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       AROMA CHEMICALS                                                                                               MILESTONE

       IFRA and FICCI sign MOU during 3rd Fragrance                                                                  Reliance’s Jamnagar refi nery completes 25 years

       Business Summit                                                                                               of operations

          The   International  Fragrance  “This summit  was an opportunity to  Fragrance Business Summit is its third   Reliance  Industries Ltd.’s (RIL’s)   When RIL’s founder Chairman  India’s total refi ning capacity, and com-
       Association (IFRA) took part in the 3rd  discuss sustainable  growth and inno-  such engagement.              fi rst-ever refi nery at Jamnagar has com-  Dhirubhai  Ambani was offered land  pletely  transformed the barren region
       International Fragrance Business Summit  vation. By working together, we can                                  pleted 25 years of operations.    in the barren and desolate  region  off  into a bustling industrial hub.
       hosted by the  Federation  of Indian  enhance consumer protection and sup-  “The signing of the MoU between                                     Jamnagar, near a sleepy village called
       Chambers of Commerce  and Industry  port the development of the fragrance  IFRA and FICCI is a milestone in fos-  The refi nery, launched on December  Motikhavdi, leading project consultants   What started as a state-of-the-art
       (FICCI), in collaboration  with CSIR-  industry in India and beyond.”  tering stronger relationships between   28, 1999, turned India from a fuel-  had advised him against  investing  in  refi nery  with  a  petrochemical  complex
       Central Institute  of  Medicinal and                               the global fragrance community  and        defi cit  nation  to  a  self-suffi cient  one  the desert-like region that did not have  at Jamnagar in 1999, has today emerged
       Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CMAP), Lucknow,   The event brought together leaders  India,” said Mr. Hans Holger Gliewe,   and  later into an  exporter of  gasoline  roads,  electricity,  or  even  suffi cient  world’s largest single-location  manu-
       Uttar Pradesh on October 25, 2024.  and experts from the fragrance indus-  Chairman, IFRA. “It symbolises our   and gasoil to Europe and the US.   drinking water. They had warned  that  facturing complex spread across 25,000
                                         try to explore topics such as enhancing  shared commitment to advancing safe-                                 mobilising manpower, materials, tech-  acres. In  the last three decades, Jam-
          The summit focused on the Indian  economic  growth through sustainable  ty, sustainability, capacity  and inno-  At the time of its conception, many  nical experts and every other input in  nagar underwent three  phases of ex-
       fragrance industry, exploring opportu-  development practices, emerging market  vation in the fragrance industry in all   experts had said it would be impossible for  such wilderness would require  extra-  pansion. Today, the Jamnagar refi nery
       nities  for  sustainable practices, on  opportunities for India, and harmonising  corners of the  world.”  The  summit   an Indian company to set up the world’s  ordinary  efforts. However, from 1996  complex  houses some of the  world’s
       how to build fragrance-relevant  skills  fragrance safety standards.  also highlighted technological innova-  largest refi nery in three years. But Reli-  to 1999, he and his team went on to create  largest units such as the Fluidised Cata-
       locally, and on harmonization  with                                tions shaping the future of the Indian     ance managed to achieve that in a record  an engineering marvel at Jamnagar.  lytic Cracker (FCC), coker, alkylation,
       global standards to improve consumer   The summit also featured Memo-  fragrance sector, including skills deve-  time of just 33 months, notwithstanding                          paraxylene,  polypropylene,  Refi nery
       protection.                       randum of Understanding (MoU)  ex-  lopment  –  particularly  in  the  fi eld  of   the lack of infrastructure and a severe   The  fi rst  private-sector  refi nery  of  Off-Gas Cracker (ROGC), and petcoke
                                         change  between IFRA and FICCI,  perfumery, something  also supported       cyclone that had hit Jamnagar then.  India single-handedly added 25%  to  gasifi cation plants.
          “India is a rising player in the global  building  upon IFRA-FICCI’s existing  by IFRA’s support of the Hindu
       fragrance sector and is a leading source  work together. IFRA was a co-founder  College  Perfumery Course – and the   GREENFIELD PROJECT
       of key fragrance ingredients,”  said  of the FICCI Fragrance  Task Force,  further progress in CIMAP’s sustain-  BPCL begins pre-project activities for proposed
       Ms. Martina Bianchini, President, IFRA.  and IFRA’s participation in the FICCI  able aroma clusters.

       TRADING TROUBLES                                                                                              refi nery in Andhra Pradesh
       Govt. starts countervailing duty probe on calcium                                                                Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.                                impact assessment, basic design engi-
                                                                                                                     (BPCL) has announced the commence-                                  neering package, front end engineering
       carbonate masterbatch imports from Vietnam                                                                    ment of pre-project  activities  for its                            design, etc.
                                                                                                                     greenfi eld  refi nery-cum-petrochemical
          The Directorate  General of  Trade  India from Vietnam at subsidised prices  of the different provinces and munici-  complex on  the  east coast in  Andhra                       BPCL is India’s third  largest oil
       Remedies (DGTR) has initiated a coun-  in signifi cant quantities for a prolonged  palities in which the producers/expor-  Pradesh. The estimated cost of the pro-                 refi ner behind State-owned Indian Oil
       tervailing  duty probe into increased  period, causing material  injury to it.  ters are located. Countervailing duty is a   ject  is Rs. 6,100-crore, the company                Corporation (IOC) and Reliance Indus-
       imports  of  calcium  carbonate  fi ller  They have also  alleged that the pro-  country-specifi c duty, which is imposed   informed in a stock exchange fi ling.                    tries Ltd. It currently owns refi neries at
       masterbatch from Vietnam following a  ducers/exporters  have  benefi tted  from  to safeguard domestic industry against                                                            Mumbai (12-mtpa), Kochi in Kerala
       complaint from domestic players.  the  actionable  subsidies provided  by  unfair trade subsidies provided by the   The pre-project activities  will in-  tifi cation & acquisition, preparation of  (15.5-mtpa) and Bina in Madhya Pradesh
                                         various levels in  the Government of  local  governments of the  exporting   clude various initial studies, land iden-  detailed feasibility report, environment  (7.8-mtpa).
          Compounds and Masterbatch Manu-  Vietnam,  including the  Governments  nations.
       facturers  Association  of India and                                                                          Paradeep Phosphates’ Goa plants resume operations
       Masterbatch  Manufacturers  Associa- Toagosei sets up new subsidiary
       tion  had  fi led  a  petition  before  the                                                                       Paradeep Phosphates Ltd. (PPL)  catalysts in the primary and secon-  plant. PPL is primarily engaged in the
       Directorate  on behalf  of the domestic   in India                                                            has resumed production at its ammonia  dary reformers, as well as in the low  manufacture of urea, di-ammonium
       industry for initiation of the probe.  Japanese company, Toagosei Co., has  strategic procurement opportunities.   and urea plants in Goa, the com-  temperature shift (LTS) converters.  phosphate (DAP), complex fertilisers
                                         announced  plans to  establish  a  subsid-  The new  subsidiary,  Toagosei India   pany informed on December 26, 2024.  During September 2024, the company  of NPK grades, and zypmite (a gyp-
          The  DGTR  in  a  notifi cation  has  iary in India, targeting  growth in the  Pvt. Ltd., will be based in Ahmedabad   Earlier on December 1, the company  had to shut down the ammonia and  sum-based product), with manufactur-
       said that the  applicants  have  alleged  IT and automotive  sectors  by lever-  and is expected to be operational  by   had informed about planned shutdown  urea plants at Goa for a week due to  ing facilities in Paradeep (Odisha) and
       that the product is being imported into  aging India’s economic expansion and  March 2025.                    of the plants in order to replace the  breakdown of equipment in the urea  Zuari Nagar (Goa).

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