Page 132 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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GHCL gets environmental clearance for soda ash
project in Kutch
GHCL Ltd., amongst the largest soda Salt fi eld
ash and industrial salt-makers in India, GHCL is also said to be planning
has announced receipt of environmental an investment of Rs. 350-crore for set-
clearance for its soda ash greenfi eld ting up a salt fi eld in Kutch. The Zara
project in Kutch, Gujarat. According to Zumara Salt Field will be established in
a stock exchange fi ling by the company, the Jara region of Kutch. The company
the Ministry of Environment, Forest is said to have acquired a land parcel of
and Climate Change granted the clea- a 30 percent market share in India. The 6,500 hectares for the project.
rance on December 12, 2024. company’s current soda ash manu-
facturing facility at Sutrapada, also in Currently, GHCL has a salt capa-
The company plans to build the Gujarat, stands at 1.2-mtpa. city of about 8-10-lakh tonnes. Speak-
one-million-tonne soda ash plant in ing during the company’s Q2 results
two phases over a six-year period. In Soda ash is used in a wide range earnings call, Mr. R. S. Jalan, Manag-
the fi rst phase, the capacity addition of industries like glass manufacturing, ing Director, GHCL, said that around
will be 0.5-million tonnes per annum detergents & soaps, rechargeable bat- 20-lakh tonnes of salt can be produced
(mtpa) involving investment of around teries, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. from the newly acquired land parcel.
Rs. 4,500-crore; while phase II will According to GHCL, India will witness The salt fi eld is likely to take about
see an addition of another 0.5-mtpa at a soda ash demand of around 7-mtpa. three years to become operational.
Rs. 2,500-crore. Currently, India produces 3.6-mtpa of This will serve the captive require-
soda ash which is merely 6% of the ment of salt for GHCL’s soda ash plant
The company will be nearly dou- global soda ash manufacturing capa- in Sutrapada and the proposed green-
bling its production capacities targeting city. fi eld plant in Kutch.
INOXGFL Group ventures into solar manufacturing
INOXGFL Group, a diversifi ed with an initial capacity of 1.2-GW in Inox Solar will supplement Inox
business operating in speciality chemi- Gujarat, is expected to be operational Wind to provide comprehensive
cals, fl uoropolymers, gases, wind tur- by March 2025. The facility will manu- hybrid (wind + solar) renewable energy
bines and renewables, has ventured facture TopCon modules, the latest solutions to customers. It aims to be a
into solar manufacturing through Inox technology in this segment. strong player in the third-party com-
Solar, a privately held entity owned by mercial and industrial (C&I) market,
the promoters. The company will also provide where customers are looking to set up
turnkey EPC solutions, including land hybrid and round-the-clock renew-
Aiming to be one of the fastest- acquisition and power evacuation, able energy capacities, and where Inox
growing solar platforms in the country, through its group company, Inox Wind has long-term relationships.
Inox Solar is targeting an initial capa- Renewable Solutions (formerly known Integration with Inox Renewable Solu-
city of 5 gigawatts (GW) for solar mo- as Resco Global Wind Services). Addi- tions (formerly known as Resco Global
dules and 2.5-GW for solar cell manu- tionally, it will offer post-commis- Wind Services) for solar project EPC
facturing by 2026, with an outlined sioning O&M services through another and power evacuation will lead to large
capex of Rs. 1,500-crore. Inox Solar’s group company, Inox Green Energy revenue opportunities for Inox Renew-
fi rst solar module manufacturing unit, Services. able Solutions.
132 Chemical Weekly December 24, 2024
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