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8th Global Summit on Process Safety                              8th Global Summit on Process Safety


 Single-digit growth likely in 2HFY25; Weak pricing

 could defer margin recovery to FY26

 ndia Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra)  and agrochemical  segments remained   SIDDHARTH REGO
 has published the fi fth edition of its  fl attish  to  lower  y-o-y  in  2QFY25,   Associate Director
 IChemical Insights  Report cover-  although  those within  the  dyes and   Corporate Ratings
 ing the quarterly performance  trends  pigment segment have improved due to an   Ind-Ra
 of  the  chemicals sector. The report  improving textile demand. Despite the
 contains a  detailed review of revenue  subdued sectoral margin levels, the sec-  the agrochemicals  sector. However,
 growth, EBITDA margins, and price  toral absolute EBITDA could be high-  the 2QFY25 margins remained range-
 trends across key chemicals, i.e., com-  er y-o-y in FY25 due to the revenue  bound at  13.2% (1QFY25: 13.5%;
 modity chemicals, specialty chemicals,  growth on the back of a low FY24 reve-  2QFY24:  13.9%), and well below
 agrochemicals, dyes & pigments and  nue base. Notwithstanding a weakness  the  past six-year average  of around   Fig. 2: Comfortable credit metrics
 various key chemistries, i.e., soda ash,  from the medians levels, the credit met-  16%, largely due to the weak pricing   Source: Company quarterly results & presentations, Ind-Ra
 caustic  soda,  benzene,  fl uorine,  poly-  rics are expected to remain comfort-  environment.  Margins are likely  to   coverage of over 2x during the quarter,   While revenue growth was seen  movements  to customers remaining
 vinyl chloride (PVC), oleochemicals,  able at the sector level, refl ecting there-  gradually  recover over FY25, with a   indicating limited pockets of stress. Fur-  across CRAMS, non-CRAMs, and tech/  critical  to mitigate margin volatility.
 amines,  phthalic anhydride, carbon  latively comfortable debt servicing abi-  y-o-y improvement; but are unlikely to   thermore, the net leverage in 1HFY25  green segments, each  segment wit-  Caustic soda (24%) and soda ash (21%)
 black, thermoplastics, and styrene.  lity with pockets of stress being limited.  recover  to the mid-cycle  levels of   stood at around 1.3x (1HFY24: 1.2x;  nessed a slight contraction in the mar-  collectively account for around 45% of
 around 16%% witnessed over FY23.  FY24:  1.6x),  refl ecting  the  adequate  gins.  The specialty chemical  segment  the overall commodity sectoral turn-
 The domestic chemical  sector  is  High single-digit growth to continue;   borrowing headroom available.  EBITDA margins were at 15.2% in  over. The commodities segment revenue
 likely to witness continued single-digit  recovery in profi tability to be gradual  Credit metrics largely comfortable      2QFY25 (1QFY25: 16.1%; 2QFY24:  in 2QFY25 rose 2% y-o-y, led by volume
 growth in revenue over 2HFY25, led by   After the 5.4% y-o-y growth in  despite rise in debt  Specialty chemicals EBITDA to   16.8%). CRAMS segment  (which is  growth  in caustic soda  and soda  ash,
 a gradual demand rebound. The sector  revenue in 1HFY25,  Ind-Ra expects   Despite the subdued operating en-  grow y-o-y despite limited upside to   largely skewed towards pharma and  amid a weak pricing environment.
 revenue grew 7% y-o-y in 2QFY25 –  the  chemical  sector  to record  mid-to-  vironment, the sectoral gross interest   margins; volumes to drive growth  agrochem)  players with  a  large expo-
 highest since 3QFY23, largely attribut-  high single-digit growth in revenue in  coverage (interest expense/operational   Ind-Ra expects the specialty chemi-  sure to agrochem continued to witness   While caustic soda witnessed some
 ed to the specialty chemicals segment.  2HFY25  with a gradual recovery in  EBITDA (excluding other income) re-  cals segment to record higher absolute  margin pressures due to weak pricing  recovery in margins, soda ash registered
 However,  prices  could remain under  demand.  The domestic chemical  sec-  mained comfortable at around 4.9x in   EBITDA y-o-y in FY25, led by higher  as the  destocking of channel  invento-  a fall.  While  improving sequentially,
 pressure,  resulting  in  a  limited  reco-  tor’s revenue grew 7% y-o-y– highest  2QFY23 (1QFY25: 5.5x; 2QFY24:   volumes supporting higher revenues  ries continued with improvement  ex-  soda ash margins were lower y-o-y at
 very in EBITDA margins as witnessed  since  3QFY23 in  2QFY25, of which  5.8x),  refl ecting  the  relatively  strong   and mitigating minimal margin growth.  pected  only  over  2H.  On  the  fl ipside,  17.2%  in  2QFY25  (1QFY25: 16.3%;
 in 1HFY25 (13.4%, 1HFY24:  14%).  around half is attributable  to the spe-  debt servicing ability within the sector.   The specialty chemical revenue wit-  players catering  to tech/green space,  2QFY24: 21.2%) due to the lower
 Margins within commodity, specialty  cialty chemicals  sector and a third to  85% of the entities reported an interest   nessed volume-led growth of 11%  surfactants (oleochemicals),  aromatics  prices y-o-y. Caustic soda margins
       y-o-y in 2QFY25 even as prices remain  (amines) continued to record strong  improved y-o-y to 13.4%  in 2QFY25
       lacklustre.  However, this comes on a  margins in 2QFY25.          (1QFY25: 14.4%; 2QFY24: 9.7%) as
       low revenue  base of FY24 when the                                 inventory losses came to a halt with
       revenue had dipped due to weak pricing  Commodity chemicals still under   prices bottoming out in FY24.
       and limited volume offtake. The reve-  pressure but margins to see some
       nue growth was primarily driven by the  recovery                      Higher prices  y-o-y were the  key
       non-CRAMS segment where the reve-   Ind-Ra expects soda ash margins  revenue  driver for petrochemicals.
       nue had grown 12.4% y-o-y. CRAMs  to improve slightly in FY25, if prices  The sectoral margins were at around
       segment’s revenues grew around 5%  are range bound. Furthermore, margins  10.7%  in  2QFY25  (1QFY25: 10.9%;
       y-o-y in 2QFY25, with volume growth  within the caustic soda segment are  2QFY24: 11%), on par q-o-q but lower
       being balanced by weak pricing. Play-  expected  to improve slightly  in FY25  y-o-y (4QFY24: 10.3%;  1QFY24:
       ers within the tech/green chemicals  y-o-y, despite the large domestic over-  12.6%).
       space recorded strong 13.5% y-o-y  supply with  inventory  losses abating.
       revenue growthin 2QFY25,  primarily  Margins within chemicals  such as  Easing of channel inventory to support
       due to the strong volume growth within  styrene  and  phthalic anhydride are  agrochem players in 4Q; prices to
       performance chemicals  and specialty  expected to remain volatile, with swift-  remain benign
 Fig. 1: Sector revenue sustains y-o-y in 2QFY25 driven by higher volumes
 Source: Company quarterly results & presentations, Ind-Ra  additives segments.  ness in passing on raw material  price   Within the  agochemicals segment,

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