Page 181 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 181
Special Report
Table 4: Capacity for full range LAOs at major producers Table 6: Indian market for alpha-olefins
Company Plant location Capacity [ktpa] [Kilotonnes]
Shell Geismar, USA 1,300 Alpha-olefin demand
CPChem Cedar Bayou, USA 100 Butene, 1- (C4) 335
INEOS Chocolate Bayou, USA 420 Hexene, 1- (C6) 18
ExxonMobil Baytown, USA 350 Octene, 1- (C8) 5
INEOS Feluy, Belgium 300 Decene, 1- (C10) 48
INEOS Joffre, Canada 250 Dodecene, 1- (C12) 8
Qatar Chemical Company Qatar 345 Tetradecene, 1- (C14) 130
Total 3,065 Hexadecene, 1- (C16) 27
Octadecene, 1- (C18) 20
Table 5: Butene-1 capacity in India
Company Location Capacity, Technology Higher alpha-olefins 3
Total 594
Reliance Industries Ltd. Jamnagar 50 C4 stream
and AlphaHexol, and the Unipol PE
Reliance Industries Ltd. Hazira 80 C4 stream process.
GAIL India Ltd. Pata 30 Axens Alphabutol
In August 2024, Rongsheng Petro-
ONGC PetroAdditives Ltd. Dahej 35 Axens Alphabutol chemical, announced that it has started
production trials at a LAO pilot pro-
HPCL Mittal Energy Ltd. (HMEL) Bhatinda 55 Axens Alphabutol duction facility in Zhoushan in Zheji-
Indian Oil Corporation Panipat 20 Axens Alphabutol ang province, successfully producing
1-octene of high quality.The facility,
HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. Barmer 20 Axens Alphabutol which uses ethylene as the feedstock,
Total 290 has a production capacity of 300-tpa
of 1-octene or 1,000-tpa of 1-hexene
first use of the Alpha Butol technology of In June 2023, Satellite Chemical with alternative process conditions.
Axens in the US. announced plans to build five LAO Rongcheng said its successful test pro-
plants each with a capacity of 100-ktpa duction of the two monomers will help
China in the port city of Lianyungang. The China reduce reliance on imports as the
In February 2023, Shell PLC project also includes a PAO plant that technology to make the monomers are
subsidiary Shell Nanhai BV and China would use some of the LAOs as feed- monopolised.
National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) stock and have capacity of 15-ktpa.
signed a contract with Shell Catalyst & Middle East
Technologies (SC&T) to deliver pro- In early 2022, Univation Tech- In the Middle East, Qatar Chemi-
cess technology for a third major ex- nologies and Axens signed a coopera- cal Company Ltd. II (Q-Chem II), a
pansion of ethylene production capa- tion agreement to develop improved joint venture between Qatar Petro-
city at the operators’ 50-50 joint venture, capital and operating efficiencies for leum (51%) and Chevron Phillips
CNOOC & Shell Petrochemicals Co. the production of LAO, including Chemical Company (49%), has a capa-
Ltd.’s (CSPC) petrochemical complex butene-1 and hexene-1, for use in manu- city to produce 345-ktpa of LAOs
in Daya Bay Economic & Technologi- facturing PE with Univation’s Unipol (11 types). This was the first plant in
cal Development Zone, Huizhou City, PE process. Under the agreement, the the Middle East for LAOs. Earlier,
Guangdong Province, China. As part of companies will identify and capture plans for a unit in a JV with Shell did
the contract, SC&T will license a suite capital and operating cost reduction not fructify.
of technologies for CSPC’s Phase 3 opportunities, as well as optimize
expansion, including for production of process requirements for both Axens’ Projects in the planning stage in-
LAOs. LAO technology platforms, AlphaButol clude from Saudi Aramco TotalRefin
Chemical Weekly January 14, 2025 181
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