Page 142 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
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       US-based Clean Core Thorium partners with NTPC

          An  Indian-promoted,  US-head-  which  it  calls ANEEL,  for Advanced   The  tie-up  with  NTPC  is  for  “ex-
       quartered  company,  Clean  Core  Nuclear  Energy  for  Enriched  Life,  ploring development & deployment of
       Thorium  Energy  (CCTE),  has  deve-  can  be  used  straightaway  into  India’s  ANEEL  fuel  in  India,  exploring  pos-
       loped  a  nuclear  fuel  that  can  enable  existing  Pressurised  Heavy  Water  sible  indigenisation  of  ANEEL  fuel
       India to tap into its abundant thorium  Reactors, thus enabling the use of the  manufacturing,  local  supply  chain
       resources.  It  has  announced  a  tie-up  huge thorium reserves that the country  development,   exploring   establish-
       with NTPC, India’s largest integrated  is blessed with.            ment of supply chain for HALEU and
       power company. This tie-up will help                               exploring  supply  of  Uranium  to  India
       NTPC  further  its  ambitions  in  the   India’s  thorium  reserves,  esti-  with  sovereign  guarantee,”  according
       nuclear  energy  sector,  into  which  it  mated to be a million tonnes, can last  to a press release.
       plans to foray.                   centuries, if not millennia, and is the
                                         country’s  biggest  energy  resource.   CCTE was set up in the US by Mehul
          This is the second tie-up that CCTE  Furthermore, ANEEL  is  also  prolife-  Shah, a Gujarati businessman. Lakshmi
       has  formed  with  an  Indian  company  ration-resistant. However, it is pertinent  Narayanan, former CEO of Cognizant;
       after L&T in October 2024.        to note that ANEEL is still undergoing  Dr. Anil Kakodkar, former Chairman of
                                         irradiation  tests  at  the  US  Idaho  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission;  and
          CCTE’s nuclear fuel is a combination  National  Laboratory.  Also,  the  use  M.  K.  Narayanan,  former  National
       of ‘high assay low enriched uranium’,  of  ANEEL  would  mean  importing  Security Adviser, are among the people
       or  HALEU,  and  thorium.  This  fuel,  HALEU from the US.         closely associated with CCTE.

       CCI gives nod to Hubergroup acquisition by Murugappa

       family promoted PE fi rm

          The  Competition  Commission  of  printing  auxiliaries  for  packaging,  annual  sales  of  around  €812-mn  in
       India  (CCI)  has  cleared  the  acquisi-  commercial, and newspaper printing.  2022. MAVCO is a private investment
       tion  of  Hubergroup,  a  258-year-old                             vehicle led by M.A.M. Arunachalam,
       German  printing  inks  and  chemicals   The  Chemicals  Division  produces  Vellayan Subbiah, and Arun Venkata-
       company, by a consortium of MAVCO  speciality  chemicals  such  as  resins,  chalam  of  the  Murugappa  family.
       Investments, which is a private invest-  laminating  adhesives,  pigments,  and  Avenue  Capital  Group  is  a  global
       ment vehicle of some members of the  additives at its plants in India. Huber-  investment  fi rm  focused  on  special
       Murugappa  group  family,  and  funds  group  employs  around  3,000  people  situations  investments  in  the  US,
       managed  by Avenue  Capital  Group,  a  in almost 30 countries and generated  Europe, and Asia.
       US-based global investment fi rm.
                                         Ashish Nayak resigns as CFO
          The  acquisition,  said  to  be  for
       $310-mn,  “marks  our  strategic  entry   at Punjab Chemicals
       into  the  global  print/packaging  solu-
       tions  and  allied  products,”  said   Mr. Ashish R. Nayak, Chief Finan-  from  his  duties  within  the  stipulated
       M.A.M. Arunachalam  (also  known  as  cial  Offi cer  (CFO)  &  Vice  President  time  as  per  terms  of  his  appointment
       Arun  Murugappan).  The  consortium  Finance  &  Accounts,  Punjab  Chemi-  and the rules of the company. PCCPL
       is  buying  out  the  current  owner,  cals and Crop Protection Ltd. (PCCPL)  produces   various   agrochemicals
       Corne-lius Treuhand Holding.      has  resigned  from  the  services  of  the  (technical  and  formulations),  APIs,
                                         company due to personal reasons. The  pharmaceutical  intermediates,  phos-
          Hubergroup’s Print Solutions Divi-  management  has  accepted  Ashish’s  phorous  derivatives,  and  speciality
       sion  produces  inks,  varnishes,  and  resignation.  Nayak  will  be  relieved  chemicals.

       142                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025

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