Page 152 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 152

News from Abroad                                                                                                                                                                  News from Abroad

       RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE                                                                                          The  EPA expects to  prohibit  most  newly acquired dry-cleaning machines  prohibited, there is an analogous use of
       BASF inaugurates new catalyst development                                                                     of TCE use within one year, the release  to be prohibited after six months.  PCE that can continue safely in perpe-
                                                                                                                     stated.  Some workplace  uses of TCE,
                                                                                                                                                                                         tuity under  workplace controls. Some
       and solids processing centre in Germany                                                                       such as cleaning  parts of aircraft  and   PCE and TCE are both non-fl amm-  examples of uses that will be prohibited
                                                                                                                     medical devices, will be phased out  able chlorinated solvents that are volatile  under the  TCE rule but will continue
                                                                                                                     over a longer period but will only con-  organic compounds.  PCE can biode-  under the PCE rule include: industrial
          BASF has opened its new Catalyst                                   At the new centre, BASF will            tinue with worker protections in place.  grade into TCE, and PCE may contain  and commercial  use as an energised
       Development  and Solids Processing                                 develop  and  optimise innovative                                            trace amounts of TCE as an impurity or  electrical  cleaner;  in  laboratory use
       Centre in Ludwigshafen, Germany.                                   process technologies and catalysis            For  PCE,  the  agency  is  fi nalising  a contaminant. The chemicals can often  for asphalt testing and recovery; use to
       This research  facility  will serve as a                           processes. Dr. Detlef Ruff, Senior Vice    a 10-year phaseout for its use in dry  serve as alternatives for each other. For  make refrigerants and other chemicals;
       hub for pilot-scale synthesis of chemi-                            President Process Catalysts at BASF,       cleaning, with the use of the chemical in  several uses of TCE that will be totally  and for vapor degreasing.
       cal catalysts. It will also be of central                          said, “This new centre offers us the
       importance for the development of new                              ideal conditions to transition lab-        EXPANDING TIES
       solids processing technologies.                                    developed catalysts to production scale.
                                                                          It will enable us to provide our cus-      AkzoNobel to boost coatings supply to Sinopec’s
          “With cutting-edge process equip-                               tomers with high-quality pilot sam-
       ment, our  new centre enables BASF                                 ples of new catalysts.  We can thus        global projects
       to conduct more focused and rapid deve-  demand  and the  amount  of undesired  react more fl exibly to the needs of the
       lopment of innovative catalyst and pro-  by-products.  Thereby,  they  minimise  market and supply innovative tech-  AkzoNobel’s Marine and Protective                            strengthen  our  partnership,  refl ecting
       cess technologies, which we and our  raw  material consumption and shrink  nological solutions faster – a crucial   Coatings business has signed a Memo-                          our shared vision to  advance  towards
       customers urgently need for the green  the carbon footprint of products. Cata-  factor in successfully launching new   randum of Cooperation with Sinopec                         a more sustainable future,” said
       transformation,” said Dr. Helmut Win-  lysts are used in many areas, including  products.”                    (China Petroleum and Chemical Cor-                                  Mr. Simon Parker, Director of  Akzo-
       terling, President Group Research at  the chemical and petrochemical indus-                                   poration) to support the Chinese energy                             Nobel’s Marine and Protective Coatings
       BASF.                             tries, as well as in innovative processes   BASF constructed the new cen-   and chemical company’s global expan-                                business and member of the Executive
                                         essential for the green transformation.  tre within three years to replace an   sion while jointly promoting the ongo-                          Committee.
          More than 80% of all  chemical  BASF  not only develops catalyst  and  older building. The new building has   ing transition to green energy.
       products come  into contact  with a  process technologies for its customers  state-of-the-art safety features and is                                                                 Sinopec is actively  promoting  the
       catalyst at least once during their pro-  worldwide, it also uses them in its own  equipped with numerous new tech-  The partnership – which builds on a                          transformation and upgrading of its tra-
       duction.  Catalysts  reduce  the  energy  manufacturing plants.    nologies for R&D activities.               relationship that fi rst started in the early                        ditional businesses, enhancing its green
                                                                                                                     2000s – will leverage  AkzoNobel’s  for storage tanks and high-performance  energy supply capabilities and advanc-
       CANCER-CAUSING CHEMICALS                                                                                      global presence and centres on the sup-  fi reproof  coatings.  They  will  be  used  ing energy conservation and emissions
       US EPA bans use of trichloroethylene and perchloro-                                                           ply of International brand of high-per-  for projects that demand uncompromis-  reduction.
                                                                                                                     formance coatings products to Sinopec  ing  quality,  such  as  building  refi ning
       ethylene                                                                                                      and  its  affi liated  institutions  for  over-  facilities, natural gas processing plants   parties already includes several major
                                                                                                                                                                                            The track  record  between the two
                                                                                                                     seas construction projects.  It includes  and chemical production sites.
          The US Environmental  Protection                                reproductive toxicity, US EPA said. The    providing anti-corrosive coatings for                               projects, such as Sinopec Zhenhai
       Agency (EPA) has banned two solvents                               ban applies to all uses of TCE and all     steel structures, protective coatings speci-  “Having already successfully colla-  Refi ning & Chemical Company’s million
       known to cause a range of cancers:                                 consumer uses and many commercial          fi cally  designed  for  high  temperature  borated  with  Sinopec  on  several  ton ethylene  project  and the Petronas
       trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloro-                             uses for PCE, the release added.           resistance, chemical-resistant coatings  landmark projects, we are honoured to  RAPID project in Malaysia.
       ethylene (PCE or Perc).
                                                                             “It’s simply unacceptable to continue   IMCD boosts life science business with Daoqin
          The  solvents  are  used in  a  variety                         to allow cancer-causing chemicals  to
       of products, including cleaners, degrea-                           be used for things like glue, dry clean-   acquisition
       sers, sealants, lubricants, adhesives,  lymphoma, and liver and kidney  ing or stain removers when safer alter-
       paints and  commercial applications  cancer. It can also damage the central  natives exist,”  Mr. Michal Freedhoff,   IMCD, the Dutch distributor  of  Long’en Biotechnology (Guangzhou)  and offers, through its technical team and
       such as dry cleaning. Safer alternatives  nervous  system,  immune system and  assistant administrator for the offi ce of   speciality chemicals and ingredients, has  Co., Ltd. in China (jointly Daoqin).  its laboratory, innovative solutions to
       are already available  for the majority  reproductive organs, with risks  even  chemical  safety and pollution preven-  agreed to acquire the business  of the                    its customers in the food, personal care
       of uses, according to US-EPA press  at very small exposure concentrations.  tion,  said in the release.  “These rules   food and nutraceutical ingredient distri-  Established in 2011, Daoqin specia-  and pharmaceutical industries. Daoqin
       statement.                        PCE causes liver, kidney, brain and testi-  are grounded in the best-available   butor, Daoqin Biological  Technology  lises in the distribution  of functional  is headquartered in Shanghai, and gene-
                                         cular cancer, as well as damage to the  science that demonstrates the harmful   (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Longyu Inter-  nutrition, nutraceutical and food ingre-  rated a revenue of approximately €16-mn
          TCE is known to cause non-Hodgkin’s  immune system, neurotoxicity and  impacts of PCE and TCE,” he informed.  national Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and  dients. It represents leading suppliers  in 2023 with 21 employees.

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