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For your regular requirement of the below mentioned chemicals please contact
                              Prasol Chemicals Ltd

                                            Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier                                                                M/s. AKSHAY GROUP
                                   Tel: +91-22-2778 2555/6195 2500 w Fax: +91-22-61952577
                  Regd. Office: PRASOL HOUSE, Plot No. A-17/2/3, T.T.C. Industrial Area, Khairne, MIDC, Navi Mumbai-400 710.                               Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
                       E-mail: / w Web:                                      Email:,
       ™   1,6 Hexanediol              ™   Di Basic Ester                ™   n-Hexanol                                                            Mobile: +91 9426702146 / 9227697002
       ™   6 – Chlorohexanol           ™   Di Iso Butyl Ketone           ™   O;O-Diethylphosphoro                                       We are the bulk manufacturers of the following chemicals
       ™   2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-Pentanediol   ™   Di Iso Propyl Ether       Chloridothioate - DETC
          Monoisobutyrate              ™   Diacetone Alcohol             ™   Para Chloro Meta Xylenol
       ™   3,3,5 Trimethyl Cyclohexanol  ™   Dicumyl Peroxide            ™   Perchloric Acid 60% / 70%                   ™ CALCIUM ACETATE
       ™   3,3,5 Trimethyl Cyclohexanone  ™   Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether  ™   Phosphate Esters
       ™   3,5-Xylenol                 ™   (Diglyme)                     ™   Phosphoric Acid 85% / 88%
       ™   Acetone                     ™   Diisobutyl Carbinol           ™   Phosphorous Pentachloride                   ™ POTASSIUM ACETATE
       ™   Acetophenone                ™   Dimethyl Amino Propyl Amine   ™   Phosphorous Trichloride

       ™   Acetylacetone                  (DMAPA)                        ™   Phosphorus Acid Crystal
       ™   Additiv - 4040 (Tbn-400)    ™   Dipropylene Glycolmonomethyl    ™   Phosphorus Oxychloride
                                          Ether (DPM)
       ™   Additiv 530, 630, 730, 1030, 2030,                            ™   Phosphorus Pentasulphide                    ™ SODIUM ACETATE
          3030, 3030A, 4030            ™   Ditallow Dimethyl Ammonium    ™   Phosphorus Pentoxide
       ™   Additiv 90 (PIBSI), 99 (PIBSA)  ™   Dithiophosphates          ™   Poly Phosphoric Acid

       ™   Additiv 930 – Rubber Accelerator  ™   EDDHA-Fe (Ortho-Ortho)  ™   PRACIDE 1310                                  (TRIHYDRATE & ANHYDROUS)
       ™   Additiv GO 100 Gear Oil     ™   EDTA- Pure Acid               ™   Pracide HHT
       ™   Additiv PE 81/82/51         ™   Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether   ™   Pracide MbM
       ™   Additive HP 0301 / AHP         (Monoglyme)                    ™   Propylene Glycol Mono Methyl                ™ SODIUM DI ACETATE
                                                                           Ether (PM)
       ™   Alpha Methyl Styrene        ™   Hexylene glycol               ™   Propylene Glycol Mono Methyl
       ™   Amino Ethylethanolamine (AEEA)  ™   Hypo Phosphorus Acid 32% / 50%  Ether Acetate (PMA)                                     All above products are KOSHER, HALAL, ISO & FSSAI Certified.
       ™   Ammonium Polyphosphate      ™   Iso Propyl Acetate            ™   RAMPF Tooling Boards
       ™   benzylacetone               ™   Iso Propyl Alcohol            ™   RAMPF Close Contour Paste                                    Apart from the above chemicals, We also manufacture
       ™   benzylidene acetone         ™   Isophorone                    ™   Red Phosphorus
       ™   Bisphenol-S                 ™   Isopropenyl Acetate           ™   Sodium Hydrogen Sulphide                                      POTASSIUM NITRATE

       ™   Bitumen Additives           ™   Lauryl Amine                    30% / 70%
       ™   C12/C14 Dimethyl Amine      ™   Lauryl Amine Oxide            ™   Stearyl Amine                                                100 % Water Soluble
       ™   Chlorhexidine base          ™   Lati- Electricals & Electronics  ™   Tallow Amine / Tallow Di Amine
       ™   Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution   ™   Lati- Automotive       ™   Tert – butyl Acetate                                                           (13.0.45)
          20%                          ™   Lati - Medical Device         ™   1,3,5-Trimercaptotriazine Trisodium

       ™   Cleaner PC 903              ™   Mesityl Oxide                   Salt (TMT)                                                         & Industrial Grade
       ™   Coco Amine / Coco Diamine   ™   Methyl Ethyl Ketone           ™   Tetrahydrofuran
       ™   Coco Amino Propyl betaine    ™   Methyl isobutyl Carbinol (MIBC)  ™   Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide                                  POTASSIUM NITRATE
          (CAPB-35%)                   ™   Methyl Isobutyl Ketone        ™   Triglycidyl Isocyanurate

       ™   Cumene Hydro Peroxide       ™   Methyl-2-Pentadiene           ™   Yellow Phosphorus
                       LET US BE BETTER THAN THE BEST                                                                                    MANUFACTURING OF CHEMICALS SINCE LAST 40 YEARS

       58                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025

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