Page 143 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 143


       RCF explores rock phosphate supply from Mauritania

          Public sector fertiliser  producer,                             ernment’s decision to classify the fertili-
       Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers                                ser sector as a “Non-Strategic Sector,”
       (RCF), is actively exploring opportu-                              which pushes for disinvestment of pub-
       nities to source rock phosphate from                               lic sector undertakings (PSUs),  while
       Mauritania, even as other Indian ferti-                            categorising phosphatic and potassic
       liser  companies  are  fi nalising  memo-                           minerals  as “Critical  and Strategic.”
       randums of understanding (MoUs) with                               The  committee called this  approach
       suppliers in Togo.                                                 contradictory.

          These  efforts are  part  of India’s                            Preferential allotment for PSUs
       strategic initiative to secure an uninter-                            The panel urged the government
       rupted supply of critical crop nutrients.                          to prioritise PSUs  in mineral mine
                                                                          allotments. It emphasized the historical
          The Parliamentary  Standing Com-  Russia, and Belarus  to secure raw  importance  of PSUs in fertiliser pro-
       mittee  on Chemicals and Fertilizers  materials at competitive prices.  duction and recommended  granting
       has highlighted  the government’s role                             them preferential access to critical
       in facilitating partnerships with re-  Concerns over mineral mine auctions  mineral resources.
       source-rich nations.  According to the   The committee expressed concerns
       committee’s report, the Department  about recent  policy  changes by the  Transitioning to direct cash transfers
       of Fertilisers (DoF) has been encour-  Ministry of Mines.  The inclusion of   Since  2018, the government  has
       aging Indian companies to establish  phosphatic and potassic minerals in the  implemented  Direct  Benefi t  Transfer
       agreements, MoUs, and joint ventures  list of ‘Critical and Strategic Minerals’  (DBT) in fertilisers, providing  100%
       with international suppliers to ensure a  has opened these resources for auction,  subsidy payments to manufacturers
       steady supply of raw materials, inter-  prioritising state revenue. This change  based on actual sales.
       mediates, and fi nished fertilisers.  requires fertiliser  companies to com-
                                         pete in auctions for new mineral mines.  The committee suggested it is time
          The  DoF has initiated  discussions                             to shift to a direct cash transfer model
       with representatives from Togo, Nauru,   The report also criticised  the gov-  for greater effi ciency and transparency.

       Casale’s technology successfully commissioned

       at RCF AN plant

          Technology and engineering company   “This project  represents another  a blog post by Casale on their website
       Casale has announced the successful  successful implementation of Casale’s  said. Casale provided the license, process
       commissioning and start-up of the new  proprietary  NitroPIPE technology in  design package, proprietary items, and
       425-tpd (tonnes per day) ammonium  India,  reinforcing  the  effi ciency,  reli-  review of key engineering documents,
       nitrate (AN) melt facility for Rashtriya  ability, and innovation of our advanced  working closely  with  Larsen & Toubro
       Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. (RCF)  process solutions.           as the main EPC contractor to ensure
       at their  Trombay site. Executed on                                seamless execution and commissioning.
       an LSTK basis by Larsen &  Toubro   The plant’s exceptional performance  In November 2024, the plant successfully
       (Energy Hydrocarbon Division), the  underscores the value of our technology  passed the guarantee test run, confi rming
       plant has exceeded performance expec-  in delivering superior results, ensuring  its performance in terms of production
       tations, marking a major milestone for  high operational effi ciency, and support-  capacity, product quality, and environ-
       Casale and the Indian nitrates industry.  ing sustainable production practices,”  mental compliance.

       Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024                                                              143

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