Page 169 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 169
Special Report
as compared to conventional wine
distillation. This strategy optimises
stripping operations and reduces stillage
volume without specialised equipment.
This method produced less stillage to
the extent of 1.7-7.8 cu.m. per cu.m.
ethanol than conventional distillation
system (CDS) at 5.4 to 14.5 cm per
cu.m. (Chem. Eng. Process – Process
Intensification, 2024, Oct, 109923;
Effective feeding of lignin (L)
including NMR, GPC, etc. The LA resin insights for process development. (ACS to pyrolysis units using molten
creates strong bonds between pieces of Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024; DOI: salts in combination with a
wood, metals (Al and stainless steel), 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4C03893). twin-screw extruder
and plastics. Ozone pretreated L gives
better properties. (ACS Sustainable Separation of 2,3-butanediol B. Sridharan et al have worked on the
Chem. Eng., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/acs- (BD) from fermentation broth title subject and have studied the hydro-
suschemeng.4C05369). via cyclic and simulated moving dynamics. With short residence times
bed adsorption (SMBA) over limited char formation was observed.
ZrO promoted the nano-MFI zeolites Even demethoxylation in L structure
depolymerisation of L into [During World War II all routes for buta- was observed. This study will help in
phenolic monomers over 15 diene, required for synthetic rubber, were carrying out (pressured) hydropyrolysis.
Ni/SiO -Al O -ZrO catalyst adopted and this included dehydration The molten salt was ZnCl : NaCl : KCl
D. Guo et al have mentioned that cata- of BD.] with a molar composition of 60:20:20.
Under optimal conditions the mass of
lytic hydrogenation of L is one of the Now BD can be considered as a valuable recovered L was up to 92%. (Chem.
most effective methods of valorisation of feedstock obtained via fermentation Eng. Process – Process Intensification,
L to downstream aromatic compounds. of renewable materials. However, the 2024, 203, Sep.109863; DOI:10.1016/j.
However, it is important to avoid recovery of BD from multi-component cep.2024.109863).
over-hydrogenation of the benzene ring. aqueous system, coupled with relatively
The title catalyst gave about 67% yield low concentration, poses problems. Dendritic ZSM-5 Zeolites
of L oil and 60.5% L monomer. The J. Lao et al have worked on BD re- as highly active catalysts for
phenolic selectivity was up to 80% under covery from corn stover hydrolysate valorisation of monoterpene
optimal conditions. Various diagnostics fermentation broth using a pure-silica epoxides
were done on the catalyst. (ACS Sustain- nano-MFI-type zeolite adsorption. These
able Chem. Eng., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/ authors have adopted cyclic and SMBA L.A. Gallego-Villada et al have worked
acssuschemeng.4C03896). processes and concentrated BD from on isomerisation of epoxides like limo-
broth to a stream which is 93%. There nene-1,2-epoxide (LE), α-pipene epoxide,
Catalytic epimerisation of are prospects of large scale adoption. β-pinene epoxide, etc., leading to
glucose (G) to mannose (M) (ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024; high-value compounds used in fragrances,
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4C04121). cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The
J. Wan et al have worked on the abun- catalysts was fully characterised. Pro-
dantly available G for conversion to value- Reduction of sugarcane ducts like dihydrocarvone, campholenic
added M, which has applications in the stillage generation through aldehyde, and myrtanal were obtained
food, cosmetic, and pharma industries. heat-integrated distillation from the corresponding epoxides. Trans-
Mo- and Sn- based nanomaterials have and evaporation (HIDiE) LE had lower reactivity compared to
shown remarkable activity. However, cis-LE. The catalytic activity could be
selectivity is low, stability is poor and pH is G. Barci et al have given a novel HIDiE completely recovered by air calcinations.
restricted. Research advances have been and this reduced 45.7-69.3% stillage (Green Chem., 2024; DOI: 10.1039/
covered in this perspective and provides generation with the equivalent steam D4GC04003A).
Chemical Weekly December 24, 2024 169
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