Page 158 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 158
News from Abroad
Revised regulation on CLP of chemicals enters into
force in EU
The revised regulation on Classifica- safety and information transparency * Explicit rules for classifying com-
tion, Labelling and Packaging of Chemi- through measures like: plex substances (those containing
cals (CLP) has come into force in the * Online stores will have to display more than one constituent) will be
European Union (EU) on December 10. hazardous properties clearly on their introduced, while taking account of
websites. the specificities of natural complex
The objective of the CLP regulation * Labelling will be made simpler by substances, such as essential oils.
is to protect people and the environment allowing more flexible use of fold- * Poison centres will receive more
from hazardous chemicals. At the same out labels, introducing digital label- comprehensive information for
time, it ensures the free movement of ling and improving the legibility of medical emergencies, especially from
chemical substances, mixtures and labels. cross-border distribution.
articles within the EU. It requires manu- * Advertisements and online offers
facturers, importers or downstream users will have to contain information on Speaking on the CLP’s entry into
of substances or mixtures to classify, chemical hazards, facilitating in- force, Mr. Stéphane Séjourné, European
label and package their hazardous formed consumer choices and the Commission’s Executive Vice-President
chemicals appropriately before placing development of a market for sustain- for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy,
them on the market. able consumer chemical products. said, “These updated rules will make
* For the first time, the safe sale of it simpler for economic actors, big or
The revised regulation ensures clear household chemicals via refill sta- small, to do business. They will make
chemical labelling, particularly for on- tions will be clarified. This will con- consumers better protected and they
line sales, and introduces simpler and tribute to reducing packaging and will enhance chemicals’ sustainability
clearer requirements so that chemicals packaging waste. across Europe. All in all, the revised regu-
can move freely across the EU. * There will be a more user-friendly lation will make our EU single market
inventory of substances notified by for chemicals stronger and improve our
The revision enhances chemical industry, benefiting SMEs. leadership in this critical sector.”
Asahi Kasei Pharma inks exclusive license agreement
for anti-CX3CR1 antibody
Japan’s Asahi Kasei Pharma has “The partnership exemplifies Asahi secure global rights to early-stage
inked a new licensing agreement with Kasei Pharma’s Open Innovation plat- projects, thereby enhancing our pre-
Japanese biotech firm, Chiome Bio- form, which addresses unmet medical sence on the global stage.”
science, for its humanised anti-CX3CR1 needs through strategic collaboration
antibody. and cutting-edge science,” the company The licensing agreement comple-
said in a press note. ments the “One AK Pharma” initiative,
The antibody, currently in preclini- which unifies Asahi Kasei’s pharma-
cal development, works by inhibiting Dr. Kazunobu Konishi, Senior General ceutical operations in Japan and the US
CX3CR1, a receptor involved in im- Manager of Pharmaceuticals Research to optimise resources and drive health-
mune cell migration to inflammatory Centre at Asahi Kasei Pharma, said, care expertise. Earlier this year, Asahi
sites. By accelerating its development, “We hope that this partnership will Kasei acquired Calliditas Therapeutics,
Asahi Kasei Pharma aims to bring expedite the development of the anti- a Swedish firm recognised for deve-
an innovative therapy to market that CX3CR1 antibody. Furthermore, we loping Tarpeyo, a therapy for immuno-
could significantly improve patient are committed to intensifying our open globulin A (IgA) nephropathy, a rare
outcomes. innovation activities to continuously kidney disease.
158 Chemical Weekly December 24, 2024
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