Page 159 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 159

News from Abroad

          “We have integrated our pharmaceuti-  in the US, where we plan to further acce-  and enhance our market presence. These
       cal businesses worldwide to better achieve  lerate activities that drive growth and inno-  initiatives are key to Asahi Kasei’s goal
       our mid- and long-term goals,” said   vation.  Additionally, the acquisition of  of reaching $3-bn in annual pharmaceuti-
       Mr. Yoshikazu Aoki, President of Asahi Kasei   Calliditas strengthens our business foun-  cal sales by 2030 through specialising in
       Pharma. “This effort includes consolidat-  dation, enabling us to expand the scale of  immunology, transplantation, and related
       ing our business development functions  our pharmaceutical operations in the US  diseases,” he added.

       China bans export of critical minerals to US

          China has banned exports to the  materials to the US shall not be permit-  October shipments  of  antimony prod-
       US of the critical minerals – gallium,   ted,” the ministry said.  ucts plunged by 97% from September
       germanium and antimony.                                            after China’s move to limit its exports
                                           Gallium and germanium  are used  took effect.
          The curbs strengthen enforcement  in semiconductors, while germanium is
       of  existing limits on  critical  minerals   also used in infrared technology, fibre   China accounted last year for 48%
       exports that China began rolling out  optic cables and solar cells. Antimony  of globally mined antimony, which is
       last year,  but apply only to the US   is used in bullets and other weaponry,  used in ammunition, infrared missiles,
       market, in the latest escalation of trade  while graphite is the largest component  nuclear weapons and night-vision gog-
       tensions between the world’s two largest  by volume of electric vehicle batteries.  gles, as well as in batteries and photo-
       economies.                                                         voltaic equipment. This year, China has
                                           The move has sparked fresh concern  accounted for 59.2% of refined germa-
          A Chinese  Commerce  Ministry   that China could next target other criti-  nium output and 98.8% of refined gallium
       directive on dual-use items with both  cal minerals, including those with even  production, according to consultancy
       military and civilian applications cited  broader usage such as nickel or cobalt.  Project Blue.
       national  security concerns.  The order,   Chinese customs data show there have
       which takes immediate effect, also   been no shipments of wrought and un-  China’s announcement comes after
       requires stricter  review of  end-usage  wrought germanium or gallium to the  US launched  its third crackdown in
       for graphite items shipped to the US.  US this year through October, although  three years on China’s semiconductor
                                         it was the fourth and fifth-largest market   industry on, curbing exports to 140
          “In principle, the export of gallium,  for the minerals, respectively, a year   companies, including chip equipment
       germanium, antimony, and superhard  earlier. Similarly, China’s overall   maker Naura Technology Group.

       Chevron upgrades Pasadena Refinery in US

          Chevron USA, Inc., a wholly owned  the company to process more equity   “This refinery now firmly integrates
       subsidiary of Chevron Corporation,  crude from the Permian Basin, supply  our upstream and downstream busi-
       has completed a retrofit of its refinery  more products to customers in the US  nesses as we aim to optimise the value
       in Pasadena,  Texas (USA), which is  Gulf Coast and realise  synergies with  chain,” said Chevron Manufacturing
       expected  to  increase  product  flexibi-  the company’s Pascagoula refinery.  President, Mr. Chris Cavote.
       lity and expand the processing capacity
       of lighter crudes by nearly 15% to   The ‘Light Tight Oil (LTO) Project’   Planning for the LTO Project began
       125,000 barrels per day.          aims to enhance facility reliability and  in 2019 with work beginning in early
                                         safety and will ultimately result in an  2020. The phased start-up of the asset is
          Chevron acquired the Pasadena   increase  in  the  supply  of  refined  pro-  expected to last through Q1 of 2025 as
       Refinery in 2019 with the strategic intent   ducts domestically. The refinery will also   project team members work to confirm
       to expand its Gulf Coast refining sys-  begin producing jet fuel and exporting  all plants are operating as planned and
       tem. This project is expected to allow  gas oil.                   products are developed to specification.

       Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024                                                              159

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