Page 136 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 136

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       Mines Ministry looks to appoint dedicated officers

       abroad to secure critical minerals supply

          The Ministry of Mines is conside-  ensuring seamless coordination  with   The Mines Minister said work
       ring  appointing  dedicated  officers  as  local authorities,  mining entities and  under-way on the National Critical
       representatives for the ‘Critical Mineral  government agencies,” the letter,   Mineral Mission will “diversify
       Mission’ and Khanij Bidesh India Ltd.  written last month, read.   sources of critical raw materials”,
       (KABIL)  at  various  Indian  Missions                             foster sustainable mining partnerships
       abroad. The Ministry has requested the  Point of contact           and  support  domestic  manufacturing
       Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to   The officers would be a single point  through assured availability of these
       assist in facilitating the process.  of  contact,  including  for  companies  minerals. “Concurrently, KABIL – the
                                         that are looking to invest overseas and   state-owned entity formed to acquire
          The  officers  will  act  as  a  central  facilitate handholding, if required.  mines overseas – is being strengthened
       point of contact for Indian companies                              to reinforce mineral security,” he
       seeking  investment  opportunities  in   India has identified 24 critical mine-  added.
       critical minerals abroad,  coordinate  rals, including lithium – five blocks of
       with local governments, mining entities  which have been acquired in Argentina,   Fund planned
       and relevant authorities in the respec-  where  non-invasive  exploration  is    The Mines Ministry is also planning
       tive countries. The initiative is a part of  underway, along with due diligence   to establish a fund to support explora-
       India’s strategy to secure a stable sup-  being  conducted  for  blocks  in Australia.  tion, acquisitions,  and investment
       ply  of  critical  minerals  to  support  its  Efforts are also focused on copper and  opportunities,  while  also  setting  up
       energy transition and industrial needs.  cobalt,  with  sourcing  and  exploration   mineral processing facilities abroad.
                                         discussions underway with  African
          In a  letter  to  the  External  Affairs  nations  such as Congo and Zam-  The fund,  the contours of  which
       Minister,  Mr.  S  Jaishankar,  the  Union  bia. Other critical minerals on the list   are  being worked out and still under
       Coal and Mines Minister, Mr. G. Kishan   include vanadium, molybdenum, nickel,  discussion, could be on the lines of the
       Reddy,  put  forward  the  request  to   rare  earth  elements  (REE),  platinum  National  Mineral  Exploration  Trust
       “designate  officers”  in  select  Indian   group elements (PGE) and graphite.  (NMET) with a probable two-tier struc-
       Missions including Argentina, Australia,                           ture. It would have a funding provision
       Zambia,  Democratic  Republic  of    India also has MoUs with at least  that includes contributions from the
       Congo (DRC) and South Africa.     13  countries  for  exploration,  sourcing  industry,  and  financial  institutions,  if
                                         and possible investment by private and   needed.
          “I would also like to request to  government-run  entities  in  the  field  of
       designate  officers  in  selected  Indian  critical minerals. Some of these countries    This fund is expected to be a part of
       Missions .... to act as ‘Critical Mineral  include Mozambique, Cote d’Ivorie,  the overall National Critical  Minerals
       Mission  &  KABIL’  representatives,   Chile, Colombia, Bolivia and Morocco.  Mission.

       Quantitative restrictions imposed on imports of low

       ash metallurgical coke

          Based  on  the  recommendations  of  ash metallurgical coke for a period of  developing countries other than China and
       the Directorate General of Trade Reme-  six months, with effect from 1st Janu-  Colombia are exempt from the safeguard
       dies (DGTR), the Directorate General  ary 2025 till 30th June 2025.  measures. The measures shall be moni-
       of  Foreign  Trade  has  imposed  safe-                            tored on a quarterly basis for compliance
       guard measures in the form of Quanti-  The  restrictions  have  been  imposed  and  shall  be  permitted  only  through
       tative  Restrictions  on  imports  of  low  on  imports  from  all  sources.  However,   Electronic Data Interchange ports.

       136                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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