Page 197 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
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Chemployment Exchange Chemployment Exchange
Balmer Lawrie of new technology, value engineering, Engineer – Chemical (Ammonia)/
RM substitution, handing over of SOPs dynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_candidate_ Engineer – Chemical (Urea), and
Balmer Lawrie, a Miniratna-1 public ADEKA India Pvt. Ltd. for effective scaling from pilot to batch registration?sap-client=100#. After Sr. Engineer – Chemical (Ammonia)/
sector enterprise under the Ministry of Petro- production. creation of profi le, please apply against Sr. Engineer – Chemical (Urea), and
leum and Natural Gas, Government of India, ADEKA India Pvt. Ltd., is a subsidiary of ADEKA Corporation, Japan. Located in Support the Sales and Technical Ser- the appropriate job by going into the
is a diversifi ed conglomerate having presence Mumbai, ADEKA India markets products made by ADEKA Corporation in factories in vices team in matters of RFP review, “Employment Opportunities” tab. Upper age limit: 30 years and 32 years.
in manufacturing as well as services sectors. Japan and other countries. ADEKA group has factories in many countries like Japan, China, product customisation, running product
The company operates in various business Korea, Thailand, Abu Dhabi, France and USA. ADEKA India has following opening: trials and stabilisation of new products. Online submission of application is No. of vacancies: 7.
segments through its Strategic Business Incumbent shall be responsible for permitted on the website https://www.
Units (SBUs) and Joint Venture Companies Sales Executive – Speciality Chemicals handling the pilot plant of ARL, main- Minimum educational qualification:
(JVCs). The company has eight SBUs – The company is looking for a competent Sales and Business Development Executive tenance of project plans and their exe- between 1000 hours on 14.01.2025 till 2359 Full-time regular Engineering Degree in
Industrial Packaging, Greases & Lubricants, for sales of speciality chemicals as below: cution, generation of training material, hours on 07.02.2025. Chemical/Chemical Technology with a
Chemicals, Travel & Vacations, Logistics In- technical literature for use of all includ- minimum of 60% marks.
frastructure, Logistics Services, Cold Chain Products: Speciality chemicals used in lubricants, paints, adhesives and such industries. ing customers/trade partners etc. (Source: Company website)
and Refi nery & Oil Field Services (ROFS) The incumbent will also be responsible Job description/work experience: Expe-
with offi ces spread across the country and Territory: All India. for CAPEX planning and implementa- rience in ammonia-urea fertiliser industry
abroad. The company requires: tion etc. as may be assigned from time Hindustan Urvarak & related to ammonia/urea plant operation.
to time. The candidate should be conversant with
Travel: The incumbent will be required to travel all over India and sometimes abroad. Rasayan Ltd.
Senior Manager (Product Development) Deputy Manager (Marketing) – ER DCS, ESD system and troubleshooting in
SBU/Function/Vertical: Greases & Key responsibilities SBU/Function/Vertical: Chemicals. continuous process plants.
Lubricants. Handle sales and business development of several speciality chemicals to existing and Grade: E2. Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Ltd. Post qualifi cation minimum work expe-
Grade: E4. new customers (B2B). (HURL) is a joint venture company incor- rience required: 2 years and 4 years.
porated by Indian Oil Corporation (IOC),
No. of vacancies: 1. Keep good contact with various stakeholders in customer companies to provide good No. of vacancies: 1. NTPC, Coal India Ltd. (CIL) with Ferti-
support and timely materials. Initial place of posting: Kolkata. Engineer/Sr. Engineer – Chemical
Initial place of posting: Kolkata. Get customer forecasts, orders, and coordinate internally to place order to group lizer Corporation of India Ltd. (FCIL) (O&U)
Maximum age: 40 years. company abroad in timely manner. Maximum age: 32 years. and Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Ltd.
(HFCL) with the prime objective to estab-
Minimum qualification (only AICTE/
Minimum qualification (only AICTE/ To make presentations to customers, and engage in technical & commercial discus- UGC/MHRD/AITA/UFTAA/Govt. of India/ lish and operate natural gas-based fertiliser Upper age limit: 30 years and 32 years.
sions, and promote company’s business.
UGC/MHRD/AITA/UFTAA/Govt. of India/ To join overseas technical or sales persons and arrange their meetings with customers State Govt. approved Institutes/Universi- complexes (ammonia-urea) at Gorakhpur
State Govt. approved Institutes/Universi- when necessary. ties): Full time Engineering Graduate with (Uttar Pradesh), Sindri (Jharkhand) & No. of vacancies: 11.
ties): Full time Engineering Graduate with To join in exhibitions and conferences as and when decided by company. specialisation in leather technology. Barauni (Bihar). The company has the
specialisation in Mechanical/Chemical/ Monitor market situation and advise internally. following openings: Minimum educational qualification:
Metallurgy/Petroleum/Petrochemical/Oil Coordinate internally and externally with various people in R&D, Technical Service, Minimum experience: 5 years. Full-time regular Engineering Degree in
Technology or M.Sc. in Chemistry/Polymer Purchase, Sales, Delivery/Logistic Departments. Preferred experience: Minimum 5 years Vice- President – Production/Operations Chemical/Chemical Technology with a
Chemistry. in leather chemicals marketing. Upper age limit: 53 years. minimum of 60% marks.
Make minutes of meetings and action plans, and follow up.
Minimum experience: 11 years. Indicative job description No. of vacancies: 2. Job description/work experience: Expe-
Preferred experience: Relevant experi- Qualifi cations and skills Rendering quality technical services to Minimum educational qualification: rience in ammonia-urea fertilisers industry,
ence of R&D in the fi eld of greases/lubri- B.Tech./B.Sc. or above in Chemicals or related fi elds. the tanneries in Kolkata to strengthen Full-time regular Engineering Degree in related to operations of offsite & utilities in
cants/lubricants or grease additives or similar Minimum 2 to 4 years’ experience in sales to industries like lubricants, paints, Balmer Lawrie brand and promote Chemical/Chemical Technology with a fertiliser industry/continuous chemical pro-
industry will be preferred. adhesives, metal working fl uids etc. Balmer Lawrie products – both in wet minimum of 60% marks. cess/petrochemical/refi nery or powerplant.
High level of competence in written and verbal business English is necessary. end and fi nishing.
Preferred qualifi cation: Ph.D. in Mechani- Ability, willingness and curiosity to learn new products, applications and skills. Effective co-ordination among custo- Candidate should be conversant with DCS,
cal/Chemical/Metallurgy/Organic/Physical mers and dealers to generate business, Job description/work experience: The ESD system.
Chemistry shall be preferred. Reporting to: DGM-Chemicals or a person designated by him. understanding the Kolkata market and incumbent will be responsible for overall
operations, production, maintenance,
Post qualifi cation minimum work expe-
Indicative job description competition and accordingly position- technical services and management of rience required: 2 years and 4 years.
To spearhead the product development Interested candidates matching the aforementioned requirements, may ing of Balmer Lawrie in the new seg- the fertiliser plant. Incumbent should
initiatives of the company’s Applica- kindly send their resume to, mentioning the position ments to ensure business growth. have experience of operations and main- How to apply: The applications should
tion Research Laboratory (ARL). Pri- applied for. Resume should be accompanied with a formal covering letter/ Co-ordination with PDC to meet new tenance of large capacity ammonia/urea be submitted online on the website: https://
mary responsibility shall be to create a email applying for the position. products requirement. complex/petrochemical plant/petroleum or HURL Career sections.
product pipeline to effectively enhance Effective communication with team refinery and should be holding the post Applications sent other than the prescribed
the company’s competitive edge in the on market feedback and market trend availability of customer accepted pro- members and Chemicals Head Quarter of Head of Plant/Operation/Technical mode will stand rejected. The candidate
market. analysis. Incumbent should facili- ducts/solutions in the identifi ed products in Chennai for smooth logistics support Services/Maintenance at the time of will be required to register before applying.
The executive shall be leading a team tate close interaction with customers, and markets. to the dealers/customers. applying. Online registration opens on 09.01.2025 (01:00
of professionals to develop concepts, OEMs and key accounts to develop The incumbent should lead the team in P.M) and closes on 29.01.2025 (5:00 P.M).
products and solutions by coordinating and deliver products that help the com- effectively supporting the manufactur- How to apply: Please register Post qualification minimum work
with Sales Team, end-users and based pany to enhance market share, ensuring ing/operations steam through transfer using the link https://careers. experience required: 25 years. (Source: Company website)
196 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025 197
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