Page 182 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
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Special Report

               Table 7: Imports of higher alpha-olefins into India, FY24  Alphabutol technology), and 130-ktpa is
                                                                 [Tonnes]  recovery from C4 streams. The Indian                                               C H E M I C A L S    L T D
                              Quantity                         Quantity   LAO market (C4 onwards) in FY24                                       Improving performance through Science
                              [Tonnes]                          [Tonnes]  was about 594-kt and is expected  to
       Hexene, 1- (C6)           3,696 Tetradecene, 1- (C14)    1,32,807  grow at a CAGR of 5-6%. All of the
                                                                          domestic market for the higher LAOs
       Singapore                 1,063 Singapore                 51,465   (C6+) is met through imports, which                 Specially Formulated Products For Diverse Industries
       South Africa              1,022 UAE                       40,196   are estimated at about 245-kt in FY24.
       UAE                         973 Qatar                     25,797                                                                                         SURFACTANTS
       Japan                       575 USA                       15,349   References                                                          Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide Condensates of
       South Korea                  63 Hexadecene, 1- (C16)      26,291      modityinsights/en/ci/research-ana-                Alkyl phenols:  > Nonyl Phenol > Octyl Phenol > Styrenated Phenol
       Octene, 1- (C8)           2,862 Qatar                     17,105      lysis/the-alpha-dogs-of-alpha-ole-                Fatty Alcohols:  > Lauryl Alcohol > Cetostearyl Alcohol > Tri Decyl Alcohol
       Qatar                     1,459 USA                        5,365      fins.html                                                         > Specialty Synthetic Alcohols
       Singapore                 1,016 Singapore                  3,555   2.                  Fatty Amines:   > Oleyl Amine > Stearyl Amine > Tallow Amine > Coco Amine
       South Korea                 316 UAE                          161      alpha-olefins-biomass
       South Africa                 32 Hong Kong                    100   3.                    Fatty Acids:    > Stearic Acid > Oleic Acid
       Germany                      32 Belgium                        6      modityinsights/en/ci/research-ana-                Vegetable Oils:  > Castor Oil > Groundnut Oil > Soyabean Oil
       Canada                        7 Octadecene, 1- (C18)      20,348      lysis/the-alpha-dogs-of-alpha-ole-                                       OTHER SPECIALTY ETHOXYLATES
       China                         0 Singapore                  11,208  4.               THEIC          > For Insulation wire enamels and as secondary PVC stabilizer
       Decene, 1- (C10)         48,291 Qatar                      7,095      ineos-oligomers/markets/                          HQEE           > Chain extender for Polyurethane
       Singapore                22,605 USA                        2,038   5.
       USA                      10,568 Canada                         7      do/solutions/normal-alpha-olefins/                              Poly oxypropylene and Poly oxyethylene derivatives of
       Qatar                     9,192 C20+                       1,104   6.                                      > Fatty Alcohols > Glycerin > EO PO Block co-polymers
       UAE                       5,803 UAE                          943      blog/202303/global-alpha-olefins-                                                 ANTIOXIDANTS
       Canada                      122 Singapore                    142      market-snapshot                                   Aminic Antioxidants > For Lubricants > Rubber and > Polymer Applications
       Dodecene, 1- (C12)        7,916 China                         18   7.
       UAE                       5,998 Others                     1,719      industry-report/linear-alpha-olefin-              > Nonylated Di Phenyl Amine  > Octylated Butylated Di Phenyl Amine
       Qatar                     1,142 UAE                          928   8.                       > Styrenated Di Phenyl Amine  > Di Octylated Di Phenyl Amine
       Singapore                   719 USA                          457      blog/202112/global-higher-alpha-                  > Cumylated Di Phenyl Amine
       China                        56 Saudi Arabia                 246      olefins-market-snapshot                                                   UREA FORMALDEHYDE RESIN
                                       Singapore                     88   9.                            Water Insoluble > For application in specialized coating application
       ing & Petrochemical Company’s   Indian market                         linear-alpha-olefins-chemical-eco-                                             NOW INTRODUCING
       Amiral Complex.                     India has no domestic  manufac-   nomics-handbook.html
                                         turing capacity  for full range LAOs,   10.                          SUNPEX 2A1 > Di Alkyl Diphenyl oxide - Disulphonate
       Japan                             though there is ~290-ktpa of capacity    report-details/europe-linear-alpha-
         In Japan, Idemitsu operates a 58-ktpa,  for 1-butene of which 160-ktpa is   olefins-lao-market-size-price-in-                  At our sister concern Indus Petrochem Ltd., we represent the following principals.
       1-butene plant at its Chiba Complex,  based on ethylene dimerization (Axens    sights-and-outlook                                Procter & Gamble Chemicals - Fatty Alcohols (both normal & RSPO Grades) /

                    Chemical Weekly | Import-Export Data | Market Surveys                                                               Fatty Acids / Methyl Esters / Glycerin-Moon K.
                            Directories | Business Forums | Expositions                                                                 Shell - Alpha Olefins C12/C14/C16 Grades,
                       The only organisation in India catering exclusively to the needs of the entire chemical industry                 Synthetic Alcohols Neodol Series (C9/11 - C12/15).
                                        SEVAK PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD.                                                                                 Sunshield Chemicals Limited
                   602-B, Godrej Coliseum, K.J. Somaiya Hospital Road, Behind Everard Nagar, Sion (E), Mumbai 400 022.
                                  Phone: +91-22-24044471 / 72;  Email:                        1501-A, Universal Majestic, P.L.Lokhande Marg, Opp. RBK International School, Chembur West, Mumbai - 400043 (INDIA)
                                                                                                                               Tel: +91-22-25550126 w Email: w Web:

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