Page 188 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
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Tender Information                                                                                                                                                                Tender Information

      Domestic Tenders                                                                                                Company Name                     State         Opening Product Details
            Chemical Weekly has tied up with ABC Procure ( – India’s only newspaper for tenders   Security Printing and Minting Corp. of India Ltd. Madhya Pradesh  20-Jan Glycerine – 7,500-kgs.
            information, published from Ahmedabad – to bring readers complete, authentic and timely coverage of tenders   AGROCHEMICALS / FERTILISERS
            issued all over India for chemicals and related products.
                                                                                                                      Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.  Maharashtra  14-Jan Urea – tech grade.
            Further details, including addresses of the companies/organizations cited in these pages, can be obtained on   National Fertilizers Ltd.   Punjab         17-Jan Cartap hydrochloride – technical.
            payment of a subscription fee to ABC Procure.                                                             LABORATORY CHEMICALS & EQUIPMENT
            For more information call Offi ce No.: (+91)(79) 40270506-90                                               Defence Research and Development   Delhi        14-Jan Liquid helium for 600-MHz NMR spectrometer.
        Company Name                     State         Opening Product Details                                        Mizoram University               Not Classifi ed  14-Jan Laboratory chemicals.
                                                        Date                                                          Department of Agricultural Research and   Madhya Pradesh  16-Jan Calcium chloride dihydrate (ER ACS), Potassium nitrate (ER),
       INORGANIC CHEMICALS                                                                                            Education                                             Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (ER), Magnesium sul-
       Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.  Maharashtra  14-Jan Ferric alum liquid.                                                                                           phate heptahydrate (SQ) Boric Acid (ER), Cobaltous chloride,
       Department of Atomic Energy       Maharashtra   14-Jan Dilute nitric acid for bulk supply.                                                                           Hexahydrate (ER) Zinc sulphate heptahydrate (ER), Manganese
                                                                                                                                                                            (II) sulphate monohydrate, Ammonium sulphate (ER ACS),
       Gas Authority of India Ltd.       Uttar Pradesh  14-Jan Caustic soda for bulk supply as per IS:252.                                                                  Glycine  99+%, Thiamine  hydrochloride  (white  powder),
       Ministry of Defence               Madhya Pradesh  14-Jan Calcium hypochlorite.                                                                                       Nicotinic acid (SQ), Pyridoxine hydrochloride 99%, Potassium
       Steel Authority of India Ltd.     Chhattisgarh  14-Jan Sintered tabular alumina.                                                                                     iodide, Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate, L-Cystine, etc.
       West Central Railway              Madhya Pradesh  14-Jan Soda lime/Dragersorb soda lime 5-kg jar.              National Institute of Biologicals  Uttar Pradesh  16-Jan Chemicals, reagents and kits.
       Department of Atomic Energy       Maharashtra   15-Jan Hydrazine nitrate.                                      Department of Agriculture        West Bengal    20-Jan Laboratory chemicals, Glass ware, Plastic ware, Filter papers
       Patratu Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd.  Jharkhand    15-Jan Hydrochloric acid in tankers as per IS:265.                                                                   and other laboratory articles.
       Public Health Engineering Department  Rajasthan  15-Jan Liquid chlorine.                                       Madhya Pradesh State Cooperative Dairy   Madhya Pradesh  21-Jan Laboratory chemicals, certifi ed reference materials.
                                                                                                                      Federation Ltd.
       Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Ltd.  Rajasthan  15-Jan Ammonium nitrate.                                   MISCELLANEOUS
       Satish Dhawan Space Centre        Andhra Pradesh  15-Jan Hydrazine hydrate (100% purity).                      Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.  Maharashtra  14-Jan Polyelectrolyte.
       Tripura Forest Development and Plantation   Tripura  15-Jan Sulphuric acid – 22-mt, commercial grade, 98% purity, packed
       Corporation Ltd.                                      in 50-kg.                                                Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission   Chhattisgarh  14-Jan Orange silica gel.
                                                                                                                      Company Ltd.
       Department of Atomic Energy       Tamil Nadu    16-Jan Anhydrous ammonia – gr-II as per IS:662.                Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.       Orissa (Odisha)  14-Jan Oxalic acid to IS:1676-63, purity 99.9% min, Ortho-phosphoric
       Department of Cooperation         Punjab        16-Jan Sodium bicarbonate.                                                                                           acid (purity 87% min) conforming to IS:798-68, packing size:
       Department of Fertilizers         Jharkhand     16-Jan Sodium bisulphite – technical – IS:248.                                                                       50-kg carbouys.
       Indian Rare Earths Ltd.           Orissa (Odisha)  16-Jan Barium chloride.                                     North Eastern Railway            Uttar Pradesh  14-Jan Buffer tablets (C&W item).
       Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd.  Karnataka     16-Jan Sodium silicate.                                        Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.       Orissa (Odisha)  15-Jan Rosin (gum rosin).
       Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd.        Andhra Pradesh  16-Jan Sulphuric acid liquid, battery grade–diluted, IS:266.  Indian Air Force                Tamil Nadu     15-Jan Inhibition corrosion.
       Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd. Haryana  17-Jan Liquid ammonia.                                      Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and   Haryana  15-Jan Feed grade chemicals.
       Urban Administration and Development  Madhya Pradesh  17-Jan Liquid chorine in tonners.                        Animal Sciences
       Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Uttar Pradesh  17-Jan Caustic soda lye.                          Balmer Lawrie and Co. Ltd.       West Bengal    16-Jan Rice bran fatty acid.
       Central Silk Board                West Bengal   18-Jan Bleaching powder, lime, urea.                           Department of Cooperation        Punjab         16-Jan Toxin binder.
       Animal Resources Development Department West Bengal  20-Jan Liquid nitrogen.                                   Department of Police             West Bengal    16-Jan Chlorinated rubber thinner.
       Council of Scientifi c and Industrial Research  West Bengal  20-Jan Silicon tetrachloride.                      Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.      Haryana        17-Jan Spent catalyst.
       Rajasthan Rajya Vidhyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd.  Rajasthan  21-Jan Caustic soda lye.                                Rural Development Department     Maharashtra    17-Jan Essential medicine and consumables, Medical equipment.
       The West Bengal Power Development   West Bengal  21-Jan Hydrochloric acid – 260-mt.                            Directorate of Kerala State Archives  Kerala    20-Jan Chemicals and conservation materials – Methanol, Carboxy
       Corporation Ltd.                                                                                                                                                     methyl cellulose, Barium hydroxide, p-Dichloro benzene, Silica
       Madhya Pradesh Power Generation Company Ltd. Madhya Pradesh  22-Jan Ferric alum.                                                                                     gel, Ethanol, Naphthalene balls, Toluene, etc.
       ORGANIC CHEMICALS                                                                                              Defence Research and Development Organisation Rajasthan  21-Jan Titanium crucible.
                                                                                                                      Projects and Development India Ltd.  Orissa (Odisha)  21-Jan Ammonia synthesis plant for setting up of high-ash coal to
       Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd.  Maharashtra  14-Jan Morpholine for bulk supply as per IS:12084.                                                            ammonium nitrate plant and Nitric acid and ammonium nitrate
       Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas  Andhra Pradesh  16-Jan D-limonene.                                                                                            plant based on coal gasifi cation for Bharat Coal Gasifi cation and
       Balmer Lawrie and Co. Ltd.        Tamil Nadu    17-Jan Poly isobutylene in barrels.                                                                                  Chemicals Ltd. at Lakhanpur area of Mahanadi Coalfi elds Ltd.

       188                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025       Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025                                                               189

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