Page 128 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 128

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       ‘Traditional sectors gradually transitioning towards                                                            N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylene Diamine


          The Confederation of Indian Indus-  processing are  gradually  transitioning  recommends fostering public-private
       try (CII) has launched the second part  towards digitalisation.    partnerships to establish shared tech-                                              (TMEDA)
       of its Manufacturing  Competitiveness                              nology hubs,  increasing budget allo-
       Study, focusing on the transformative  Modest investments          cations for technology, strengthening
       impact of smart technologies on India’s   Key fi ndings reveal that while most  industry-academia collaboration,  and
       manufacturing sector. The report, titled  manufacturers recognise technology  implementing  supportive policies to
       ‘Smart Manufacturing: Unlocking  adoption as a critical driver of profi t  encourage broader  adoption of  smart                                                                                                                  DIETHYL HYDROXYLAMINE 85% & 98%
       India’s Potential,’ highlights the sector’s  ability and competitiveness, current in-  manufacturing.
       ongoing digital transformation and its  vestments remain modest, with many allo-                                                                                                                                                                             DEHA 85% & 98%
       critical role in achieving the ambitious  cating less than 10% of their budgets.   Speaking about the report,
       goal of  increasing  the manufacturing  However, a shift towards higher invest-  Mr. Deepak Shetty, Chairman  of the
       GDP share to 25% soon.            ment – targeting 11-15% of budgets –  Council on Manufacturing Excellence,
                                         is expected in the next two years, parti-  CII and CEO & Managing Director, JCB                                                                                                                                                MONO, DI, TRI
          The report showcases how cutting-  cularly in IoT, robotics, and Big Data.  India Ltd., said, “India’s manufacturing
       edge technologies such as the Internet  Challenges such as high costs, unclear  landscape  is  undergoing  a  signifi cant
       of Things (IoT), Artifi cial Intelligence  return on investment, and the integration  transformation, driven by  the rapid                                                                                                                             DIETHYL TOLUAMIDE
       (AI), Machine Learning (ML), robotics,  of legacy systems persist, especially for  adoption of  innovative technologies.
       and automation are reshaping the  small and medium enterprises (SMEs).  This report explores the technological                                                                                                                                                            DEET
       manufacturing landscape, driving opti-  Additionally, the report underscores the  revolution  reshaping manufacturing,
       misation, innovation, and global com-  urgent need for workforce upskilling to  highlighting  how smart technologies
       petitiveness. High-capital industries  bridge the skills gap and enable seam-  are essential for boosting productivity
       like semiconductors, aerospace, and  less adoption of advanced technologies.  and efficiency. By embracing these
       automotive  are leading the charge in                              advancements, India can gain a competi-
       adopting these technologies, while tra-  Public-private partnerships  tive edge globally and establish  itself
       ditional sectors  like textiles and  food   To address these barriers, the study  as a manufacturing leader.”
       VA Tech Wabag bags contract worth Rs. 145-crore

       from Chennai Petro
          VA Tech Wabag, a Chennai-based  Corporation Ltd. (CPCL) for install-  of desalination water pipelines
       pure-play water technology com-   ing desalination water pipelines at  between CPCL’s Manali Refi nery and
       pany that offers a complete range of  CPCL’s Kattupalli plant.     the company’s desalination plant at
       technologies  and  services  for  water                            Kattupalli.
       in both municipal and industrial sec-  Accordingly, the company would
       tors, has secured an order worth  undertake design, engineering, supply,   The project is to be completed
       Rs. 145-crore from Chennai Petroleum  fabrication, installation and commissioning  over a span of 12 months.

       Minimum import price imposed on soda ash imports

          The Central Government notifi ed on  June 2025. Installed capacity for soda ash  increased year-on-year by 80.3% to reach
                                                                                                                               STAR EXPORT HOUSE
       30th December, the revision in the import  in India at the end of FY24 reached 4.396-  1.041-mt. Leading exporters of soda ash   GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED
       policy for soda ash to impose a Minimum  mtpa, production was only 3.512-mt,  into India came from Turkey (35% share
       Import Price of Rs. 20,108 per tonne. The  implying a capacity utilisation of 80%  of total imports), Russia (23%), USA
       MIP imposed shall be in effect till 30th  during the year due to high imports, which  (20%), Kenya and UAE (9% each).

       128                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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