Page 166 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 166

8th Global Summit on Process Safety

       sector participants recorded volume  remain stable over the remaining FY25  10%) and 9.3% (8.2%; 5.4%), respec-
       growth both domestically  and in the  amid healthy market dynamics. Mar-  tively. Margins within the pigment seg-
       export market, although prices remained  gins within the dyes segment improved  ment  in 2QFY25 are on par with the
       weak. Domestic demand  remained  over 1HFY25,  in line with demand  median segment margins  witnessed
       better than export demand. The better-  recovery seen within the textiles sector.  over the past 30 quarters. The margin
       than-normal  monsoons in the  Kharif  The agency expects the performance  recovery within the pigments segment
       season supported 2QFY25,  although  of the dyes segment to improve further  has been better and quicker, consider-
       there was some delay and incessant  gradually over the remaining FY25,  ing the diverse end-use applications
       rainfall  in certain parts.  The higher  considering the likely low-but-modest  across  paints, printing inks,  ceramics,
       reservoir and soil moisture levels amid  demand growth in textiles  globally,  plastics, and cosmetics, compared  to
       gradually depleting high-cost invento-  especially  from the EU and US.  The  dyes which  are primarily  dependent
       ries could aid  sector  participants over  domestic textile demand growth momen-  on the textile  sector where the global
       2HFY25.  The sector recorded 6-7%  tum is expected to be sustained in FY25  demand has been weak.
       y-o-y revenue growth in 2Q, primarily  in line with the Private Final Consump-
       due to higher sales volumes led by a  tion Expenditure growth of around 7%  Strong margins within certain
       higher domestic demand though pro-  y-o-y, thereby supporting players with  chemistries; some improvement
       duct prices remained benign.      a large domestic share. Ind-Ra expects  across others
                                         the dyes segment in FY25  to record   Ind-Ra has assessed quarterly mar-
          The sectoral margins were largely  weaker margins  than the pigments  gins across various chemistries  since
       on par y-o-y and q-o-q at around  segment  which  has  more  diversifi ed  FY18 (30 quarters) to understand their
       13.4%  in  2QFY25  (1QFY25: 13.3%;  end-uses.                      2QFY25  margins against the average
       2QFY24: 14.2%), led by players with                                margin  profi le  within  the  chemistry.
       a higher domestic market share which   The sector recorded revenue growth  The pigments, styrene, oleochemicals,
       recorded a strong improvement in volu-  of 23% y-o-y in 2QFY25  (dyes: up  thermoplastics and  carbon black seg-
       mes y-o-y. Sector players with a large  15% y-o-y; pigments: up 33% y-o-y),  ments recorded margins higher than its
       export share recorded lower margins  refl ecting a continued recovery in ope-  average margin profi le. On the fl ipside,
       y-o-y, despite some volume improvement  rations  over 1HFY25 after  weak fun-  soda  ash,  caustic  soda,  benzene,  fl uo-
       due to the weak pricing environment.  damentals were witnessed over FY24.  rine,  dyes, PVC and amines  recorded
                                         In 2QFY25, the overall  sector mar-  2QFY25 margins lower than the aver-
       Pigments continue to record robust   gins improved y-o-y to around 10%  age margin profi le. However, margins
       margins; margin recovery within   (1QFY25: 10.7%;  2QFY24: 7.4%)  across these chemistries showed some
       dyes segment                      with the margin recorded by pigments  semblance of improvement in 2QFY25
          Ind-Ra expects pigment margins to  and dyes segments being 13% (13.3%;  y-o-y.

                              FY21               FY22               FY23              FY24       FY25
       Chemical segment (%)  1Q  2Q  3Q  4Q  1Q  2Q  3Q  4Q   1Q  2Q   3Q  4Q   1Q   2Q  3Q   4Q  1Q   2Q
       Soda ash         16   16  20   14   20   17   19   22  27   24  24   22  29   21  15   15  16   17
       Pthalic anhydride  1  17  27   32   24   19   22   23  17   13   8   2    9   4   -5   3    8   6
       Caustic soda     14   19  16   14   20   16   28   28  34   25  24   17  13   10  11   9   15   13
       Benzene          25   26  25   24   23   21   33   21  19   18  19   19  17   18  17   16  17   15
       Fluorine         25   27  25   24   25   25   27   27  27   25  27   28  23   19  20   19  19   18
       PVC               6   24  34   34   24   34   28   19  10  -16   3   16  10   12   8   14  17   12
       Dyes              1   9   14   13   11    11  13   9   8    6    5   7    7   5    6   6    8   8
       Pigments         17   18  18   14   14    11  11   11  10   10   7   6    9   10  11   13  14   14
       Styrene          -6   17  27   29   22    17  17   21  17   7   10   12   8   10  10   11  11   0
       Oleo chemicals   17   17  17   15   13    11  11   18  18   17  18   19  19   16  15   16  17   18
       Thermoplastics   -11  16  37   40   33    30  21   23  18   10  10   9   13   15  13   14  15   15
       Amines           28   29  32   32   29    22  20   19  25   20  16   17  20   14  19   22  19   18
       Carbon black      7   14  19   16   13    13  11   9   11   11  11   13  15   16  17   17  17   18
                                Fig. 3: Bottom of cycle conditions in FY24; gradual recovery over FY25
       Source: Company quarterly results & presentations, Ind-Ra

       166                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024

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