Page 177 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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Chemployment Exchange                                                   Chemployment Exchange

       Key responsibilities                 Postgraduation/MBA will be an   multiple suppliers from above men-
          Responsible  for  commercials   added advantage.                  tioned areas.
 Speciality chemicals company  (volume,  value & contribution   The individual should have 10-12   Achieve  budgeted  sales, volume

          margin) of key segments such as   years commercial experience in the   and contribution for allocated
 A leading speciality chemicals manufacturing company is seeking:  fuel & lubricant, metalworking   relevant market segments.  customers pan India.
          fl uids, gas treatment, oilfi eld chemi-     At least 7-10 years of experience in   Identify new business opportunities,

 Production Manager – Speciality/Chemical Manufacturing  cals and various industrial applica-  selling various raw materials  into   manage and retain existing accounts
 The position requires a highly skilled and experienced professional to oversee   tions like water treatment,  paper,   fuel  &  lube,  metalworking  fl uids,   in allocated product segments.
 operations.  polymer  modifi cation,  etc.,  in  the   oilfi eld, gas treatment, water treat-     Drive growth through maximising
          Indian Sub-Continent (ISC). Pro-  ment, etc.                       current positions of strength and

 Experience: 15-20 years in chemical manufacturing, with a strong focus on   duct range includes ethylene   Should have handled large Key   focusing on profi table growth areas.

 surfactants and speciality chemicals. The manufacturing facility is at Samba,   amines, polyetheramines, diglycol   Accounts – govt. PSUs,  MNCs in   To establish process/structure  of
 Jammu (J&K).  amine, multifunctional amines,   specifi ed  segments  and  must  have   market intelligence to become and
          formulated amines, etc.          active contacts with various large-  remain long  term  competitive and
 QC Head – Speciality Chemicals & Surfactants     Implement company’s growth strategy   medium scale customers in relevant   for formulating business strategies.
 The position will lead the company’s laboratory operations, focusing on quality   in co-ordination  with Country   segments in India, etc.     Mapping & monitoring competition
 Lanxess India Pvt. Ltd.  control, research & development of speciality chemicals and surfactants.  Manager ISC and  APAC Market   and their activities  in the market;
          Managers in a time-bound manner.  For more  details,  visit:  https://  proactively coming out with value
 Lanxess, a leading speciality chemi-  Experience: Extensive experience in quality control and research & deve-     Deliver  growth for Key Accounts,  huntsman.wd1.myworkdayjobs.  propositions for the company.
 cals company, developing and producing   lopment within the chemical manufacturing industry, particularly in specialty   generate new projects & ensure  com/en-US/Huntsman/details/     Exploit CRM for all customer inter-
 chemical intermediates, additives,   chemicals and surfactants. The manufacturing facility is located at Samba, Jammu,   stakeholder management and global  Sales-Manager---Fuel---Lube-  actions.
 speciality chemicals and high-tech   (J&K).  coordination on strategy, pricing.  -MWF--Industrial-Applications_J-     Internally  initiate  discussions,
 plastics, requires:     Manage and provide strong leader-  017963?source=www_huntsman.  deliberations and  action plan for
 Interested candidates can apply at: Only shortlisted   ship to the  assigned distributors,  com_careers_ID&locations=8eaa  expansion/creation of  facilities
 Manager – Engineering Services  candidates will be contacted.  guide them in achieving  annual  39108c2f4619ae872f169d4b629a  based on market demand, customer
          sales targets, deploy segment  &locations=c4b54246a9f0104d92       requirement and growth engines.
 Requisition ID: 6704.     Conduct root cause analysis of all   Minimum 12 years of experience   strategy & KPIs, and ensure timely  8d0b47c9d9e229     Coordinate communication between

 break downs or failures.  in mid- to big-sized chemical   reports, agreements, forecasting,   key internal and external  partners
 Location: Jhagadia, Gujarat.     Prepare and execute shutdown   plants, etc.  allocation, order collection, market   (Source: Company website)  including  R&D, marketing,  legal
 planning for statutory testing.  intelligence, performance manage-          and business creation, etc.
 Business unit/group function: Rhein   Ensure compliance with all appli-  For more details, visit:  https://  ment, etc.  Azelis

 Chemie.  cable statutory  requirements in     Liaise with Regional Market Man-  Key requirements
 accordance with GFR rules & other  Manager-Engineering-Services-  agers to identify long term growth   Azelis is a leading distributor of      B.  Tech with minimum 2-4 years
 Job highlights  regulation.  GJ-393110/1153831201/   opportunities and  develop sustain-  speciality chemicals and food ingre-  of technical sales experience  in
    Manage asset utilisations by mini-     Manage & maintain all documents   able  fi ve-year  plan  and  execute  it   dients present in over 50 countries   (B2B sales).
 mising downtime to support pro-  like P&ID, GA drawings and OEM   (Source: Company website)  successfully.  across the globe with around 2,300      Preferred background is Polymer
 duction.  manuals for rotating equipment.     New business development  &   employees. The company requires:  science/Chemistry/Plastics/Rubber.
    Manage & monitor routine mainte-     Experience  in SAP system, eAM   Huntsman Corporation  generate  strong project  pipeline      Fluent English a must-have  (both
 nance activities, preventive mainte-  module & maintain the inspection   per segment.  Business Development Executive  verbal and written communication),
 nance and health checks for all the   records.     Devise local sales strategy/plan and   other languages a plus.
 equipment.     Collaborate with  production and   Huntsman  Corporation,  a  global   commercial  execution  in assigned   Job ID: R5738.     Should possess aptitude  to learn
    Demonstrate safety culture & safe   site engineering team to ensure ef-  manufacturer and marketer of differen-  territories/market segments.  about  new products and appli-
 engineering practices to ensure zero   fective communication and coordi-  tiated and speciality chemicals, offers the      Keeping regular updates on market   Location: Delhi (Noida).  cations, etc.
 incidents/accidents.  nation of maintenance activities.  following opportunity:  intelligence  and timely reports as

    Manage repair & maintenance   Lead and manage a team of main-  required by organisation, etc.  Reports to: BU Head.  For more  details,  visit:  https://
 budget, capex spendings.  tenance  personnel and contrac-  Sales Manager – Fuel & Lube, MWF,
    Experience in handling of mid-size   tors, etc.  Industrial Applications  Key requirements  Area of focus: Plastics, plastic addi-  en-US/Azelis_Careers/job/Delhi---
 projects independently.     The job holder should possess a  tives, masterbatches, polymers, waxes etc.  Shalimar-Garden/Business-Deve-
    Coordinate & execute the modifi ca-  Key requirements  Location: Mumbai.  basic degree in Chemistry or   lopment-Executive_R5738
 tions in plant  and to plan  end-life   B. E./B.Tech in Mechanical Engi-  Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering/  Main responsibilities

 replacement of equipment.  neering.  Job ID: J-017963.  Technology from reputed institute.     To handle multiple  products from   (Source: Company website)

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