Page 135 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 135

Top Stories                      FOR YOUR DIRECT IMPORT

        Ø Vitride 70% In Toluene                           Ø Ethyl Vinyl Ether

 Four killed in gas leak at Gujarat Fluorochemicals’   Ø Dimethyl Sulphoxide  Ø 2,2,2 Trichloro Acetophenone

 Bharuch unit
        Ø Dimethyl Sulphide
 A gas leak at Gujarat Fluorochemi-  Mahidad in one or more tranches. This   Ø 3-Methyl Benzyl Chloride
 cals Ltd.’s (GFL) Bharuch facility has   investment will be used to support
 claimed four lives. As per a company   IGREL Mahidad’s capital expenditure,   Ø Phenothiazine
 stock  market  fi ling,  the  incident  oc-  said the company.  Ø Pivalic Acid
 curred at the CMS-1  plant in Dahej
 on December 28, 2024. The deceased   GFL said it will also be investing up   Ø Cyclopentyl Methyl Ether -CPME
 included one  company  employee and   to Rs. 200-crore in Flurry Wind Energy   Ø 2,3 Dichloro Toluene
 three contractual workers.  (FWEPL), a promoter-owned company,
 for a 26% stake.  Ø P-Chloro Benzotrifluoride
 The  company  said  that  the  plant’s  full settlement of statutory dues, insur-  Ø 2,4 Dichloro Toluene
 operations were temporarily  disrupted  ance benefi ts, and pending salaries. Ad-  “The fund being infused in FWEPL   Ø P-Tertiary Butyl Phenol
 but added that the incident was imme-  ditionally, to support the family of the  is to support  the  capital  expenditure
 diately detected and contained by their  deceased  employee,  the  company  is  requirements of FWEPL,” said the com-  Ø 2,6 Dichloro Toluene
 team.  However,  the  four  individuals  offering employment to one of his depen-  pany,  adding  that  FWEPL  will  gene-  Ø Thiophene
 in the windward direction had experi-  dents and sponsoring their education.  rate wind electricity to supply to GFL.
 enced adverse  health effects.  Despite                   Ø 2,6 Dichloro Benzaldehyde
 the company’s efforts, they succumbed  Sale of captive power plant to subsi-  A power purchase agreement  was   Ø Thiophene 2 Ethanol
 to  their  complications,  the  company  diary  also signed between GFL and IGREL
 statement said.  In  another  unrelated  development,  Mahidad as well as Flurry Wind Energy   Ø Aniline Oil
 GFL approved the  slump sale of a  at the rate of Rs. 4 per unit, based on the   Ø Fluorobenzene
 “We have initiated a thorough study  57-MW captive power plant to wholly-  number  of units generated.  GFL will
 to determine the root cause of this inci-  owned  subsidiary,  IGREL  Mahidad  purchase 107-MW and 350-MW power   Ø Benzotrifluoride
 dent. Our team is working closely with  for  a  lump  sum consideration  of  from IGREL Mahidad and Flurry Wind   Ø M-Chloro Benzyl Chloride
 authorities,  and  we  are  fully  commit-  Rs. 200-crore.  Energy respectively, and aims to utilise
 ted to implementing all corrective and   it to meet the requirements of com-  Ø O-Chloro Benzyl Chloride  Ø 2-Chloro Pyridine
 preventive measures  to ensure such   IGREL Mahidad is into generation,  pany’s plants.
 an event does not recur,” the company  purchase,  and  T&D  (transmission  &
 said.  distribution) of electricity from conven-  The  company  recently  raised   Ø O-Chloro Benzaldehyde  Ø O-Chloro Toluene
 tional and  non-conventional sources.  Rs. 1,000-crore in subsidiary GFCL EV
 GFL  announced that each affected  The  board  of  GFL  also  approved  an  at  a  valuation  of  Rs.  25,000-crore,  in
 family would receive an ex-gratia  investment  of  up  to  Rs.  40-crore  by  order to meet  the capex requirements   Ø P-Chloro Benzoyl Chloride  Ø P-Chloro Toluene
 amount of Rs. 30-lakhs, along with the  subscribing  equity  shares  of  IGREL  for new business.
                                           For further details please contact:
 Alkyl Amines Chemicals reports fatal incident   S. Amit SpeciAlity chemicAlS pvt. ltd.

 at Kurkumbh plant                 A TRUSTED NAME FOR IMPORT OF YOUR CHEMICALS
                           101 ‘A’ Neelam Centre, 249-B Hind Cycle Road, Worli, Mumbai  400 030.
 Alkyl Amines Chemicals  Ltd. has  treatment  at  Surya  Burns  Hospital,  working towards resuming normal ope-  Tel.: 022-4001 3000 / 4001 3007  l Fax: 91-22-4001 3030 / 2493 7925
 recently  informed exchanges  about a  Pune, the offi cer succumbed to injuries  rations as soon as possible.” The compa-  Email: / /  l Web.:
 tragic incident at its Derivatives Plant  the next morning.  ny also stated that the plant’s assets are   Hyderabad Office: Tel/Fax 040-40038739
 in  Kurkumbh,  Pune. As  per  the  com-  adequately insured. Alkyl Amines sup-
 pany,  on  December  28,  2024,  at  ap-  The company said the incident may  plies aliphatic amines, speciality amines,
 proximately  6:15  am,  a  residue  tank  lead to temporary disruption of opera-  and amine derivatives to the pharmaceu-
 ruptured,  causing  severe  burn  injuries  tions  at  the  affected  plant,  and  that  it  tical,  agrochemical,  water  treatment,
 to an attending offi cer. Despite receiving  is  “actively assessing  the  damage  and  rubber chemical, and other industries.  S. Amit Group of Companies
 134  Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025  Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025                               135
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