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News from Abroad                                                                                                                                                                  News from Abroad

       MICROPLASTIC POLLUTION                                                                                        LITHIUM PROJECT
       EU countries back stricter rules to curb plastic                                                              SWA Lithium begins operations at DLE-based pilot

       pellet pollution                                                                                              plant in US

          EU  countries,  on  December  17,                               act quickly to contain leaks and under-       SWA  Lithium,  the  joint  venture                               is  expected  to  continue  until  late-
       backed plans to curb plastic pollution                             take cleaning operations if necessary.     between  Standard  Lithium  and  Nor-                               January 2025, at which point suffi cient
       by  toughening  rules  for  companies                                                                         wegian  energy  fi rm,  Equinor,  which                              operational experience and design data
       using  the  pellets  that  constitute  the                            Sea freight fi rms will be subject to    is  developing  the  South  West  Arkansas                          will  have  been  acquired.  Concluding
       building blocks of most plastic pro-                               specifi c obligations, such as “ensuring    (SWA)  project,  has  partnered  with                               operation  of  the  pilot,  it  is  expected
       ducts. A compromise was found to apply                             good quality packaging” and “provid-       Koch Technology Solutions (KTS), to                                 to  produce  approximately  1,000-gal-
       the new rules to maritime transport.                               ing  cargo-related  technical  informa-    design,  build,  commission,  and  ope-                             lons  (3,785  litres)  of  concentrated
                                                                          tion”.  This  will,  in  turn,  result  in  the   rate  a  pilot  Direct  Lithium  Extraction                  and purifi ed lithium chloride solution
          The  Council  adopted  its  position                            sector  enjoying  a  three-year  period  to   (DLE) plant at the project.                                      (6% LiCl solution). This will be sent
       on a regulation on preventing the loss                             adapt  to  the  regulation  once  it  comes                                                                    to three vendors who will produce ap-
       of  plastic  pellets  to  the  environment.                        into  force  –  compared  to  two  years      The pilot DLE plant is processing                                proximately  30-kg  of  battery-quality
       About the size of a lentil and usually  releases. The new rules, the fi rst of their  granted to other sectors.  brine  directly  from  SWA  to  confi rm                           lithium carbonate. The lithium carbo-
       made  from  fossil  fuels,  the  pellets  kind in the EU, will help companies to                              engineering design parameters for the  in  the  qualification  process  with  nate produced will be used for the fi rst
       often spill into the environment, polluting  minimise plastic pellet losses, contri-  Some  countries  had  pushed  for   project and provide samples of battery-  potential off-take partners. Brine supply  phase(s) of qualifi cation with potential
       beaches and oceans.               buting to the fi ght against microplastic  maritime  transport,  which  accounted   quality  lithium  carbonate  for  use  and operation of the pilot DLE plant  off-take partners.
                                         pollution, which knows no borders or  for about 38% of all pellets transported
          Building on legislation proposed by  boundaries,”  said  Ms.  Aniko  Raisz,  in the EU in 2022, to be excluded from   Ineos Energy to acquire oil and gas assets in US
       the European Commission in 2023, the  Hungary’s  minister  of  state  for  envi-  the legislation, leaving it to the Inter-
       bloc’s 27 countries agreed to introduce  ronmental  affairs.  Hungary  currently  national  Maritime  Organization  to  set   Gulf of Mexico
       new rules for fi rms handling and trans-  holds  the  rotating  presidency  of  the  out specifi c rules.
       porting the stuff. Negotiations with the  EU Council.                                                            UK’s Ineos Energy has announced  by Ineos Energy in the US, in the past  (Appomattox  and  Stampede)  in  the
       European Parliament to fi nalise the text                              According  to  European  Commis-        the  acquisition  of  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  three  years,  following  the  1.4-mtpa  Gulf  of  Mexico.  In  addition,  Ineos
       are expected to start this year.    The  proposal  demands  operators  sion  data,  up  to  184-kt  of  pellets  per   business  held  by  CNOOC  Energy  LNG deal completed with Sempra in  acquires several mature assets and sup-
                                         handling  pellets  in  the  EU  take  nece-  year are dispersed into the environment
          “Plastic  pellet  losses  to  the  envi-  ssary  measures  to  limit  its  release  across  the  27-nation  bloc  due  to  mis-  Holdings U.S.A. Inc., a US subsidiary  December 2022 and the acquisition of  porting business. Mr. David Bucknall,
       ronment  are  the  third  largest  source  through  mishandling.  Companies  will  handling.  The  EU  hopes  the  proposal   of  Chinese  oil  &  gas  fi rm,  CNOOC  Chesapeake  Energy’s  oil  and  gas  CEO of Ineos Energy said, “The USA
                                                                                                                     International  Ltd.  The  deal  increases  assets in South Texas in May 2023.
                                                                                                                                                                                         is  a  very  attractive  place  for  Ineos
       of  all  unintentional  microplastic  have  to  conduct  risk  assessments  and  will reduce pellet release by up to 74%.
                                                                                                                     Ineos Energy’s production globally to                               Energy to invest. Total capital spend on
       Viridis Chemical relocates its US ethyl acetate facility                                                      over 90 thousand barrels of oil equiva-  The  deal  includes  a  portfolio  of  energy assets in the USA now exceeds
                                                                                                                     lent per day. These assets in the Gulf of  non-operated  assets  built  around  two  $3-bn, providing a strong platform for
                                                                                                                     Mexico are the third major investment  deepwater  early  production  assets  future growth.”
          Viridis  Chemical,  a  US-based                                 trading,  supply,  and  logistic  services
       developer  of  bio-based  chemicals,  has                          company.                                   ‘China to lead global ethylene oxide capacity
       announced the relocation of its renew-
       able  chemicals  plant  from  Columbus,                               In addition to the adjacency to BioUrja,   additions through 2028’
       Nebraska, to Peoria, Illinois.                                     the  Peoria  location  includes  access  to
                                                                          all major rail lines and barge-navigable      China  is  likely  to  register  the   EO capacity during 2024-            from  BASF’s  Zhanjiang
          This  move  will  co-locate  Viridis’                           routes connecting to the Mississippi River.   highest ethylene oxide (EO) capacity   28  from  eleven  planned           plant with 0.66-mtpa. The
       facility  with  BioUrja  Renewables’                               “The  site’s  proximity  to  Viridis’  core   additions  globally  by  2028,  contri-  and  two  announced  pro-         plant  is  currently  under
       high-purity alcohol plant in Peoria. The                           ethyl acetate customers in the Midwest     buting  about  75%  of  the  total  capa-  jects, it said.                    construction and is antici-
       plant  will  use  BioUrja’s  corn-based                            and Northeast, combined with its superior   city additions from upcoming planned                                         pated to begin operations
       industrial alcohols to produce renewable  focused  on  producing  high-purity  al-  logistics  and  storage  capabilities,  will   and announced projects, according to   The  highest  capacity   this  year.  Tangshan  Xu
       ethyl acetate.                    cohol  for  the  beverage  and  industrial  position  Viridis  for  enhanced  operational   report by data and analytics company,   addition of 0.73-mtpa is expected from  Yang Petrochemical’s Tangshan plant
                                         industries,  as  well  as  fuel  ethanol.  effi ciency  and  customer  service,”  the   GlobalData.            Shandong  Yulong  Petrochemical’s  follows  next,  and  is  expected  to
          BioUrja  Renewables  operates  the  BioUrja  is  part  of  the  larger  BioUrja  company said. The move is expected to                       Longkou  plant  1.  The  second  highest  commence operations in 2027 with an
       510-mn litres per year plant in Peoria  Group,  a  privately  held  commodities  be completed by late 2025.      China  is  set  to  add  5.43-mtpa  of   capacity  addition  in  the  country  is  production capacity of 0.65-mtpa.

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