Page 171 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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Special Report                                                                   Special Report

 A shortage of inspectors curtailing FDA inspections:   Inspections       address investigator vacancies;  partial
                                                                          fi scal year 2024 was the most recently
 The impact on pharma  2,000                 COVID-19 public health emergency,  available data when  GAO  conducted
                                                                          its analysis. GAO  also interviewed
                                             January 2020 – May 2023
                                                      July 2021 normal domestic  offi cials about their efforts to maintain a
 DA conducted  621 foreign and  inspection responsibilities were al-  1,500  inspection operations resume  suffi cient pool of drug investigators,and
 444 domestic inspections in fi s-  ready complicated by a manufacturing   PATRICIA VAN ARNUM  March 2022 normal  it reviewed FDA documents related
                                                             foreign inspection
 Fcal  year 2023, which  was up  supply  chain that has  become increa-  Editorial Director, DCAT  operations resume  to workforce planning and investiga-
 from  pandemic  levels  when  in-person  singly global. As of September  2023,   1,000  tor recruitment and hiring. In addition,
 inspections were paused, but 36% fewer  58% of establishments  registered  pandemic, but inspection totals remained   GA interviewed investigators regarding
 than pre-pandemic levels. A shortage of  with FDA to manufacture  drugs  for  below pre-pandemic totals due to re-  500  their  experiences  conducting  in-person
 inspectors is a major factor. What’s the  the US market were located overseas,  duced investigator capacity. As a part of   inspections, including challenges
 impact on Pharma?.  according  to a recent  analysis by the  resuming in-person inspections, FDA   related  to  inspection  staffi ng.  GAO
 US Government Accountability Offi ce  implemented  several pilot measures   0  compared FDA’s efforts and action
 A two-fold problem  (GAO) (GAO is an independent, non-  to facilitate the inspection of foreign   2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023  plans to maintain its drug investigator
 The COVID-19  pandemic signi-  partisan government agency within  drug establishments, including a pilot   Fiscal year  workforce against selected  leading
 fi cantly  disrupted  the  ability  of  the  the legislative branch that provides  program for unannounced inspections   Domestic  practices for retention previously iden-
 US Food and Drug  Administration’s  auditing, evaluative, and  investigative  of  foreign  facilities  and  fi nalized  the   Foreign  tifi ed by GAO.
 (FDA) to inspect  drug manufacturing  services for the US  Congress).  These  design of  the independent interpreter   Fig. 2: FDA Foreign and Domestic Drug Inspections, Fiscal Years 2016 – 2023
 establishments  in person. Beginning  include  establishments  making both  pilot.  Source: GAO analysis of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection data. / GAO-25-106775  General pool of investigators based
 in March 2020, FDA largely  paused  active  pharmaceutical  ingredients and   who conduct domestic and foreign drug  interest  in or skills relevant  to travel,  in the US
 foreign and domestic drug inspections.  fi nished  dosage  forms. As  of  January   In fi scal year 2023, FDA conducted   manufacturing inspections.  such as former Peace Corps volunteers.   Most of the current drug investiga-
 In response to these disruptions, FDA  2024, FDA data showed that India and  more drug inspections than it had since      General pool of investigators – In-  FDA also increased the cash incen-  tor vacancies are in the general pool of
 relied on the use of alternative inspection  China  had the most foreign  establish-  pausing most inspections in March   vestigators  based in  the  US who  tive for completed foreign trips and  investigators, which is the largest group
 tools. Such tools included the review  ments manufacturing drugs for the US  2020, at the start of the COVID- 19 pan-  primarily conduct domestic inspec-  launched a three-part training series on  of investigators and conducts the majo-
 of inspection reports from other trusted  market, with nearly 40% of all foreign  demic, but did not reach pre-pandemic   tions, but who also conduct foreign  foreign travel. As a result of these ef-  rity of domestic and foreign inspections.
 foreign regulators and the remote  establishments  in these two countries  inspection totals. These data show FDA   inspections.  forts, GAO determined  that  FDA had  There  are about 230 total  authorized
 assessment of information from manu-  (Figure 1).  conducted 1,065 total inspections in      Dedicated foreign drug cadre  – A  partially implemented its recommenda-  investigator positions in this pool, ac-
 facturing  establishments. While  FDA   fi scal year 2023, a 40% increase from   US-based group of investigators  tion. As of July 2024, FDA stated that  cording to the GAO analysis. GAO pre-
 generally had the authority to use these  Inspections of domestic versus   fi scal  year  2022.  However,  this  total   who specialize  in foreign inspec-  it planned to form a work group to ad-  viously reported that  from December
 tools prior to the pandemic, it had not  foreign manufacturing facilities  was 36% below the 1,671 inspections   tions.  dress recruitment challenges specifi c to  2019 to November 2021, FDA made
 used them extensively.  By  the  start  of  fi scal  year  2023,  conducted in fi scal year 2019, the last      Foreign  offi ce  investigators – In-  the foreign offi ces but had not done so.,  progress in hiring for the general pool
 FDA had resumed conducting  in-  full year before the start of the pandemic   vestigators based in FDA’s India or  according  to GAO report. However,  of investigators. According to FDA, in
 Prior to the pandemic,  however,  person inspections paused during the  (Figure 2).  China offi ces.  FDA stated that its Offi ce of Regulatory  November 2021, there were 20 vacan-
                                         Affairs and the Offi ce of Global Policy  cies in this pool (a 9% vacancy rate).
 The number of inspections FDA   GAO  previously  identifi ed  persis-  and Strategy continued to work together  However, as of June 2024, the number
 United   conducted was limited by reduced   tent vacancies among these three groups  to address challenges related to the  of vacancies had increased to 37, a
 Canada  Kingdom  investigator capacity, according to FDA
 France  Germany  of investigators  and recommended  recruitment and retention of foreign  16% vacancy rate (Figure 3).
 United States  Spain  Italy  offi cials.  In  its  report,  GAO  said  that   that FDA  develop  strategies focused  offi ce investigators.
 China  Japan
 FDA  offi cials  told  the  GAO  that  they   on the  recruitment  and retention of   Dedicated foreign drug cadre investi-
 India  South Korea  anticipate that fi scal year 2024 inspec-  investigators who specialize in foreign  Further examining the problem  gators
 tion totals will be higher than fi scal year   inspections. FDA agreed with GAO’s   To examine vacancies in FDA’s   FDA recruited more investigators
 2023 but will remain  below pre-pan-  recommendation  and in response, in  drug investigator workforce and  the  into the dedicated foreign cadre and
 demic levels due to continued reduced   December 2021, FDA formed the GAO  agency’s efforts to address them, GAO  expanded the number of possible posi-
 investigator capacity.  Recruitment and Retention Action Plan  analysed FDA data on the number of  tions, though vacancies remain, accord-
       Work Group, which developed six tai-  authorized, fi lled, vacant, newly hired,  ing to the GAO analysis. As  of  June
 FDA’s inspection workforce  lored strategies to recruit,  develop,  and departing investigator positions for  2024, 18 of the 21 cadre positions were
 Manufacturing Establishments  1500+  400-600  100-399  79-99  To understand this inspector short-  and retain investigators for the foreign  fi scal years 2022 through June 30, 2024  fi lled, compared to 10 of 20 positions
 Fig.1: Number of Establishments in the US and the 10 Countries with the Most Foreign Drug   age, it is fi rst important to know how   drug cadre and the foreign offi ces. For  (partial  fi scal  year  2024).  Fiscal  year  as of November 2021. Although FDA
 Establishments Manufactruring Drugs for the US Market, as of January 2024.  FDA staffs its inspection  workforce.   example, FDA participated in recruiting  2022 was the fi rst full fi scal year since  has  not  yet  fi lled  every  vacancy,  ac-
 Source: GAO analysis of Food and Drug Administration data (data); National Atlas (base map). /GAO-25-106775  FDA has three groups of investigators   events and outreach to individuals with  GAO last reported on FDA’s efforts to  cording to offi cials, FDA increased the

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