Page 201 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 201
Mumbai Chemical Market
Acetic acid, Cyclohexanone, MEK move up;
Isobutanol, IPA down
Chemicals like caustic soda Rs. 97. Propylene glycol was at Rs. 87 in bulk. Butyl cellosolve
fl akes, cyclohexanone, MEK, Rs. 83 in bulk. MEK (imported) was up by Rs. 2 at Rs. 99 in bulk.
acetic acid and vinyl acetate was up by Rs. 6 at Rs. 103 (basic). Vinyl acetate was up by Rs. 4 at
moved up from previously Rs. 74 in bulk.
reported levels, while cyclohexane, Methanol (imported) ruled
isopropyl alcohol, octanol and down by a rupee at Rs. 34 in bulk, Chloralkali
isobutanol ruled lower during ex-Kandla. Dimethyl formamide Caustic soda fl akes ruled up
the past week. (DMF) was at Rs. 62 per kg in bulk. by a rupee at Rs. 69 in bulk, while
Caustic soda lye was at Rs. 42
Toluene (RIL) was at Rs. 72 Oxo alcohols (basic). Caustic potash was at
(basic) in bulk, while Toluene Domestic and international Rs. 131 in bulk. Ethylene dichlo-
(BPCL) was at Rs. 71 (basic) Octanol fell by Rs. 3 and Rs. 4 ride was at Rs. 28 in bulk. Among
in bulk and Rs. 125 for barrels. to sell at Rs. 92 and Rs. 93, the Chloromethanes, Methylene
BPCL’s Benzene was at Rs. 82, respectively. Domestic Butanol chloride was at Rs. 32 in bulk.
while Benzene (RIL) ruled at was at Rs. 77 and imported Chloroform was at Rs. 17.50 in
Rs. 81.50. material was down by a rupee at bulk.
Rs. 77. Domestic Isobutanol ruled
Mixed xylene was at Rs. 65 down by Rs. 6.50 at Rs. 78.50 Phthalates
in bulk, while imported mixed and imported material was down DOP was at Rs. 115, while
xylene was selling up by Rs. 2.50 by Rs. 3 at Rs. 76. DBP was at Rs. 113. DIBP was
at Rs. 68 (basic). O-Xylene (OX) at Rs. 112. DBM was at Rs. 111
was at Rs. 82, while imported Fibre intermediates and DOA was at Rs. 136. DOM
material fi rmed up by Rs. 17 at MEG was at Rs. 56 in bulk, was at Rs. 125.
Rs. 100 in bulk. Domestic Isopropyl while DEG was down by a rupee
alcohol was down by Rs. 2 at at Rs. 56 for bulk. PTA was at Titanium dioxide
Rs. 94 in bulk and was available Rs. 70. Anatase grade Titanium
at Rs. 156 for packed material. dioxide (TTPL) was at Rs. 195
Phenol (basic) in bulk, while rutile grade
Among the aromatic solvents, Phenol imported material of KMML was at Rs. 258 (basic)
C-9 was down by Rs. 3 at Rs. 67. was at Rs. 87 in bulk. Acetone for paint, ink and for plastic grade,
Cyclohexane was down by a imported material was at Rs. 65. the rate was at Rs. 263. Among
rupee at Rs. 90.50 in bulk, while the imported materials, DuPont
Cyclohexanone was up by Rs. 3 Acetyls was quoted at Rs. 330 (basic) per
at Rs. 115 in bulk. Acrylonitrile Acetic acid was up by Rs. 4 kg; Huntsman was at Rs. 265 and
(imported) was down by a rupee at Rs. 40 in bulk. Ethyl acetate Tronox was at Rs. 300. Chinese
at Rs. 119 in bulk. Styrene was up by a rupee at Rs. 65 in rutile was at Rs. 210 (basic),
monomer was down by a rupee at bulk, while Butyl acetate was at Chinese anatase was at Rs. 180.
Chemical Weekly January 7, 2025 201
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