Page 136 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 136

Top Stories                                                                                                 AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                      Calcium Iodate  Iodine Trichloride
                                                                                                                      Copper Iodide  Periodic Acid Solution
       NOVEL PROCESS                                                                                                  Ethyl Iodide  Potassium Iodate
                                                                                                                      Hydroiodic Acid  Potassium Iodide
       IIT Guwahati researchers develop technology to convert                                                         Iodic acid Solution  Povidone Iodine
                                                                                                                      Iodine        Sodium Iodide
       methane and carbon dioxide into biofuel                                                                        Methyl Iodide  Sodium Metaperiodate
                                                                                                                      Tri Methyl Sulfoxonium Iodide
          Researchers at the Indian Institute of                          bio-methanol,  derived  from  bacteria      Selenium Dioxide  Sodium Selenate    SAURABH INDUSTRIES
       Technology (IIT) Guwahati have deve-                               feeding on methane and carbon dioxide,      Selenium Metal  Selenium Sulfide
       loped an advanced biological method to                             can be a viable alternative to fossil fuels.   Sodium Selenite                         (AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY)
       convert methane and carbon dioxide into                            The two-stage process involves captur-            Manufacturers & Supplier By
       cleaner biofuels using methanotrophic                              ing  methane  to  generate  bacteria-based   RITESH CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PVT LTD           READILY AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                           B1/304,2nd Floor, Laram Centre, M.A Road,
       bacteria.                                                          biomass and utilising the biomass to             Near Andheri Railway Station, Andheri (West),
                                                                                                                           Mumbai – 400058, Maharashtra, INDIA.
                                                                          convert carbon dioxide into methanol.       Phone: 8767854756, 9920868483, 9867260490
          The  research,  co-authored  by  Prof.                                                                      Email:  TANKER LOAD & DRUMS
       Debasish Das and Dr. Krishna Kalyani                                  He said, unlike conventional biofuels    Website:                Mixture of
       Sahoo  from  the  Department  of  Bio-                             that rely on crops and create competition
       sciences  and  Bioengineering  at  the  in-  methanotrophic bacteria to convert meth-  with food production, their method uses   Manufacturer & Exporter of :
       stitute, and published in Fuel, a journal  ane and carbon dioxide into bio-methanol  greenhouse gases, avoiding the ‘food vs                         ISO BUTANOL, N-BUTANOL
       by Elsevier, addresses two critical global  under mild operating conditions. “Unlike  fuel’ issue.             • Sodium Meta Periodate
       challenges – the harmful environmental  traditional chemical methods, this process                             • Potassium Meta Periodate
       impact of greenhouse  gases  and  the  eliminates  the  need  for  expensive  cata-  “The biological conversion of methane                        N-PROPANOL, ETHANOL ETC.
       depletion of fossil fuel reserves.  lysts, avoids toxic by-products, and ope-  and  carbon  dioxide  into  bio-methanol   • Periodic Acid (50%,99%)
                                         rates in a more energy-effi cient manner,”  not only provides a cleaner fuel alternative
          “While turning methane and carbon  the professor said.          but also has industrial applications        • Potassium Bromide                Application : Ink Reducer, Thinner, Polish etc.
       dioxide into liquid fuels can reduce                               as a precursor for producing chemicals      • Maleic Acid
       emissions and provide renewable energy,   The researchers claimed that the  like formaldehyde and acetic acid. This                                       For your requirements please contact
       existing chemical methods are energy-in-  method achieved upto 87 percent reduc-  process  offers  immense  potential  to   • N-Chloro Succinimide
       tensive, expensive, and produce toxic by-  tion in carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons,  decarbonise critical industries, including                     SAURABH INDUSTRIES
       products, limiting their scalability,” Prof.  hydrogen sulphide and smoke emissions.  oil and gas, refineries, and chemical   CREATIVE PHARMA INTERMEDIATES
       Das said.  The researchers developed a  According to Prof. Das, this research is  manufacturing, paving the way for a   C1B/124, 1&2 GIDC, Nandesari Estate,
       fully biological process that uses a type of  a breakthrough as it demonstrates that  more sustainable future,” Prof. Das said.  Vadodara - 391340    54-JL, Part of 55N, Industrial Area Maxi Road,Ujjain (M.P.)
                                                                                                                          Mobile: 09374119559 / 09925062634   Web : , E-mail :
       CIRCULAR ECONOMY                                                                                               Email:   Customer Care No. : +91 9229399901, 9229399905
                                                                                                                        Website :  KNS ADI
       LICO Materials opens battery recycling facility;
                                                                                                                       since 1970: Pioneers in chromatography   leaders in Quality         iMPoRt \ exPoRt data
       to invest Rs. 250-crore in hydrometallurgy plant                                                               CASTOR OIL DERIVATIVES      CHROMATOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS
                                                                                                                        Undecylenic Acid          Silica Gel for TLC & Column           any chapter Rs.500 per month
          Lithium-ion  battery  recycling  and  LICO said, adding it aims to scale up  posing in India. As we scale up our ope-    Methyl Undecylenate       Chromatography (Various Mesh Sizes)   cheMlinK softWaRe
       refurbishing fi rm, LICO Materials, has  capacity  at  the  facility  to  10-GWh  in  rations, we aim to bridge the gap in the     Heptaldehyde     Aluminium Oxide for Column              MUMBAI
       announced the inauguration of a battery  the next 3-4 years.       supply chain for critical battery materi-    Zinc Undecylenate           Chromatography (Acidic, Basic & Neutral)    Mr. Bhavin Patel
       recycling facility in Bengaluru and said                           als, reduce dependence on imports, and       Calcium Undecylenate       Lipids for GLC                                8469140555
                                                                                                                       Undecanoic Acid
       it will invest Rs. 250-crore in its down-  With India’s EV industry expected  contribute to India’s clean energy transi-    Heptyl Alcohol                               
       stream  hydrometallurgy plant  in next  to  grow  by  250%  and  energy  storage  tion,” said Mr. Gaurav Dolwani, Chief     Heptanoic Acid   HIGH PURITY LIPIDS /
       two-three years.                  sector to reach 42-GW by 2032, recy-  Executive Offi cer, LICO Materials.      Methyl Ricinoleate        SPECIALITY FATTY ACIDS / DERIVATIVES
                                                                                                                       Other Salts and Esters
                                         cling of used batteries will play a cru-                                        of Undecylenic Acid      Arachidic Acid 99% Min. Purity by GC    ETHYL CHLORO ACETATE
          The 4-GWh per annum in-feed capa-  cial role in recovering critical minerals   “LICO  has  completed  a  feasibi-    Alcohol C-11 Undecylenic    Oleic Acid 99% Min. Purity by GC
       city plant in Bengaluru will address  to support the battery circular economy.  lity study and is fi nalising plans for a     Zinc Ricinoleate    Linoleic Acid 99% Min. Purity by GC   METHYL CHLORO ACETATE
       the challenges of securing a stable sup-                           downstream  project  to  build  a  hydro-    Glycerol Mono Undecylenate    Sodium Caprylate 98% Min. Purity by GC
                                                                                                                       Glycerol Mono Caprylate
                                                                                                                                                   Salts and Esters of these Fatty Acids
       ply of critical materials and contribute   “The  new  facility  marks  a  signifi -  metallurgy plant with an investment                                                                        Contact:
       to  India’s ambition  of  achieving  30%  cant milestone in our journey to redefi ne  of  Rs.  250-crore  in  next  2-3  years,”   ACME SYNTHETIC CHEMICALS                            shreyans chemicals
       electric vehicle (EV) adoption by 2030,  lithium-ion battery recycling and repur-  Mr. Dolwani said.                                contact: +91 98332 60962                          W-43, MIDC, Tarapur - 401 506.
                                                                                                                             email:   Web.:             email:
       136                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024

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