Page 168 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 168
Special Report
oxide (NiAl-LDO) catalyst was used for Electrochemical many years. This work has a novel stra-
RCF of LC biomass. This reaction was hydrodimerisation of tegy of incorporating hydrolysable ester
carried out at 260°C, which gave 27.49 lignocellulose-derived units into the PUFs structure to enhance
g wt% of lignin oil and 21.62 wt% of carbonyls in aqueous recyclability. Ultralow density of 16-kg
phenolic monomers with a delignification electrolytes for bio-based per cu.m. is approached through the
degree of 92.62%. The solid carbohy- polymer and long-chained bio-based alternatives to petrochemical
drate pulp fraction retained up to 80.63% synfuel production feedstocks. Firstly, succinic acid based
cellulose, which can be separately used polyols were synthesised. Then tall
for other platform molecules in an eco- R. Kunkel and V.M. Schmidt have re- oil-derived polyol led to the production
nomic way. Mechanism is discussed. viewed the title subject and valorisation of highly homogeneous semi-rigid, partly
(ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024; of platform chemicals like vanillin, open-cell PUR foams with outstanding
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4C03808). furfural (F), 5-hydroxymethylfurfural structural, thermal, and mechanical
(HMF), etc. is discussed. The novel way properties. These products enhance
Mechanochemical of electrochemical hydrodimerisation the recyclability via glycolysis. (ACS
methacrylation of lignin (L) is covered as a sustainable tool for C-C Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024; DOI:
for biobased reinforcing filter coupling leading to (hydroxymethyl) 10.1021/acssuschemeng./3C06924).
in rubber compound hydrofuroin (BMH). The mechanism
of this reaction is discussed. The subse- Fluorine-free liquid repellent
This is a contemporary subject where quent conversion of these hydrodimers coatings with fully self-healing
alternate biobased filters are attracting to valuable additives, polymers and long and robust adhesion abilities
attention for rubbers. F. Ferruti et al carbon chain synfuels is summarised.
have carried out methacrylation of Kraft (ChemSusChem., 2024; DOI: 10.1002/ X. Wu et al have emphasised the need
L through mechanochemistry leading to cssc.202400638). for liquid repellent coatings in a variety
an estimated functionalisation degree of of uses such as in ocean engineering,
22% for aliphatic and 17% for phenolic Efficient and selective wind power generation, etc. It is em-
hydroxyl groups. This modified L was extraction of oleanolic acid phasised that highly integrated coatings
pre-dispersed in natural rubber via co- (OA) from grape pomace characterised by robust mechanical
precipitation with a natural rubber latex. (GP) with dimethyl carbonate toughness, efficient self-healing capa-
Usual sulphur or peroxide vulcanisation (DMC) bilities and self-cleaning functionalities
system was adopted. This strategy has be developed. There are therefore several
been found to be useful for designing GP is a major winery solid residue and challenges. These authors have succeeded
fuel-efficient tyres. (ACS Sustainable large quantities are produced worldwide. in making fluorine-free bio-based water-
Chem. Eng., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/acs- F. Errichiello et al have reported an easily repellent coatings using eco-friendly
suschemeng.4C05036). implementable method to recover OA, plant oils and eugenol. These products
a bioactive molecule, from GP. OA is a meet most of the requirements. These
Investigation into the effect of triterpenoid. The quantity of OA is 0.45 products have exhibited unprecedented
solvents on L hydrogenation mg per gm of fresh pomace. DMC was interfacial strength and stable adhesion
for the production of phenolic used to extract OA. Theoretical conside- performance even under water. (ACS
compounds rations are also reported. Extracts were Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024; DOI:
analyzed in an elaborate way through 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4C05460).
C. Liu et al have integrated experimental NMR and LC-MS. The molar selectivity
results, quantum chemical calculation, was 61%. (Green Chem., 2024; DOI: High-performance resin
and molecular dynamic simulations 10.1039/D4GC036244). formulations with ozone-
to study the title problem using Ru/C pretreated corn cob lignin
catalyst. Solvents have a role in the dis- Bio-based ultralow-density (CCL) and lysine (L)
persion of the substrate and mass transfer polyurethane foams (PUFs)
process. The rate can vary by an order with enhanced recyclability S. Singh et al have reported a new class
of magnitude – isopropanol > methanol > of L-amino acid (LA) resins, formulated
water> gamma-valerolactone > THF. O. Gotkiewicz et al have referred to the with non-toxic components (such as left-
(Green Chem., 2024; DOI: 10.1039/ widespread use of PUFs, but their recyc- over corn cobs). Full characterisation of
D3GC04902G). ling has posed a major challenge for resins were done by different methods,
168 Chemical Weekly December 24, 2024
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