Page 154 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 154

News from Abroad

       Inpex begins FEED work on blue hydrogen project

       in Japan

          Inpex Corporation, Japan’s largest
       exploration  and production company,
       has commenced front end engineering
       and design (FEED) work preparations
       for a blue hydrogen production project
       with  commercial  prospects  in  Niigata
       Prefecture, Japan, that will leverage
       the  company’s  natural  gas  fields  and
       existing natural gas infrastructure.
       Inpex has so far completed the concept
       development and feasibility studies for
       the project.
                                         Prefecture and neighbouring regions as  tion of blue hydrogen sourced from
          The project involves plans to con-  fuel and raw material for power genera-  domestic gas.
       struct a new hydrogen plant with a pro-  tion and heating applications. Further-
       duction capacity of ~ 100-ktpa in Nii-  more, CO  generated during the hydro-  As per ‘Inpex Vision @2022’, Inpex
       gata Prefecture that will source its raw  gen production process will be captured  is seeking to develop a hydrogen and
       materials  from natural  gas produced   and injected (as  a carbon capture and  CCS/CCUS business as one of its
       at the Inpex-operated Minami-Nagaoka   storage (CCS) initiative) into depleting  five  net  zero  business  initiatives.  The
       Gas  Field  (Nagaoka  City,  Niigata   gas  fields  in  Niigata  Prefecture,  ena-  company plans to commercialise three
       Prefecture) as well as LNG received at  bling the hydrogen to be marketed and  or more projects in this field by around
       Inpex’s Naoetsu LNG Terminal (Joetsu  utilised as blue hydrogen.   2030 and aims to produce and supply
       City,  Niigata  Prefecture)  mainly  from                          100-ktpa or more of hydrogen/ammonia
       Ichthys LNG.                        The project is one of the few in  targeting a CO   injection volume of
                                         Japan that can both enhance national  2.5-mtpa or more in around 2030. This
          The produced hydrogen is expected  energy security and supply low-carbon  project is expected to play an important
       to be marketed to customers in Niigata  energy through the large-scale produc-  role in the achievement of these goals.
       Sinopec produces green hydrogen from seawater
       at Qingdao refinery

          China  Government  owned energy   innovative  approach not only offers   lysis, seawater is split into hydrogen
       and chemicals major,  Sinopec, has   a new  solution for coastal regions to  and oxygen, with the produced hydro-
       announced the completion of “China’s   utilise renewable energy for green   gen seamlessly integrated  into the
       first  factory-based  seawater  hydro-  hydrogen production but also provides an  Qingdao  refinery’s  pipeline  network
       gen production  research project” at  alternative pathway for the resourceful   for use in refining processes or hydro-
       its  Qingdao  refinery  in  Shandong   utilisation of  high-salinity industrial  gen-powered vehicles. The entire pro-
       province.                         wastewater, Sinopec said.        duction process occurs within a factory
                                                                          setting, ensuring efficiency and opera-
          The project integrates direct sea-  The project adopts a factory-based  tional stability.
       water  electrolysis  with renewable   operation model, leveraging part of
       energy-powered green hydrogen pro-  the green electricity generated from   Seawater  hydrogen  production
       duction, achieving an hourly output of  Qingdao  refinery’s  floating  photovol-  holds significant potential. By directly
       20 cubic metres of green hydrogen. This  taic power station.  Through electro-  converting  seawater into hydrogen,

       154                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024

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