Page 163 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 163

News from Abroad

          Mr. Christian  Vang, President of  of Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, a Canada-  ingredients portfolio with Lucas
       Clariant’s Business Unit Care Chemi-  based  provider  of  high-value  ingre-  Meyer Cosmetics, we’ve created a
       cals and the  Americas region, stated,   dients  for the  cosmetics  and personal  unique  opportunity  for collaborative
       “The opening of this new facility  care industry, from US-based IFF for  formulation development,” Mr. Vang
       marked a significant shift in how we  around $810-mn.              added.
       approach cosmetic innovation. It’s
       not just about showcasing our ingre-  The opening of the new facility    Clariant is  expecting the ‘Beauty
       dients; it’s about working alongside  followed the recent integration of   ColLABoration House’ to drive “re-
       our customers to create the next gene-  Lucas Meyer Cosmetics into Clariant,  markable growth”. The company aims
       ration of beauty products.        a move that significantly strengthened  to increase annual sales from around
                                         Clariant’s footprint in North America.  $100-mn  currently  to  $180-mn  by
          In April this year, the Swiss chemi-                            2028, leveraging this new collaborative
       cals  firm  had  closed  the  acquisition   “By combining our personal care  approach to product development.

       BASF starts up expanded ammonium chloride plant

       in Germany

          BASF  has expanded the produc-                                  higher quality in order to meet future
       tion of  ammonium chloride at its                                  requirements of the industry. Ammonium
       Ludwigshafen (Germany) site, increasing                            chloride is a versatile salt that is used in
       capacity by 50%. Following the start-                              many applications. Among other things,
       up of the plant, a more efficient produc-                          it  serves  as  a  flavouring  agent  in  food
       tion process is now being used to meet                             production and as an important acid
       growing demand.                                                    regulator for high-quality animal feed.
                                                                          Industrial applications include the pro-
          “This is an investment in product                               duction of batteries, galvanised metals,
       quality – so our products will continue  Senior  Vice President Isocyanates and  cleaning agents and process chemicals
       to meet the strict regulatory require-  Precursors Europe, BASF. BASF said  for the chemical, cosmetic and pharma-
       ments for food and feed applications  the optimised process enables the pro-  ceutical industries. It is also used as an
       in the future,” said Dr. Jan Nouwen,  duction of ammonium chloride in even  additive for the tanning of leather.

       IFF Pharma Solutions launches web-based customer


          As part of its ongoing investments  guidelines,  and  updates,  streamlining  supply chain and regulatory support.
       in digitalisation, US-based IFF’s Pharma   the  process  of  finding  tailored  solu-  “AnswerCenter serves as a central hub
       Solutions business has launched a   tions.                         for addressing complex pharmaceutical
       new customer experience platform,                                  challenges and enhancing customer
       ‘AnswerCenter’.                     Customers can explore excipients  engagement.  Thanks to this new,
                                         and ingredients across various industry  comprehensive catalogue of  products
          Featuring an intuitive and   segments including pharmaceuticals,  and essential  excipient  information,
       user-friendly interface, ‘AnswerCenter’   biologics and biomedical, dietary sup-  along with advanced filtering options,
       allows customers to browse products  plements, industrial solutions, and food.   exploring  IFF’s  excipient innovations
       by market, technology, or segment,                                 and content has never been easier,” said
       filter  by  key  attributes,  and  swiftly    The platform will provide access to  Ms. Rina Chokshi, Global Commercial
       request samples or quotes. This platform   a plethora of documents related to pro-  Marketing Director, IFF Pharma
       offers technical information, regulatory   duct brands, quality, technical data sheets,   Solutions.

       Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024                                                              163

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