Page 140 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
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India has potential to be key SAF producer: IATA
offi cial
India has the potential to be a key utilising its existing and advanced etha- the global aviation market, a true mark
producer of sustainable aviation fuel nol supplies. At IATA, we see sustain- of act local, think global,” he noted.
(SAF) by utilising its ethanol supplies able, low-carbon-intensity ethanol as a
and availability of lipids feedstocks promising feedstock to propel India’s India has the availability of lipids
like non-edible industrial oils, said aviation sector growth,” he said. feedstocks like non-edible industrial
Mr. Hemant Mistry, Director of Net oils, animal fats and tallows where the
Zero Transition at the global airlines’ This year, global SAF production is supply chains are not well developed
grouping, International Air Transport estimated at 1-mt, lower than the earlier with limited supply for biodiesel pro-
Association (IATA), in an interview projection of 1.5-mt, but higher than duction, he said.
with new agency, PTI. the volume of 0.5-mt recorded in 2023,
according to IATA. As the aviation sec- The country’s surplus annual bio-
The IATA represents around 340 tor pursues ambitious efforts for decar- mass availability is estimated to be
airlines, including Indian carriers, that bonisation, IATA has said SAF produc- more than 200-mt. With multiple
account for more than 80% of the global tion growth is disappointingly slow. options available for road fl eets, lipids-
air traffi c. based feedstock must be used for
While noting that India is poised India’s SAF value chains. These oily
Indian carriers have operated some to emerge as the world’s third largest feedstocks can be utilised at existing
fl ights with a blend of SAF and traditional aviation market, Mr. Mistry said there refi neries by ASTM-qualifi ed HEFA
Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF). Mr. Mistry is also the opportunity for the country co-processing pathways, Mr. Mistry
said the ecosystem for SAF has deve- to emerge as a SAF hub in the region. said. Consultancy Deloitte, in a report
loped but there is more work to be done. in October this year, said India has the
“The position can be further potential to produce 8-10 mt of SAF by
“India, the third largest ethanol strengthened by the early adoption of 2040, and investments worth $70-85 bn
producer and consumer today, has the innovative global accounting practices will be required to achieve the projected
potential to emerge as a key SAF producer where India’s SAF supplies can cater to production.
GMM Pfaudler arm acquires 51% stake in German
company to establish manufacturing unit
GMM Pfaudler Ltd., a leading pro- GMM Pfaudler said in a stock exchange Rs. 25.3-crore), funded through internal
vider of corrosion-resistant techno- fi ling. accruals, will be made to establish the
logies and equipment, said it will set facility.
up a manufacturing facility in Poland The acquired entity specialises in
to further strengthen its manufacturing producing high-quality stainless-steel “This acquisition refl ects our conti-
capabilities in Europe. equipment tailored for the pharma- nued focus on delivering cost-effec-
ceutical and food industries. tive, high-quality solutions for our
The Mumbai-headquartered com- customers. Establishing this facility
pany, through its German subsidiary, The acquisition marks a signi- in Poland aligns with our vision of
Pfaudler GmbH, entered into an Invest- fi cant step in establishing a state-of- strengthening our market presence in
ment and Shareholders’ Agreement on the-art manufacturing and engineering Europe and beyond,’ said Mr. Thomas
December 20 to acquire a 51% stake facility in Poland. An investment Kehl, CEO of International Business,
in a Polish limited liability company, of PLN 12.2-mn (approximately GMM Pfaudler.
140 Chemical Weekly January 7, 2025
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