Page 130 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
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Aerolloy Technologies commissions facility to
produce aerospace-grade titanium alloy ingots
Aerolloy Technologies, a wholly- quettes. These briquettes were plasma-
owned subsidiary of PTC Industries, welded together to create a 6-m long
has achieved a milestone by becoming titanium “electrode”. The electrode
the first and only Indian private company was subsequently welded to a titanium
to commission a Vacuum Arc Remelt- stub and placed into the VAR furnace
ing (VAR) furnace and produce aero- for the first melting cycle. The melting
space-grade titanium alloy ingots. process occurred in a vacuum, ensur-
ing the elimination of gaseous impuri-
The state-of-the-art, German manu- tion, particularly for aerospace appli- ties and the formation of a dense and
factured VAR furnace, positions Aer- cations where material properties defect-free ingot. The initial ingot was
olloy among a select few companies such as strength and homogeneity are re-melted in the VAR furnace, second
globally with the capability, infrastruc- paramount. The process operates under time, to produce a “double-melt” quality
ture, and technology to manufacture vacuum, ensuring the elimination of ingot, to meet the rigorous require-
titanium alloy ingots for critical appli- impurities while preventing contamina- ments of aerospace-grade titanium
cations in aerospace and defence indus- tion and oxidation during melting. This alloy. This double-melt ingot can now
tries. The VAR furnace has a melting meticulous process ensures a superior be used in applications demanding
capacity of 1,500-tpa (based on double- metallurgical structure and uniform the highest levels of performance and
melt quality standards) and can produce alloy composition, essential for applica- reliability.
titanium alloy ingots up to 1,000 mm in tions in jet engines, airframes, and
diameter and weighing up to 10-tonnes. industrial gas turbines. “The commissioning of this VAR
furnace is not just a milestone for Aerol-
Globally the ability to produce During the commissioning of the loy and PTC Industries, but a defining
aerospace-grade titanium alloy ingots VAR furnace, the production process moment for India’s manufacturing sec-
using VAR technology is concentrated began with the precise blending of tor. By bringing this capability to India,
in only a handful of countries, inclu- titanium sponge and various alloy- we have eliminated a critical dependency
ding the US, Russia, China, France and ing elements, such as aluminium and and demonstrated that Indian com-
the UK. vanadium, in exact proportions. This panies can lead in advanced manufac-
alloyed mix of titanium sponge was then turing technologies on a global scale,”
The VAR process is a cornerstone pressed in die using a heavy-duty press said Mr. Sachin Agarwal, Chairman &
of high-quality titanium alloy produc- to form multiple titanium alloy bri- Managing Director, PTC Industries.
Centre for Modelling & Simulation and Advanced
Flow Visualisation inaugurated at ICT, Mumbai
A Centre for Modelling & Simula- facturer of speciality chemicals, and tion with ICT, a Centre of Excellence,
tion and Advanced Flow Visualisation was inaugurated by VOL chairman aims to advance research and develop-
has been opened at the Department Mr. Vinod Saraf and in the presence of ment in this critical field, empowering
of Chemical Engineering, Institute of MD and CEO, Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja. the next generation of engineers and
Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai. scientists. Together, we are committed
“At Vinati Organics, we believe in to driving progress and creating sus-
The Centre has been aided by Vinati fostering innovation and excellence in tainable solutions for the future,” VOL
Organics Ltd. (VOL), a leading manu- chemical engineering. Our collabora- said in a social media post.
130 Chemical Weekly January 14, 2025
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