Page 178 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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                                                                                      can offer                                                                                           Mumbai Chemical Market

             • Export Inquiries Solicited
             • Specifications & Quality as per International Standards         Zircon Flour 325 mesh
             • Suitable Packings for Export Consignments                      and 200 mesh                           Caustic potash up; Caustic soda fl akes down
                          SODIUM MOLYBDATE                                     Zircon Sand 100  mesh
                       MOLYBDENUM TRIOXIDE                                     Zirconium Oxide                         Fairly steady trends  pre-     at Rs. 35 in bulk, ex-Kandla.  down by Rs. 4 at Rs. 68 in

                     AMMONIUM DI MOLYBDATE                                    ZrO  > 99%                             vailed in the Mumbai chemicals    Dimethyl formamide (DMF)  bulk, while  Caustic soda
                                                                                                                     market during the past week.
                                                                                                                                                                                         lye  was at Rs. 42 (basic).
                                                                                                                                                       was at Rs. 62 per kg in bulk.
                  AMMONIUM HEPTA MOLYBDATE                                     Hafnium Oxide                                                                                            Caustic potash  was up by
                   AMMONIUM TETRA MOLYBDATE                                    Sillimanite                             Toluene (RIL) was at Rs. 72    Oxo alcohols                      Rs. 4 at Rs. 131 in bulk.
                                  315, Aditviya Complex, Nr. Deluxe Cross Roads,                                     (basic) in bulk, while Toluene       Domestic and international  Ethylene dichloride  was at
                                  Nizampura, Vadodara - 390002, INDIA,           from local sources
                                  Ph: +91 265 2796401 / 25 |  Fax: +91 265 2796421                                   (BPCL) was at  Rs. 71 (basic)     Octanol were selling at Rs. 95  Rs. 28 in bulk. Among the
                                  Email: • M: +91 9712943201
                                     • M: +91 9998050676  For your REQUIREMENT, please mail:
           A Government Recognised   Website:          in bulk and Rs. 127 for barrels.   and Rs. 97, respectively.  Do- Chloromethanes, Methylene
             2 - Star Export House  Works: 155/1 & 155/2, GIDC Estate, Nandesari - 391340, Gujarat, India.  KNS ADI
                                                                                                                     BPCL’s Benzene was at Rs. 82,     mestic Butanol was at Rs. 77,  chloride  was at Rs. 32 in
                                        SUPPLIERS OF                                                                 while Benzene (RIL)  ruled at     and imported material  was  at  bulk.  Chloroform was at
                                                                                                                     Rs. 81.50.
                                                                                                                                                       Rs. 78. Domestic  Isobutanol  Rs. 17 in bulk.
                    MONO & DI METHYL AMINES GAS                                                                                                        ruled at Rs. 85 and imported
            in 50 Kgs & 400 Kgs Capacity Cylinders & Tankers of 8 M.T. to 14 M.T.                                       Mixed Xylene was at Rs. 65     material was at Rs. 79.           Phthalates
                                        We supplies 40% Solution of:                                                 in bulk, while imported mixed                                          DOP was down by Rs. 2
                  MONO & DI METHYL AMINES In Drums                                                                   xylene was selling at Rs. 65.50   Fibre intermediates               at Rs. 115, while DBP was at
                                              We also supplies:                                                      (basic). O-Xylene (OX) was at        MEG was at Rs. 56 in bulk,     Rs. 113. DIBP was at Rs. 112.
                               ANHYDROUS AMMONIA                                                                     Rs. 82, while imported material   while  DEG  was  at Rs.  57 for   DBM was at Rs. 111 and DOA

         In 50 kgs. 400 Kgs. Capacity Cylinder and Tankers of 10 M.T., 15 M.T. & 19 M.T.                             was available at Rs. 83 in bulk.   bulk. PTA was at Rs. 70.         was down by Rs. 3 at Rs. 136.
                             Contact : G.J. Multi Gases Pvt. Ltd.                                                    Domestic  Isopropyl alcohol                                         DOM was at Rs. 125.
               Regd. Offi. &  Factory: Plot No. N-64, Addl. Ambernath Indl. Area, MIDC, Jambivili Village, Anandnagar,  was at Rs. 96 in bulk and was   Phenol
                     Ambernath (E) - 421 506. Tel.: 0251-2620177 / 2620212 / 2620232 / 2620277 / 2621783             available at Rs. 157 for packed      Phenol     imported    mate-   Titanium dioxide
                     Email:  Mobile: 9821026344 / 9892730119 / 9763333471                  material.                         rial was at Rs.  87 in bulk.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Anatase  grade  Titanium
           WE HAVE C.C.E. APPROVAL OF TESTING CYLINDERS OF AMMONIA & MONO-DI METHYL AMINES                                                             Acetone  imported material        dioxide (TTPL) was at Rs. 195
                                                                                                                                                       was at Rs. 65.
                                                                                                                        Among the aromatic sol-                                          (basic) in bulk, while rutile
                 Manufacturer’s Representative:
                 Manufacturer’s Representative:                                   AVAILABLE                          vents, C-9 was at Rs. 70. Cyclo-                                    grade  of KMML was at
               METHANE SULPHONIC ACID                                       NATURAL WAX MIXTURE                      hexane  was at  Rs. 91.50         Acetyls                           Rs. 258 (basic)  for paint,  ink
                         (Make BASF) (20 KGS Packing)                       (MIXTURE OF HYDROCARBONS                 in bulk, while Cyclohexanone         Acetic acid  was at Rs. 36     and for plastic grade, the rate
                BENZOYL CHLORIDE -99.9%                                          AND PALMITIC ACID)                  was at Rs. 112 in bulk. Acrylo-   in bulk.  Ethyl acetate was at
                                (MAKE JAPAN)                                          Please contact:                                                  Rs. 64 in bulk, while  Butyl      was at Rs. 263.
         Aluminium Sulphate       Methane Sulphonyl Chloride                    S. SHAILENDRA RAO                  nitrile  (imported) was at        acetate was at Rs. 87 in bulk.
         Benzene Sulphonic Acid     Ortho Chloro Benzoic Acid                      9886340888                      Rs. 120 in bulk. Styrene mono-    Butyl cellosolve  was down           Among  the imported mate-
          Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride  Ortho Chloro Benzaldehyde                                                    mer was at Rs. 98. Propylene                                        rials, DuPont was  quoted at

          Benzophenone / BP-3 / BP-4  Ortho Phenylene Diamine (Make China)  REGULARLY AVAILABLE                    glycol  was at Rs. 83 in bulk.    by Rs. 2 at Rs. 97 in bulk.

                                                                                SODIUM META BI SULPHITE (Imported)
          Benzhydrol               Sulfuryl Chloride                         POTASSIUM META BI SULPHITE (Imported)                                   Vinyl acetate  was at  Rs. 70     Rs. 330 (basic)  per kg;
                                                                                 Food Grade - Make - BASF Germany
                                   Sulphamic Acid Tech. / Descalant Grade
        Benzyl Cyanide
           Di Ethyl Sulphate       Para Toluene Sulphonic Acid            Food Grade - Make - BASF Germany - LR, AR, COM. Grade   MEK (imported) was at Rs. 97   in bulk.              Huntsman was at Rs. 265 and
                                                                               RADIOLITE - Japan / China (Filter Aid Powder)
                                                                                   Equivalent to Hyflowsupercel
         Di Methyl Sulphate       Para Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride            BENZOIC ACID (Imported) Make: Wuhan Youji  (basic).                                                       Tronox was at Rs. 300. Chinese
         Meta Amino Phenol        Phenyl Acetic Acid / Phenyl Acetyl Chloride  SODIUM BENZOATE BP/ Food Grade Make: Wuhan Youji                      Chloralkali                       rutile  was at Rs. 210 (basic),

                                                                                 SODIUM SUCCINATE HEXAHYDRATE
                   1210, Friends Business Bay, Above Malabar Jewellers, Opp Veer Savarkar Garden, LT Road, Borivali West,   SODIUM FORMALDEHYDE BI SULPHITE
                   B-2, Jawan Nagar, Next to Indraprasth Shopping Centre, S.V Road, Borivali (West), Mumbai 400092
                       Mumbai-400092. Maharashtra, India.  Tel: +91-8452038587  Mob: +91-9820130159  Contact: VASUPUJYA CHEMICALS   Methanol  (imported) ruled   Caustic soda flakes ruled  Chinese anatase was at Rs. 180.
                               Tel: 022-28662488 w Mob: 9820130159, 8452038587

                           Email:  Web:  Off. Mobile: 9022115122 / 9820280617
                           Email: w Web:
       178                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024        Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024                                                              179
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