Page 180 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 180

Special Report

       is driven mostly by North America on  Europe                       Complex in Russia was to begin com-
       a volume basis (which has a low-cost   In Europe, Dow Chemical’s op-  mercial  operation in mid-2024.  The
       ethylene feedstock advantage) and  erates a facility in  Tarragona, Spain,  project nearthe Baltic  Sea’s Ust-Luga
       mainland China (which plans to supply  which accounts  for a 9% of regional  port, includes LAO, with technology
       its polyethylene and PAO demand with  supply capacity.             licensed from  Axens for  a50-ktpa of
       more domestically produced product,                                hexene-1 and 120-ktpa butene-1 (two
       as it tries to reduce its dependence on   INEOS Oligomers operates a larger  units of 60-ktpa each).
       imports)(9).                      facility in Feluy, Belgium, which contri-
                                         butes to more than 28% of the regional  North America
          Between 2014 and  2020, global  supply capacity.  The  plant,  located   Shell has LAO capacity of 1.3-mtpa
       LAOs capacity went up from 6.0-mtpa  just south of Brussels, is the largest  at Geismar (Louisiana, USA)  – mak-
       to 7.2-mtpa, an increase of nearly  West European producer of LAOs and  ing the site the largest in the world for
       17%. In 2020, nearly 37% of the total  the largest European producer of PAO.  LAO. In January 2019, it brought on-
       capacity was on-purpose LAO, while  Its  fi rst  operational  unit  was  built  by  line the fourth LAO plant at the site,
       the remaining 63% were full range  Ethyl Corporation in 1976. In 1991, the  with a  capacity  of 425-ktpa.  In April
       facilities.                       PAO unit (35-ktpa) started production,  2022, the company announced a $1.4-bn
                                         followed  one year  later  by the  LAO  project, which the company said will
          World capacity is forecast to grow  unit (200-ktpa). In 2000, the LAO pro  create a “world scale” LAO at the
       at a CAGR of approximately 5% dur-  duction capacity was increased to 300-ktpa,  Geismar facility.
       ing 2022–27. In 2022, North America  and PAO production capacity was also
       accounted for  approximately 44% of  increased to 70-ktpa and further ex-  INEOS operates a 420-ktpa LAO
       world production of LAOs, followed by  panded in following years to 85-ktpa.  plant at Chocolate Bayou and a
       the Middle East (16%), mainland China  In 2009, a new PAO production  line  120-ktpa PAO  plant at  Alvin,  Texas.
       (13%), and  Western Europe (10%).  was started to bring site PAO capacity  The INEOS Joffre LAO Plant at Joffre
       Other Asia, Africa, Central & Eastern  to 125-ktpa.The primary  products of  (Alberta, Canada), currently with a capa-
       Europe, and Central and South America  the Feluy facility is the production of  city of 250-ktpa, began operating in
       accounted for the remaining 17%.   LAOs within  the  C6-C18 range,  with  September 2001.
                                         the additional capability of  recycling
        Major global producers           C4 to produce other higher olefi ns.  In September 2023, ExxonMobil
          The world’s two largest producers                               announced start-up of a 350-ktpa LAO
       of LAOs  have a combined capacity   Sasol Italy S.p.A. has a plant in  plant (full range from C4 to C24). Ten
       share of 50% (excluding butene-1 from  Augusta, Italy, where they manufacture  high-purity LAO products are manufac-
       raffi nate).  By  2027,  these  two  produ-  LAOs  from  n-paraffi ns.  With  a  capa-  tured at the facility and marketed under
       cers will likely hold on to the top spots,  city of about 250-ktpa, the majority of  the  Elevexx brand name, marking the
       but there will be some reshuffl ing of the  the plant’s output, approximately 90%,  company’s entry into the LAO market.
       other top fi ve.                  is used internally for the production of  More than half of the nameplate capa-
                                         oxo process chemicals, linear alkylben-  city of the LAO plant is for captive use.
         Western       17%               zene, and polyinternal olefi ns.
         Europe                                                              CPChem operates two full-range
                                           CEPSA Quimica (Spain) is also  LAO units and one on-purpose 1-hexene
                                         involved in the production of LAOs from  unit at its Cedar Bayou plant in
                                         n-paraffi ns.  The  Shell  Group  operates  Baytown, Texas  (capacity  250-ktpa).
       13%                               one of the  largest SHOP facilities  in  In March 2023, it completed construc-
                                         the region, at Stanlow (UK) producing  tion of the world’s largest on-purpose
                                  North   both LAOs and internal olefi ns.  1-hexene unit in Old Ocean, Texas. The
                                 America                                  investment brings its total US 1-hexene
          Middle                           Another signifi cant player is Nizhne-  capacity up to 646-ktpa.
           East                          kamskneftekhim (Russia), accounting
                                          for over 8% of the regional supply capa-  Arcanum operates two 1-butene facili-
       Fig. 3: Regional production share for LAOs,   city. They offer LAOs in the C4-C26  ties at its site in Baytown (Texas), each
                     2022.               range(10). The €10-bn Baltic Chemical  with a capacity of 50-ktpa, marking the

       180                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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