Page 141 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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CSIR partners with Telangana Government and
recyclers to advance sustainable recycling
The Ministry of Environment, promote the adoption of circular economy offering technical assistance for
Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) principles and create new opportunities recyclers’ existing operations. The
has facilitated the signing of a signi- for green employment. agreements and MoU were formalised
fi cant Memorandum of Understanding in the presence of Ms. Leena Nandan,
(MoU) between the Government of Simultaneously, the MoEFCC en- Secretary, MoEFCC; Dr. N. Kalaiselvi,
Telangana and the Council of Scientifi c abled the signing of agreements between Director General, CSIR; Ms. A. Santhi
and Industrial Research (CSIR), New eight CSIR laboratories and recyclers, Kumari, Chief Secretary, Government
Delhi, alongside agreements between focusing on 15 innovative waste man- of Telangana; Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, Special
CSIR and leading recyclers. agement and recycling technologies. Chief Secretary, Government of
The CSIR labs include, CSIR-NIIST, Telangana; Mr. Tanmay Kumar, Special
The MoU between the Government CSIR-IICT, CSIR-NML, CSIR-IMMT, Secretary, MoEFCC and Chairman,
of Telangana and CSIR aims to develop CSIR-CEERI, CSIR-IIP and CSIR- CPCB; Mr. Naresh Pal Gangwar, Addi-
a skilled workforce in the recycling and CECRI. The technologies are designed tional Secretary, MoEFCC; Dr. Vibha
waste management sectors. Under this to establish state-of-the-art recycling Malhotra Sawhney, Head, Technology
partnership, CSIR’s laboratories and infrastructure, support domestic waste Management Directorate, CSIR; and
institutions will provide technical support recycling, and secure critical mineral Dr. K J Sreeram, Mission Director, Waste
for training programmes in Telangana, supplies through advanced recycling to Wealth Mission, CSIR. Senior scientists
equipping individuals with expertise processes. These agreements also foster and offi cials from CSIR, MoEFCC, and
in CSIR-developed waste management innovation, encouraging the development the Government of Telangana also parti-
technologies. This collaboration will of new recycling technologies and cipated in the event.
India’s non-fossil based capacity rises 14% to 214-GW
The total non-fossil fuel installed creased 17.4 percent to 74.44-GW. In
capacity in the country has reached nuclear energy, installed nuclear ca-
213.70-GW as of November 2024, pacity grew to 8.18-GW in 2024 from
marking 14.2 percent increase com- 7.48-GW in 2023, while the total ca-
pared to 187.05-GW in the same month pacity, including pipeline projects, was
last year. During April-November at 22.48-GW.
period of FY25, a total of 14.94-GW of
renewable capacity was added, nearly Bioenergy capacity rose to 11.34-GW
double of 7.54 gigawatt (GW) added from 10.84-GW in 2023, reflecting
during the same period a year ago, a growth of 4.6 percent during the
Ministry of New and Renewable Solar power continued to lead with period.
Energy (MNRE) said in a statement. installed capacity, rising from 72.31-GW
in 2023 to 94.17-GW in 2024. The solar Small hydro capacity increased
In November alone, 2.3-GW capa- capacity, including projects in the marginally to 5.08-GW from 4.99-GW.
city was added, posting a fourfold pipeline surged by 52.7 percent to Its total capacity, including pipeline
increase from 566.06-MW added in 261.15-GW. projects touched 5.54-GW. Large hydro-
November 2023. The non-fossil fuel electric projects rose to 46.97-GW
capacity, both installed and pipe- The installed wind power capa- in 2024 from 46.88-GW as of November
line projects, surged 28.5 per cent to city increased 7.6 percent to 47.96-GW 2023, and total capacity, including
472.90-GW as of November 2024 from during the period. The wind capacity, pipeline projects, increased to 67.02-GW
368.15-GW a year ago. including projects in the pipeline in- from 64.85- GW.
Chemical Weekly December 24, 2024 141
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