Page 143 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 143

Pharmaceuticals                                                                 Pharmaceuticals

 Macsen Labs begins work on new API facility   Sun Pharma sells entire stake in Japanese arm

 in Udaipur  to Zaza Industrial Holdings

 Macsen Labs Group, a Rajasthan-  city of 100-KL (both stain-  Sun  Pharmaceutical Industries  has   diary operates a manufacturing plant
 based manufacturer of active pharma-  less steel & glass-lined reac-  announced  the  100% sale  of its step-  in Saitama, Japan, which produces
 ceutical ingredients (APIs), dyes, fi ne &   tors); a new dedicated R&D   down  subsidiary, Sun  Pharma Japan   products for Sun Pharma Japan. The
 speciality  chemicals, has commenced   centre over an area of 15,000   Technical Operations Limited, to Zaza   plant will continue to supply products
 of construction  of  its new APIs manu-  sq ft; and an advanced pilot   Industrial Holdings K.K., Japan.  to Sun Pharma under a contract valid
 facturing facility near its existing unit,   plant which will enable      till May 2026.
 Macsen Drugs, in Udaipur.   pilot-scale production of APIs   The decision marks a strategic
 and commercial production   move by the company, which operates             The buyer, Zaza Industrial Holdings
 Spread over 25,000 square metres,   of low-volume, pre-clinical   one of the largest pharmaceutical busi-  The turnover of Sun Pharma Japan  K.K., is a Japan-based company with
 the  new  facility  is  fi ve  times  larger   and clinical trial APIs.  nesses globally. According to a regula-  Technical Operations Limited contri-  no affi liation to Sun Pharma’s promoter
 than the current infrastructure at   tory fi ling with BSE, the agreement was  buted less than 0.5% to Sun Pharma’s  group.  The move to divest the subsi-
 Macsen Drugs, which is a USFDA   “We also have plans   signed  on December  31, 2024, with  consolidated turnover in 2023-24,  diary aligns with the company’s broader
 inspected, TGA-GMP, and WHO-GMP  applications,” the company said in a  to install a special  production line   transaction  expected to be completed  and has been sold for a nominal  strategy to optimise  its global opera-
 certified  manufacturing  unit.  press note.  for manufacturing & performing  cor-  by January 31, 2025.  consideration of JPY 1.  The subsi-  tions.
 “Designed to support scalability and   rosive chemistries with Hastelloy,
 operational effi ciency, the new facility   Macsen plans to invest  approxi-  Halar-coated equipment, etc,” said   Fire at pharma plant of RPG Life Sciences:
 will include multiple API production  mately Rs. 75-crore in the initial phase  Mr. Achal Agrawal, Chairman and CEO
 blocks capable of handling diverse  of development, which will include  of Macsen Group. “We aim to commence
 and advanced manufacturing processes  two multistorey  API production blocks  production activities at this new facility   A  fi re  broke  out  within  one  of  the  … and at Black Rose Industries  tion at the affected site and therefore,
                                           In  another development, a  Black  there is no impact on the business opera-
 for  APIs for various therapeutic  equipped with a combined reactor capa-  by the end of 2025,” he added.  manufacturing units of the Pharma Plant
       of RPG Life Sciences, located at Plot No.  Rose Industries Ltd., a leading supplier  tions or functions of the company. The
       25/25A, MIDC,  Thane-Belapur Road,  of acrylamide, has reported a fi re inci-  loss is only related to the value of the
 Divi’s Labs begins operations at fi rst phase   Navi Mumbai, on January 2, 2025.   dent at Building No. 2, Plot No. 11-18,  building. The asset impacted by the fi re
                                         Shree Laxmi Co-op.  Industrial Estate  is fully insured, and the company has
 of Kakinada greenfi eld project  mately  9:00 am, while  causing consi-  Ltd., Hatkanangle,  Dist. Kolhapur,  already taken the necessary steps to fi le
          The fi re which occurred, at approxi-
                                         which is owned by the company. “We  an insurance claim to cover the loss and
       derable disruption, resulted in no injuries  would like to clarify that the company  damage caused by the incident,” it said
 Hyderabad-based Divi’s Labora-  suits with a total   or loss of human life.  was not carrying out any of its opera-  in a statement.
 tories Ltd. has started commercial   reaction capacity of
 operations at its Kakinada plant in   more than around
 Andhra Pradesh from January 1,   14,500 m³, making   Alkem Laboratories sells MP facility to Rubicon
 2025, as per a stock market filing.   it one of the largest
 The operations are a part of phase   active pharmaceuti-  Research
 one of Unit 3 of the greenfield pro-  cal ingredients manu-
 ject at Ontimamidi Village (Kona) in   facturing facilities   Mumbai-based Alkem  Labora-  Special  Economic  Zone  in
 Thondangi Mandal, Kakinada.  in the world.  tories Ltd. has announced the sale of   Pithampur alongwith all
       its manufacturing facility in Pithampur,                                     rights, title and interest in
 The phase one of the ‘Export   The third manu-  Madhya Pradesh to Rubicon Research   the leasehold land, factory
 Oriented Unit’ is being implemen-  facturing site near   Ltd. for Rs. 149-crore.   building, assets and liabi-
 ted on 200 acres of the 500-acre   Kakinada  has  been                             lities.
 Unit III site, with an estimated in-  in the works since   As  per  a  stock  market  fi ling,  the
 vestment between Rs. 1,200-crore   2021. The  company   deal was carried out on a slump sale   Alkem said the move is
 and Rs. 1,500-crores, according to  two manufacturing sites near  is a commercial-scale manufacturer   basis pursuant to a business transfer   part of its “ongoing initia-
 the filing.  Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam. Both the  of non-potent and highly potent   agreement executed between the par-  tive of networking strategy
 manufacturing units have more than 64  APIs as well as several low-dose   ties on January 6, 2025.  The deal   and optimisation of manu-
 Divi’s Labs currently operates  production buildings and 70 pharma  products.  includes the facility located at the   facturing facilities”.

 142  Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025  Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025                             143

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