association
       EVs is the lithium-ion battery, a critical   The Fragrance Creators Association  ingredients and unique cosmetic actives.
       component in the transformation of the  (FCA),  the  leading  fragrance  industry  “Joining FCA enables us to strengthen
       industry.                         trade  association  in  North  America,  our engagement with industry peers and
                                         has announced that Keva USA Inc. has  amplify our leadership in sustainability
          A lithium-ion battery’s current life  joined its membership. Headquartered in  initiatives,” said Mr. Kedar Vaze, CEO
       cycle  cost  is  $115  per  kilowatt-hour,  Mumbai, Keva is a leader in fragrances,  of Keva. “Keva’s leadership in sustain-
       but  Mr.  Gadkari  predicted  that  it  will  fl avours,  and  aroma  ingredients,  and  able practices and dedication to deliver-
       drop  below  $100  within  six  months.  operates globally, including a new full-  ing high-quality fragrance solutions en-
       As a result, lithium-ion manufacturing  service  affi liate  in  New  Jersey,  USA,  hances our collective efforts to promote
       has become a focal point. India is also  serving  diverse  categories  such  as  fi ne  responsible  stewardship,”  added  Ms.
       positioning itself to leverage its domestic  fragrances, personal & home care, aroma  Farah Ahmed, FCA’s President & CEO.

       144                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025

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