Page 147 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 147

Fertilisers                                                                        Fertilisers

 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY  Seminar 2024, held recently in Delhi, at
 ICRISAT patents its fi rst solar-powered water hyacinth   the hands of Ms. Anupriya Patel, Mini-
       ster of State of Chemicals & Fertilizers
 harvester  and Health & Family Welfare.

          The  joint  winners  were  felicitated
 The Hyderabad-based International   risation  of  Water  Hyacinth  Biomass   with a memento, a certifi cate and cash
 Crop  Research  Institute  for  the  Semi-  through Aerobic Composting as a Rural   reward of Rs. 10-lakhs.
 Arid  Tropics  (ICRISAT)  has  been   Enterprise – A Waste to Wealth Initia-
 granted its fi rst industrial design patent   tive,’  supported  by  the  Department  of   Speaking  on  the  occasion,
 in  India  for  a  solar-powered  water   Agriculture  and  Farmers’  Empower-  Mr. S. Sankarasubramanian, Managing
 hyacinth harvester developed by a team   ment, Government of Odisha. “Experi-  Director  and  CEO,  CIL,  emphasised
 of its scientists. The harvester is simple,   ments conducted by ICRISAT demon-  the  company’s  dedication  to  fostering  refl ects  our  commitment  towards  pro-  ensuring  food  security  for  the  country
 affordable, and can be effi ciently man-  strate that 72,000-kg of water hyacinth   scientifi c innovation in agriculture. “The  motion  of  research  and  development  and  introducing  timely  sustainable
 aged  by  semi-skilled  or  unskilled   Chemical  and  biological  removal  biomass can be mechanically harvested   Coromandel  Plant  Nutrition  Award  in  plant  nutrition,  a  critical  area  for  farming practices.”
 personnel.  of the weed have proved expensive and  from a 3-acre (1.2-hectare) pond in just
 effective only in the short term. The only  2-3 days by a team of two or three people.   NOVEL FORMULATION
 The  solar-powered  equipment,  de-  way  to  control  the  weed  sustainably  In contrast, manual harvesting requires
 signed  and  fabricated  in-house,  is  an  is  through  periodic  harvesting,  either  10-20 labourers and takes 18-20 days to   Iffco seeks Govt. nod to launch new nano NPK
 affordable  solution  priced  at  under  manually or mechanically.  complete,” said Dr. M. L. Jat, Research
 Rs. 200,000, making it ideal for rural   Program Director of Resilient Farm and   Fertiliser  major  Iffco,  which  has  adding that this will signifi cantly reduce  farmers  about  how  to  use  these  pro-
 farming  communities  that  cannot  afford   According  to  Dr.  Stanford  Blade,  Food Systems, ICRISAT.  introduced  nano  liquid  urea  and  nano  the  consumption  of  urea  and  DAP  ducts along with conventional urea and
 sophisticated machinery costing 10 times  Director  General-Interim  of  ICRISAT,   liquid DAP, has now developed nano NPK  (di-ammonium phosphate).  DAP.
 as much. It offers substantial benefi ts,  water  hyacinth  infestation  is  a  global   “Local  stakeholders,  especially   nutrient  and  sought  the  Government’s
 including 50-60% savings in cost, time,  environmental  challenge.  “This  cost-  women  self-help  groups  (SHGs),  can   approval to launch it in the market.  The  cooperative  has  invested   Nano  urea  is  available  at  around
 and  labour,  while  prioritising  using  effective  harvester  refl ects  ICRISAT’s  play a key role in converting biomass   around Rs. 2,000-crore since 2017 on  Rs. 240 per bottle (500-ml,) while nano
 clean energy.  dedication to creating environment-  into  compost,  fi sh  feed,  or  handmade   Iffco’s Managing Director, Mr. U.S.  nano liquid urea and nano liquid DAP,  liquid DAP is priced at Rs 600 per bottle.
 friendly solutions tailored to the needs of  paper.  These  women-led  enterprises   Awasthi  said  the  cooperative  will  which were launched in June 2021 and  One bottle (500-ml) of nano liquid DAP
 Water  hyacinth  infestations  in  rural communities that are also techno-  can generate alternative  livelihoods   launch nano NPK, which is in granule  April 2023, respectively, and is hopeful  is equivalent to one bag (50-kg) of con-
 rural  ponds  disrupt  ecosystems,  harm  logically and economically sustainable.”  and  boost  inland  fi sheries,  creating   form, after the necessary approval from  farmers will adopt these key nutrients  ventional granular DAP. Similarly, one
 fi sheries, and block canals. Their rapid   signifi cant  socio-economic  and  envi-  the government. He also said the com-  in a big way over the next 2-3 years.  bottle of nano urea is equal to one bag
 growth  and  long-lasting  seeds  make  Turning waste into wealth  ronmental impacts,” said Dr. Arabinda   pany will produce it at its Kandla unit.  Mr.  Awasthi  said  the  co-operative  is  (45-kg) of conventional granular urea.
 eradication  diffi cult.  Just  8-10  plants   ICRISAT’s harvester, categorised as  Kumar  Padhee,  Principal  Secretary,   also investing Rs. 200-crore annually in  Iffco currently has annual manufactur-
 can proliferate into over 600,000 plants  agricultural machinery, was developed  Department of Agriculture & Farmers’   Iffco will sell this product at Rs. 950  promotion of the two alternative ferti-  ing capacity for 16-crore bottles of nano
 within 6-8 months.  as part of the project ‘Sustainable Valo-  Empowerment, Government of Odisha.  per  bag  of  5-kg,  Mr.  Awasthi  said,  lisers and increasing awareness among  urea and 7-crore bottles of nano DAP.

 RECOGNITION FOR INNOVATION  India remains dependent on urea imports from China:
 Coromandel Plant Nutrition Award presented at FAI   Minister

 meet     Despite  the  indigenous  production  trend  in  the  last  two  years.  As  per  sector and to make India self-suffi cient

       of  fertilisers,  India  is  still  dependent  government data, India imported 12.80-  in  urea,”  Ms.  Patel  said.  She  said  a
 The  Coromandel  Plant  Nutrition  the  Indian  Council  of  Agricultural  Dr.  Rao’s  areas  of  work  included  cli-  on the import of urea, especially from  lakh mt of urea and 12.17-lakh mt of  total  of  six  new  urea  units  have  been
 Award, instituted jointly by Coromandel  Research (ICAR).  mate change, soil carbon sequestration,   China. “The indigenous production of  DAP from China in 2022-23. The fi gure  set up under NIP-2012. In addition, the
 International  Ltd.  (CIL),  a  leading   rainwater  management,  and  climate   fertilisers is not commensurate with the  increased in 2023-24 to 18.65-lakh mt  government also notifi ed the New Urea
 agri-solutions  provider  in  India,  in   This year’s award was given jointly  resilient villages; while Dr. Singh’s work   requirement in the country and the gap  of urea and 22.28-lakh mt of DAP.  Policy (NUP)-2015 on May 25, 2015,
 collaboration with The Fertiliser Asso-  to  Dr.  Ch.  Srinivasa  Rao,  Director,  focused  on  system  agronomy,  conser-  is fulfi lled through imports,” said Mini-  for the existing 25 gas-based urea units
 ciation  of  India  (FAI),  to  recognise  ICAR-National  Academy  of  Agricul-  vation  agriculture,  precision  farming,   ster of State for Chemical and Fertilizer,   “About  urea,  the  government  an-  with one of the objectives of maximis-
 exemplary  contributions  by  scientists  tural Research Management, Hyderabad;  and farming system.  Ms. Anupriya  Patel  in  the  Lok Sabha  nounced  New  Investment  Policy  ing  indigenous  urea  production.  She
 in the fi eld of plant nutrition and sus-  and Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh, Director,   on  December  13.  The  import  of  urea  (NIP)-2012  on  January  2,  2013,  and  informed that the import of urea has been
 tainable  agriculture,  was  presented  ICAR-Central  Research  Institute  for   The awards were presented during   and  Diammonium  Phosphate  (DAP)  its amendment on October 7, 2014, to  reduced from 75.80-lmt in 2022- 23 to
 to  two  scientists  at  institutes  under  Dryland  Agriculture,  Hyderabad.  the inaugural ceremony of FAI Annual   from China has registered an increasing  facilitate  fresh  investment  in  the  urea  70.42-lmt in 2023-24.

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