Page 198 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
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Chemployment Exchange                                                                                                                                                          Chemployment Exchange

                                                                                                                        Presentation  skill,  communication,   launch,  de-fend  business  and  lead   Develop new formulations for global
                                                                                                                        critical thinking, etc.           negotiation  of  pricing  agreements   business  through  innovation  and
                                         DKSH                                                                           For more details, visit: https://jobs.  following company guidelines.  ensure formulations meet our inter-
                                            Swiss distribution fi rm, DKSH, helps companies grow in Asia and beyond      You will engage with several part-  nal standards as well as BIS, EPA
                                                                                                                                                                                            and REACH standards.
                                                                                                                                                          ners – external and internal: custo-
                                         across its business units – Healthcare, Consumer Goods, Performance Materials   cal-Marketing-Manager-Medical-   mers,  industry  experts,  technical   Monitor related scientifi c and tech-

                                         and Technology. The company requires:                                       TPU-MH-400079/1203213800/            and marketing and the CSI team, to   nical innovation (literature, patents,
                                         Manager, Technical Sales – Food & Beverage Industry (FBI)                                 (Source: Company website)  lead the agenda.              conferences)  and  translate  and
                                                                                                                                                          As  a  senior  leadership  member  of   transfer  technical/scientifi c  progress
                                            Location: Secunderabad.                                                  Givaudan                             the  Sub-region,  you  will  develop   back to Formulation Technology.
                                            Requisition Number: 169372.                                                                                   and build talent, managing a team.     Ensure  high  safety  standards  within
                                                                                                                                                          Effective  at  driving  organisational   the area of your responsibility conside-
                                         General responsibilities                                                       Givaudan is a global leading com-  change and performance.          ring regulations, directives and laws.
       Lubrizol India Pvt. Ltd.             Will be responsible for business developments and sales of food ingredients   pany in taste and wellbeing, fragrance      You  will  be  a  member  of  the   Ensure  raw  data,  reports  &  docu-

                                            in assigned region (Hyderabad/Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh &    and beauty. The company requires:    Commercial  Leadership  Team  for   mentation  are  archived  according
         Lubrizol  India  Pvt.  Ltd.  manu-  Kerala)/customers.                                                      Sales Head – North India             the Sub Region.                   to company compliance guidelines
       factures and markets fuel & lubricant      Analyze the sales potential for specifi ed region and introduce products to                          Key requirements                     and processes.
       additives and speciality performance   customers accordingly.                                                    We are looking for a dynamic and      More than 15 years of proven track      Effective  scale  up  and  technology
       chemicals for industry. The company      Identify new potential customers and introduce products to customers in the   experienced Sales Head to join our team   record in sales.   transfer  of  new  products  to  com-
       has the following opening:           assigned territories.                                                    in India for the Taste and Wellbeing                                   mercial  production  units  and  pro-
                                            Implement marketing and sales strategies defi ned by BLM.                Division. As the Sales Head, you will      Strong leadership skills and experi-  vide  solutions  to  any  problems  as
                                                                                                                                                          ence building teams.
       Technical Marketing Manager – Medical      Develop good and healthy relationships with industry experts and respec-  help lead the top-line and gross profi t      Bachelor/Master Degree in Food Tech-  required at own and toller produc-
       TPU                                  tive  department  heads  at  customer  places  to  ensure  smooth  functioning  of   aspirations for the vertical. Reporting   nology or Food Sciences or Engineer-  tion units.
         As  a Technical  Marketing  Man-   business with customers in specifi ed region.                             to the Commercial Director, South Asia   ing  with  Specialisation  in  Business      Support and consult internal custo-
       ager- Medical TPU, you would provide      Ensuring sales targets set by BLM are achieved.                    for the Taste & Wellbeing Division, you   Administration or related areas.  mers and stakeholders in R&D.
       our  customers  in  IMEA  region  with      Co-ordinating and organising supplier visits and conducting trials.   will be based in Gurgaon.       Experience  working  with  people      Supervise,  train,  and  develop  a
       technical marketing and support them      Develop  new  projects  for  products  in  coordination  with  BLM  FBI  and                            from technical, operation and inno-  group of 1-2 technicians.
       in adopting Lubrizol TPU for medical   Business Development Manager.                                          Main responsibilities                vation related backgrounds, etc.
       devices  applications. You  will  also      To undergo technical trainings both in India and overseas to support the FBI      Manage  both  local  &  regional                  Key requirements
       be responsible for managing pipeline   customers with technical knowledge and product application, etc.          accounts  including  fragmented   For more details, visit: https://jobs.     M.Sc. in Chemistry with 8-10 years’
       for  technical  projects  for  business   Qualifi cation: B.Tech/M.Tech – Food Technologist.                      market players and CPG accounts,  experience. Good understanding of
       growth in existing and new applications   For  more  details,  visit:      excel  in  channel  management  to   Head-North-India-122001/1070467401/   colloid and interface chemistry and
       areas, supporting sales team and local   bad-Manager%2C-Technical-Sales-Food-&-Beverage-Industry-                grow  the  retail  and  redistribution                              the ability to apply them in formula-
       manufacturing partner. In addition, you   %28FBI%29-IN/32091444/                                                 market within the vertical.                  (Source: Company website)  tion development activities.
       would be supporting Industrial TPU                                               (Source: Company website)       You  will  grow  business  around                                  A background in formulation science
                                                                                                                        all  core  categories,  aggregate  Bayer
       business for technical needs.                                                                                                                                                        or  product  development  of  bio-
                                           ment projects in collaboration with   Represent Lubrizol in various tech-   knowledge  and  leadership  around                                  chemical,  biological,  biophysical

       Key responsibilities                sales.                            nical  forums  to  promote  Lubrizol’s     specifi c  categories,  nurture  and   Bayer,  the  German  multinational   science area.
          Develop an understanding of thermo-     Lead  customer  driven  technical   polymers  and  position  Lubrizol   grow  the  new  business  created  in  pharmaceutical, consumer health and      Professional experience in agricul-
          plastic polyurethanes, their processing   projects including setting up work   as  technology  leader  in  the  space,   “enter categories” by the BDMs.  crop-science company, requires:  tural where interactions of products/
          methods,  and  their  application  in   plan,  executing  activities,  coordi-  etc.                          You will have to ensure Givaudan   Manager – Formulation Development   molecules with a biological target is
          medical devices for tube and sheet ex-  nating  with  global  technology/                                     is well positioned to win – manage                                  relevant.
          trusion, moulding and other processes.  application  lab  teams  as  required,  Key requirements              large commercial projects in colla-  Location: Vapi, Gujarat.       Curiosity and passion for research.

          Engage  with  customers  in  the   actively  participating  in  customer   Bachelors in Polymer Engineering.  boration with Technical Centre, and                              Experience in leading people and
          region to understand key customer   meetings and updates.          Minimum  10  years’  experience  as       promote the expanded portfolio of   Division: Crop Science.         teams  and  a  passion  to  support
          needs and technical challenges.     Participate  in  customer  trial  for   technical marketing/service for TPU   Taste and Ingredients.       Job ID: 834995.                   individuals and team in their develop-
          Lead customer discussions for techni-  extrusion and moulding and provide   extrusion, moulding and sheeting.     You  should  manage  the  project                             ment, etc.
          cal  improvements,  support  Lubrizol’s   processing support.      Experience  in  high  precision  TPU      pipeline  within  the  entire  vertical  Key responsibilities       For  more  details,  visit:  https://

          polymer processing at customers’ end.     Provide technical solution to Lubri-  extrusion for tubes, sheets.  to achieve growth plans, follow up   Planning  and  prioritising  jobs  for
          Engage  with  technical/R&D  team   zol’s extrusion partner for better and   Customer facing experience in man-  on customer submissions and man-  development  of  new  formulations

          to  support  new  product  develop-  effi cient processing of polymers.  aging technical projects.             age wins through to production and   for global markets.                       (Source: Company website)
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