Page 153 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 153

News from Abroad

       Grupa Azoty launches fifth nitric acid line at Polish site

          Polish fertiliser firm, Grupa Azoty,
       has commissioned the fifth nitric acid
       production line at its Puławy plant.

          The line is part of a major moderni-
       sation and construction project for
       nitric acid production and related faci-
       lities, valued at  around  $73-mn.  The
       project improves the efficiency of nitric
       acid production, enhances the economic
       feasibility of  nitric acid-based ferti-
       lisers, and aims to reduce environmental

          The fifth line has a production capa-  stage of an investment whose concept –   fourth nitric acid line. We remain com-
       city  of 1,000-tpd (tonnes per day)   encompassing the construction of a   mitted to this project, recognising its
       (calculated  at 100%  acid concentra-  new nitric acid line, modernisation of  significant potential for Grupa Azoty,”
       tion), and the fourth neutralisation line,  the four existing lines, and expansion of  emphasised  Mr.  Hubert  Kamola,  Vice
       with a capacity of 1,300-tpd, is set to  fertiliser production potential, including  President of the Management Board of
       begin its technological startup later this  two mechanical granulation lines for  Grupa Azoty and President of the Man-
       month.  These developments  will ulti-  ammonium nitrate – was developed bet-  agement Board of Grupa Azoty Puławy.
       mately increase the  capacity for  pro-  ween 2012 and 2014. Key decisions in
       ducing high-quality granular fertilisers   this regard were made as early as 2015.   The expansion of nitric acid produc-
       (macro) for modern fertilisation  tech-  Unfortunately, the implementation of  tion will allow Grupa Azoty Puławy to
       nologies and fully load two mecha-  this investment sequence leaves much  avoid plant downtime and the associa-
       nical granulation lines. The  launch of  to be desired – the completion and com-  ted losses in fertiliser production. It will
       the fifth nitric acid line also facilitates  mercialisation were initially planned  also  eliminate production bottlenecks
       the smooth modernisation of the exist-  for  2019-21.  In  addition  to  significant  (in absorption and cooling nodes) and
       ing four nitric acid lines (with the first  delays, a decision was made in 2022 to  enable full production integration with
       line already 80% modernised).     suspend certain aspects of this invest-  other installations,  utilising the com-
                                         ment, including the new fertiliser pro-  plete infrastructure and existing pro-
          “We have completed an important  duction line and modernisation of the  duction potential.
       Chandra Asri Group raising capacities of 1-butene

       and MTBE plants

          Indonesian  petrochemicals group,                               the plant,  has been  in operation
       Chandra Asri Group, has signed an Engi-                            since 2020.
       neering,  Procurement,  and Construc-
       tion  (EPC) contract  with PT Inti                                    The 1-butene plant produces
       Karya Persada  Tehnik (IKPT) to                                    co-monomer for the production of
       increase the capacity  of its 1-butene                             polyethylene plastic resin,  while the
       and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)                                 MTBE plant produces octane additives
       plants by more than 25%.                                           for gasoline. This expansion strengthens
                                                                          Chandra Asri Group’s position as the
          Located at  the  integrated petro-                              sole producer of  1-butene and MTBE
       chemical  complex in Ciwandan,                                     in Indonesia.

       Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024                                                              153

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