Page 150 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 150

News from Abroad

       BASF and research partners collaborate to optimise

       mechanical recycling of plastics

          BASF has teamed up with Swiss lab                               sent for recycling  is mechanically  re-
       instrumentation  fi rm,  Endress+Hauser,                            cycled. The waste is collected, sorted,
       and  German  plastics  fi rm,  Techno-                              crushed, cleaned and then melted.
       Compound, as well as the Universities                              Depending on the input material  and
       of Bayreuth and Jena to study how the                              the degree of sorting, this melted mate-
       mechanical  recycling of  plastics can                             rial can contain different types of plas-
       be improved.  With funding from the                                tics, additives and contaminants. There-
       German Federal Ministry of Education                               fore, the quality of the recycled output
       and Research (BMBF), the ‘SpecReK’                                 often varies and is not always suffi cient
       project  aims to reliably  and precisely                           to be transformed back into high-value
       identify the  composition of  plastic                              plastic products.
       waste during the recycling process and  should be adapted to improve the quality
       thus  improve  the  quality  of recycled  of the recycled plastic output.  “With the increasing  demand for
       plastics. This will be achieved by com-                            high-quality recycled materials, and
       bining state-of-the-art measuring tech-  “We do not currently have the neces-  given the current  legal  framework, it
       niques with artifi cial intelligence (AI).  sary analysis tools to determine during  will be crucial to perfectly understand
                                         processing  exactly  which  components  the material properties and composition
          The researchers are using  spectro-  are contained in the mechanically recy-  of mechanically recycled plastic waste
       scopic methods  which  interpret how  cled plastics,” explained Dr. Bernhard  and to optimise the process. In this way,
       the material  interacts  with light to  von Vacano, head of the Plastics Circu-  we will strengthen the circular economy,”
       gain information about the chemical  larity research  programme at  BASF.  Mr. von Vacano said.
       structure  of the recycled  plastics. The  This information is needed,  however,
       project  partners want to use this data  to evaluate and improve the quality of   In this joint project, BASF is coope-
       to determine  in real time  during pro-  waste plastics. “This will enable us to  rating with Endress+Hauser,  Techno-
       cessing which plastic grades, additives  use  more  mechanically recycled plas-  Compound, the University of Bayreuth
       and contaminants are contained in the  tics to produce high-quality  products  and Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
       material.  In a subsequent step, an AI  and to make recycling processes more  The total  project  volume  is €2.2-mn,
       algorithm  will recognise patterns in  effi cient and sustainable,” he added.  with  two-thirds  fi nanced  by  BMBF
       the measurement data and recommend                                 funds from its quantum systems research
       which additional components should  Circular economy for plastics  program  and  one-third  fi nanced  by  the
       be added or how the recycling process   At present, most of the plastic waste  project partners.
       Power2X selects Honeywell’s technology

       for electrofuels project in Rotterdam

          Dutch green energy fi rm, Power2X,   The Rotterdam facility  will use   eFuels combine green hydrogen
       has licensed Honeywell UOP’s eFining  locally  produced green hydrogen and  (i.e., hydrogen produced from renew-
       methanol-to-jet processing  technology  imported  methanol  produced from  able energy and water) and carbon di-
       in its eFuels Rotterdam  project  – a  green hydrogen and biogenic carbon as  oxide to create eMethanol, which can then
       large-scale production and storage hub  feedstock to create electrofuels (eFuels).  be converted into sustainable fuels like
       for sustainable aviation fuel (eSAF)  These eFuels are a class of synthetic  eSAF or other synthetic drop-in fuels.
       and synthetic, ultra-low carbon fuels in  fuels that can help displace a portion of
       the Port of Rotterdam.            fossil fuels.                       “Accelerating the energy transition

       150                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024

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