Page 135 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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ABB India and PwC India to drive digital transformation N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylene Diamine
and sustainability across key sectors
ABB India, a global leader in of growth and venturing into (TMEDA)
automation and digital technologies for new, advanced and specia-
process industries, and PwC India have lized sectors,” said Mr. Sanjit
announced a strategic alliance to deliver Shewale, Global Business
transformative solutions across sectors Line Manager for Digital at
in digital operations, cybersecurity, and ABB Process Industries.
ESG initiatives. This collaboration DIETHYL HYDROXYLAMINE 85% & 98%
refl ects a shared commitment to em- “Both PwC India and
power organisations with advanced ABB understand that people DEHA 85% & 98%
digital solutions, enhanced by AI and and systems are becoming
machine learning, helping them achieve increasingly interconnected
sustainable business outcomes. L to R – Sanjit Shewale, Global Business Line Manager for across various industries.
Digital at ABB Process & Vivek Belgavi, Partner & Leader – Customers now have the capa- MONO, DI, TRI
The alliance will focus on lever- Alliances & Ecosystems, PwC India bility to view, forecast, and
aging ABB’s advanced digital solu- consultancy, automation, and leader- analyse critical data points related to DIETHYL TOLUAMIDE
tions and PwC India’s deep consulting ship in digital technology, we can bet- their business operations. By lever-
expertise to help clients streamline ter support Indian manufacturers. The aging ABB’s cutting-edge automation DEET
manufacturing, improve real-time pro- alliance will entail combining the best solutions and PwC India’s consulting
cess monitoring, enhance production of domain and consulting experience capabilities, we are helping enterprises
effi ciency, and optimise energy use. to better deploy technology that auto- optimize their manufacturing processes,
It will also work to improve product matically implements process changes improve operational effi ciency, and
quality and operational consistency, for optimal resource effi ciency, produc- enhance decision-making through
while ensuring security and resi- tivity and sustainability. This comes at real-time insights,” added Mr. Vivek
lience of digital solutions against cyber a time when the country is looking at Belgavi, Partner & Leader – Alliances &
threats. “By strategically combining taking manufacturing to the next level Ecosystems, PwC India.
India Resurgence Fund acquires majority stake
in Anthea Aromatics
India Resurgence Fund (IRF), an through two joint venture companies: market presence, proprietary develop-
India-focused investment platform DRT Anthea Aroma Chemicals and ment capabilities and manufacturing
promoted by Piramal Enterprises and Catasynth Specialty Chemicals. processes make it well-positioned to
Bain Capital, has agreed to invest benefi t from the opportunities that will
Rs. 1,000-crore ($118-mn) for a controlling Anthea’s investment is IRF’s fi rst present themselves. The business needs
stake in chemicals manufacturer and investment from its second fund, which capital infusion and leadership aug-
exporter, Anthea Aromatics. is currently being raised, and its second mentation for its next phase of growth,”
investment in the speciality chemicals Mr. Shantanu Nalavadi, Managing
Founded in 1992, Anthea Aromatics sector, after Archean Chemical Industries. Director, IRF, said.
manufactures products catering to STAR EXPORT HOUSE
fl avours and fragrances, home & personal “Indian speciality chemicals sec- IRF currently manages close to GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED
care, pharmaceutical, and agrochemical tor is known for its reliability, quality, $850-mn in assets from its maiden
industries with five manufacturing and cost competitiveness, and presents Fund 1, which is fully allocated across
units across four locations in India a strong export opportunity. Anthea’s 12 investments spanning nine sectors.
134 Chemical Weekly December 24, 2024 Chemical Weekly December 24, 2024 135
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