Page 130 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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       Godavari Biorefi neries investing Rs. 130-cr to expand

       ethanol capacity

          Godavari Biorefi neries Ltd. (GBL) a  feedstocks such as maize to          India’s  ethanol  blending
       renewable  chemicals  and  biofuels  fi rm  mitigate disruptions caused       programme.  “This  expan-
       and  the  fl agship  company  of  Somaiya  by  factors  like  poor  mon-      sion will help us maintain
       Group, has revealed plans to add a new  soons and policy changes,”           production  stability  and
       200-klpd corn/grain-based distillery to its  the company said.               contribute to India’s energy
       existing operations. The company plans                                       security  goals,”  he  noted.
       to invest approximately Rs. 130-crore to   Mr.  Samir  Somaiya,  Chairman  and  The project is expected to be commis-
       further strengthen its ethanol production  Managing  Director  of  Godavari  Bio-  sioned by Q4 of FY2025-26.
       capabilities,  while  enhancing  fl exibility  refi neries, noted that the dual-feedstock
       through dual-feedstock capability.  capability  will  ensure  more  resilient   The company operates facilities in
                                         ethanol production, even during climate-  Sakarwadi,  Maharashtra,  and  Sameer-
          “The  facility  will  offer  operational  related  disruptions,  and  position  the  wadi,  Karnataka  and  houses  R&D
       fungibility, enabling the use of alternative  company to meet growing demand under  facilities in Mumbai and plant locations.

       ISMA proposes creation of bio-hubs near sugar mills

          The  Indian  Sugar  &  Bio-energy  crore  litres  in  2025-26  to  2,994-crore  promoting  the  use  of  E100  (hydrous
       Manufacturers  Association  (ISMA)  litres by 2034-35, requiring signifi cant  ethanol) along with the current E20 blend.
       has proposed the creation of bio-hubs  capacity addition and a clear roadmap  Another  is  the  adoption  of  advanced
       near  sugar  mills.  These  green  energy  to address future demands.  technologies  to  complement  ethanol
       hubs will integrate ethanol production                             use. This includes the introduction and
       with other renewable initiatives such as   According  to  Mr.  Deepak  Ballani,  proliferation of FFVs, HEVs and other
       bioelectricity, biofertilisers and biogas  Director  General,  ISMA,  with  India’s  ethanol-compatible technologies.
       production.  This,  in  turn,  will  ensure  ethanol capacity currently at 1,683-crore
       the effi cient use of resources, a circular  litres, scaling up to 2,362-crore litres by   According  to  ISMA,  sugarcane
       economy and a sustainable future.  2030-31 is essential. “We have submit-  occupies only 2.8% of India’s cropped area
                                         ted that based on global experience there  and has opened up new income streams
          ISMA  presented  its  recommenda-  should be three pillars critical to the suc-  for over 55-million farmers via ethanol
       tions  at  the  2nd  Inter-Ministerial  cess  to  this  programme  –  the  demand  production.  The  association  has  made
       Committee  (IMC)  meeting,  held  on  side incentives through differential fuel  the following key recommendations:
       November 30, 2024, on the ‘Roadmap for  pricing; supply side incentives through   Enhance  targeting  subsidies  of

       Ethanol  Blending  Beyond  2025’.  The  tax  reductions  and  PLI  on  Flex-Fuel   Rs. 35,000-crore to create additional
       detailed roadmap emphasised the need  Vehicles  (FFVs)  and  Hybrid  Electric   770 crore litres of ethanol produc-
       for a collaborative approach that com-  Vehicles  (HEVs);  and  fi nally  provide   tion capacity;
       bined policy support, investments and  correct  carbon  accounting  and  benefi ts   Reduce GST to 5% for FFVs;

       technological  innovation  to  enhance  at all levels of the value chain. Achieving   Invest in 2G ethanol production, Sus-

       India’s  energy  security  and  success-  this  vision  requires  a  collaborative   tainable  Aviation  Fuels  (SAF)  and
       fully address future demands. India has  approach, combining policy support, private   ethanol to hydrogen conversion; and
       advanced  its  E20  target  from  2030  to  investments, and technological innova-     Pricing  mechanism:  Link  formula-
       2025 with an infrastructure expansion  tion, in line with India’s commitment to   based  pricing  of  ethanol  with  Fair
       of  over  17,000  retail  outlets  dispen-  sustainable and inclusive growth.”  and  Remunerative  Price  (FRP)  of
       sing E20 and 400 pumps for E100 fuels.                                sugarcane.
       This  will  lead  to  an  increase  in  the   One of the key areas of focus in the   Give  permission  for  establishing

       demand for ethanol blending from 1,127 -  roadmap  is  fl exibility  in  ethanol  use,   ethanol pumps at sugar refi neries.

       130                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024

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