Page 124 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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       Global meet calls for gender-sensitivity when tackling                                                                            CYCLOPENTYL METHYL ETHER

       exposure to chemicals                                                                                                                         CAS NO: 5614-37-9
          Every year lakhs of people die                                  equality and empower all women and                                                                    3
       prematurely due to pollution. Men                                  girls’.
       and women are not affected equally                                                                                Physical Properties
       due to a combination of biological                                    Amongst those present in the First          • Highly Hydrophobic Ether Solvent
       and social factors. To address the pol-                            Assembly of the G&CP were dele-                • High Boiling Point - 106 °C (223 °F)
       lution crisis with a gender-responsive                             gates of United Nations Development            • Low Peroxide Formation
       approach, the ‘Gender & Chemicals                                  Program  (UNDP),  United  Nations
       Partnership’ (G&CP), a unit of Multi                               Institute for  Training and Research           • Relative Stability Under Acidic and Basic Conditions
       Stakeholder Processes for Sustainable                              (UNITAR), the German Federal Mini-             • Long Expiration Date – 54 Months
       Development, Germany, convened its  containers; production of electronic  stry for the Environment, Govern-       • High recovery rate - >90%, reduces amount of waste
       fi rst  assembly  on  November  18-19,  goods and processing of wastes; lead  ment of Mexico, and representatives
       2024, in Berlin.                  in paints; and endocrine disrupting  from  USA,  The  Netherlands,  Swit-       IDEAL SOLVENT TO REPLACE
                                         chemicals that affect the reproductive  zerland, Jamaica, Kenya, and India,     • THF
          The meeting was held at the offi ce  system.                     among others. Some of the objectives           • 2-MeTHF
       of the German Federal Ministry for                                 of the G&CP are:                               • Dioxane
       the  Environment,  Nature  Conserva-  The G&CP is a multi-stakeholder    Raising awareness on the linkages       • DME/DEE

       tion,  Nuclear  Safety  and  Consumer  international partnership that brings   of gender, chemicals and waste.
       Protection. Dr. Bipul Saha, a chemical  together diverse stakeholders from    Supporting gender data collection,   Classified as Class 2 solvent as per ICH Q3C guideline with PDE of 15 mg/day

       industry veteran from India and Exe-  government, academia, civil society,   and gender research.
       cutive Board Member, International  and industry to build a future where    Supporting governments to deve-      CPME IS BEING USED IN

       Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry  the  management  of  chemicals  and   lop gender-responsive national         • Grignard Reaction (Enhanced Stability, Selectivity, Improved Yields)
       (IUPAC), the largest global  organisa-  wastes is safe and sustainable for   action  plans  on  chemicals  and    • Suzuki Coupling
       tion of chemistry professionals, attended  all genders. It has been established   waste management.               • Buchwald Amination                   • Metal Reductions (NaBH , LiAlH , i-Bu AlH)
       the meeting.                      to promote gender equality and  the    Contributing to develop a data-         • Reactions with n-BuLi                • Reactions with Lewis Acid             4      2

                                         empowerment of women and girls in   base on epidemiological health
          There are many situations where  chemicals and waste management,   data on chemical exposures that             • Friedel Crafts Reactions             • Reaction Solvent
       women are either exposed more or  to support addressing the global pol-  are  gender-specifi c  and  facilitate    • EXTRACTIONS                          • CRYSTALLIZATIONS
       affected more to chemicals and wastes.  lution crisis and to contribute to the   formulation of gender-targeted   • POLYMERIZATIONS                      • COATINGS
       Some such instances are exposure  implementation  of  the  UN  Sustain-  policies and measures.
       to highly hazardous pesticides dur-  able Development Goals (SDGs), in    Supporting knowledge sharing                              Manufactured By ZEON CORPORATION, Japan

       ing harvesting; cleaning of pesticide  particular, SDG5 – ‘Achieve gender   and training.
                                                                                                                                                          For Requirement Please Contact:
                                                                                                                                                         S. AMIT & CO.

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       124                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024

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