Page 242 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 242

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                                                                               3DLQW   3XWW\

                                                                   $JURFKHPLFDO           4XDUW] 0DUEOH
                              Your Chemistry is Our World
             C0 M56 Y87 K0  C20 M89 Y84 K10  C 0 M5  63  Y73  K7
            /ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐŝŶŐ                                       5XEEHU ,QGXVWU\  Industry      (PXOVLRQ ,QGXVWU\

          Our new RAA PRO                                                     Serve...

                                                                6SHFLDOW\ 5HVLQ            3HUIXPHU\ ,QGXVWU\
          range of Specialty

          Organic Peroxides                                            :DWHU 3URRILQJ  6RODU ,QGXVWU\

          Specialty Orgainc Peroxide

          ) Tertiary Butyl Hydro Peroxide (TBHP)            Our wide range of Salicylic Acid
          ) Di-Tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP)
          ) Tertiary Butyl Peroxy-2-Ethyl Hexanoate         and Salicylic Derivatives
             (TBPEH)                                        Our Existing Product Range

          ) Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP)

          ) Tert-Butyl Per-Benzoate (TBPB)                  ¾ Water Based Emulsions: Used in Water
          ) Tert-Butyl Per-Benzoate in Acetyl Acetone          Based Paints, Construction Industry, Carpet
                                                               Industry, Textiles, Paper Industry, Metal Coating,
             (TBPB)                                            Adhesive Industry, Wood Coating etc.

          ) Tertiary Butyl Peroxy 3,5,5-Tri-Methyl
             Hexanoate (TBMH)                               ¾ Metal Octates: Used in Paint Industry as

          ) Di-Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO)                          Paint Dryer, FRP Industry, Ink Industry and
                                                               Catalyst in several other Industries
          ) Tertiatry Butyl Peroxy-2-Ethyl Hexyl
             Monocarbonate (TBEC)

             ,ĞĂĚ KĸĐĞ ͗ ϴϬϭ͕ ͞ϯϱϭͲ/ KE͕͟ t͘ ͘ ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ͕ EĞdžƚ ƚŽ EĂƚƌĂũ ZƵƐƚŽŵũŝ͕  ŶĚŚĞƌŝ ; ĂƐƚͿ͕ DƵŵďĂŝ ʹ ϰϬϬ Ϭϲϵ͘
                                     DĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐ hŶŝƚƐ ͗ DĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂ ĂŶĚ 'ƵũĂƌĂƚ
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                                           ŵĂŝů ͗ ŝŶĨŽΛĂŵďĂŶŝŽƌŐŽĐŚĞŵ͘ĐŽŵ
                                         tĞďƐŝƚĞ ͗ ǁǁǁ͘ĂŵďĂŶŝŽƌŐŽĐŚĞŵ͘ĐŽŵ

       242                                                                  Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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