Page 160 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 160
Interview Interview
POLYMER ADDITIVES signifi cantly infl uencing market stan- its advanced R&D capabilities to cre- What are the options? Ca-Zn or
dards and customer preferences. Our ate superior formulations that meet Tin-based stabilisers?
‘Greenfi eld facility for PVC & CPVC additives in Egypt lead-free stabilisers, which have seen the evolving demands of the industry. The industry is actively working
a 20% increase in production capa- This focus on innovation allows Plati- towards phasing out lead-based stabi-
will serve markets in North Africa and Middle East: city this year, offer our customers safer, num to stay ahead of market trends lisers in favour of safer alternatives.
more sustainable options without and regulatory changes. Furthermore, The primary options being consi-
Platinum Industries compromising on performance – a the company prioritises sustainability dered include calcium-zinc (Ca-Zn)
value proposition that is increasingly by developing eco-friendly products, and calcium organic stabilisers, both
tabilisers/additives play a cru- How is the industry responding to becoming a differentiator in the mar- which resonates well with customers of which are recognised and most
cial role in the processing of the challenge of using alternates to ketplace. The successful integration looking for compliant and respon- preferred for their environmental
Spolyvinyl chloride (PVC), a lead-based stabilisers? Which end- of these products into our portfolio sible solutions. Our ability to provide benefi ts and compliance with regula-
versatile polymer that has a wide use sectors are more receptive to marks the beginning of a broader tailored solutions and personalised tory standards. The transition to these
range of uses across various indus- these safer stabilisation options? transition toward sustainability that is support further distinguishes us from alternatives is not only a response to
tries. Its applications include indus- The industry is actively respond- materialising across the globe. competitors. regulatory pressures but also refl ects
tries like construction, electrical, ing to the challenges posed by the a broader commitment to sustainabi-
healthcare, consumer goods, automo- use of lead-based stabilisers, pri- What is your estimate of the What are the major impediments to lity within the industry.
tive and packaging, to name a few. marily due to increasing regulatory market for PVC heat stabilisers in growth of the market?
In India, almost 72% of the PVC pressures and a growing societal India? What is the share that your The growth of the PVC additives Manufacturers are exploring these
consumed is used in the construction demand for safer, more environmentally company has? market faces several signifi cant im- options as part of their long-term
industry – mainly for the manufacturing friendly alternatives. As regulations In 2024, the PVC stabilisers con- pediments. One of the primary chal- strategies to ensure that their pro-
of pipes and fi ttings. tighten around hazardous substances, sumption was approximately 200,000 lenges is navigating the complex ducts remain competitive and aligned
Mr. Krishna Dushyant Rana manufacturers are pivoting towards tonnes and is expected to grow at a regulatory landscape, which requires with market demands for safer, eco-
Platinum Industries Ltd., a pub- How has the market for PVC lead-free options. End-use sectors rate of 6% CAGR. Platinum Indus- manufacturers to continuously adapt friendly solutions.
licly-listed manufacturer of PVC and additives growth in FY24? What such as construction, packaging, and tries, ranked as the third-largest player to changing standards and compli-
CPVC additives in India, ranked the are some of the drivers for this healthcare are particularly receptive in India’s domestic PVC stabiliser ance requirements. Additionally, the What are your expansion plans?
third-largest player in India’s PVC growth? to these safer stabilisation options. market, holds an approximate 13% need for ongoing innovation to meet Platinum Industries has laid out
stabiliser market by ratings agency The market for PVC additives These sectors are increasingly priori- market share, according to a CRISIL these evolving standards can strain ambitious expansion plans to en-
CRISIL, is strategically expanding its experienced a robust growth in FY24, tising sustainability and compliance report. resources and require substantial in- hance its production capabilities and
footprint globally, even as it responds driven by several key factors. One of with environmental standards, which vestment. Competition from both market reach. A signifi cant initiative
to the evolution of the market to safer the primary drivers is the rapid urbani- makes lead-free stabilisers an attrac- Our growth strategy focuses on organised and unorganised sectors is the establishment of a new green-
and greener alternatives to lead-based sation and infrastructure develop- tive choice. The shift not only aligns strengthening R&D to deliver inno- also poses a challenge, as it can lead to fi eld manufacturing facility in Egypt,
stabiliser systems. The company was ment occurring across India, which with regulatory requirements but also vative, environmentally friendly solu- price pressures and market fragmen- which is strategically positioned to
among the fi rst few in India to intro- has led to an increased demand for meets the expectations of consumers tions. By staying at the forefront of tation. Moreover, the transition to serve as a hub for PVC stabilisers and
duce lead-free additives back in 2016, durable and high-performance mate- who are becoming more conscious of industry trends, we aim to introduce safer alternatives, such as lead-free CPVC additives in the North African
which enabled several large PVC rials. Sectors such as construction, the environmental impact of the pro- high-performance products that meet stabilisers, may require manufactur- and Middle Eastern markets. This
processors to phase out lead usage in packaging, and automotive are parti- ducts they use. changing regulatory requirements ers to invest in new technologies and facility is expected to operationalise in
pipes, in compliance with the direc- cularly infl uential in this growth, as and cater to the evolving needs of our processes, which can be a barrier to phases, with the fi rst phase targeting a
tive issued by the Ministry of Envi- they require additives that enhance At Platinum Industries, our growth customers. growth for some companies. capacity of 12,000-tpa, anticipated to
ronment, Forest & Climate Change in the properties of PVC products, such strategy encompasses doubling down be operational by the second quarter
2017. This pioneering innovation was as pipes, electrical wires, and various on research and development to There are several players in the Some other challenges include of FY 2025-26.
a turning point and a catalyst for the packaging materials. Additionally, introduce a range of groundbreaking, organised sector making PVC stabi- those in self-compounding, like high
company’s rapid growth. the healthcare sector is also contribut- and cutting-edge products that meet lisers. How is your company distin- quality raw materials sourcing, inven- In addition to the Egypt facility,
ing to this demand, as it increasingly the latest environmental standards guishing itself from the competition? tory management, material handling the company is also expanding its
In this interview, conducted by relies on PVC for medical devices and customer expectations. In 2021, Platinum Industries sets itself challenges and maintaining quality operations in Palghar, which will bolster
email, Mr. Krishna Dushyant Rana, and packaging solutions. Platinum became one of the fi rst com- apart from competitors in the orga- control as variability in raw materi- its domestic production capacity and
Chairman & Managing Director, Plati- panies in India to offer lead-free sta- nised sector by emphasising on a als can signifi cantly impact the fi nal enable it to meet the growing demand
num Industries, outlines the business The overall growth in these sec- bilisers. This development was not strong commitment to innovation, product, leading to inconsistencies in India. These expansion efforts are
plans for the company that will set tors is expected to signifi cantly boost just a response to increasing envi- quality, and customer-centric solu- and additional waste. part of Platinum’s broader strategy
the next phase of growth, including the consumption of PVC additives in ronmental concerns but also a testa- tions. As the only publicly listed manu- to enhance its global footprint and
setting up overseas manufacturing the coming years as well, positioning ment to the company’s commitment facturer of PVC additives and stabi- What is the industry plan for strengthen its position in the specialty
plants. Excerpts from the interview: the market for a promising future. to sustainability and health safety, lisers in India, the company leverages phasing out lead from the market? chemicals sector.
160 Chemical Weekly December 31, 2024 Chemical Weekly December 31, 2024 161
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