Page 154 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 154

Hydrocarbons                                                                                                                                                                      Hydrocarbons

       OUTLOOK                                                                                                       from Indian exploration companies  further rise in the coming years as India  for more deals  to meet  the  ambitious
       India to drive global oil demand growth till 2035:                                                            including the state-run ONGC and Oil  has extended existing deals and signed  target becoming a gas-based economy
                                                                                                                     India, and some private players have  new  LNG  deals  with  the  producing  with 15% share of natural gas in India’s
       IEA report                                                                                                    shown  disappointing  growth  of  1.1%  countries.                  total energy  basket, compared to
                                                                                                                     in the period.
                                                                                                                                                                                         current 6.2%.
                                                                                                                                                          In February, India’s Petronet LNG
          India is set to lead global oil demand                          that easing market balances and declin-       Amid stagnant production and ris-  Ltd. (PLL) extended the deal to supply   To support higher  consumption,
       growth until 2035, according to a recent                           ing oil demand growth could stabilise      ing consumption, India is forced to  7.5-mtpa from 2028 to 2048. Recently,  Indian oil and gas companies are build-
       report by Paris-based think tank, Inter-                           prices in the long run.                    meet  demand through imports from  the country’s largest gas importer GAIL  ing better infrastructure including LNG
       national Energy Agency (IEA).                                                                                 countries such as Qatar, Australia and  (India) signed a deal with Qatar to sup-  terminals, laying  gas  pipelines across
                                                                             Additionally,  a  signifi cant  transfor-  the US.                         ply one cargo per month to the company  the country, setting up new compressed
          The report highlighted that India                               mation is underway in the transport sec-                                     starting April  for  fi ve  years. With  the  natural gas (CNG) stations and promot-
       will add nearly 2-million barrels per day                          tor. The report stated that over the past   Additional sourcing contracts    rising demand and improving gas  ing more piped natural gas (PNG) con-
       (mbpd) to global oil demand during this                            decade, road transport has driven oil         The share of imports is expected to  infrastructure,  the country  is scouting  nections.
       period, making it the primary growth                               demand growth by 4.2-mbpd, contribut-
       driver of the entire industry. This shift                          ing to nearly half of global oil demand    CII INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONFERENCE
       comes as China, which has historically  signifi cant challenges for major oil-pro-  growth.  However,  this  trend  is  revers-  AI and ML to aid renewable energy forecasts
       been the engine of oil market growth,  ducing nations. These resource owners  ing, with oil demand for passenger cars
       transitions towards electricity-driven  may face an oversupply situation as  expected to decline by 1-mbpd by 2030.   for effective grid management
       energy usage.                     spare crude oil production capacity is  This change is a major factor behind the
                                         expected to rise to 8-mbpd by 2030.  anticipated peak in global oil demand by
          The report noted that China’s oil                               the end of this decade under the STEPS.       The Ministry of Power is exploring  used in transformer is an important  period the transformation capacity will
       consumption for road transport is pro-  The IEA also warned of potential                                      new  Artifi cial  Intelligence  (AI)  and  item. We are aware that it is not manu-  increase from 1,251-GVA to 2,342-GVA,
       jected to decline due to the rise of elec-  near-term disruptions to oil and gas sup-  Looking  ahead,  new  LNG  projects   Machine Learning (ML) technologies  factured in India, but this is an essential  according to a PIB release earlier
       tric  vehicles.  However,  this  decline  is  plies due to geopolitical tensions in the  are expected to increase global export   to do near accurate forecasting for  important component for transmission  this year.
       partially offset by increased oil usage in  Middle East. It stated that approximate-  capacity by almost 50% by 2030, further   solar  and wind  power generation for  network for the transformers. The PLI
       petrochemical production.         ly 20% of the world’s oil and liquefi ed  reshaping the global energy landscape.   effective grid management.   Scheme has not taken off as per expec-  The total investment in the plan is
                                         natural gas (LNG) supplies currently pass  As countries adapt to these shifts, as per                         tation, so we are adding more ideas so  estimated at Rs. 9.15 lakh-crore till
          Globally, the growth in oil demand is  through the Strait of Hormuz, a critical  report India’s growing energy needs will   “We are reviewing the AI/ML tech-  that PLI scheme for special steel can  2032, added Dr. Sai Baba. “This plan
       slowing down under the Stated Policies  maritime  chokepoint in  the region.  play a central role in shaping global oil   nologies for near accurate forecasting.  have needed uptake. We are hopeful in  will help in meeting the increasing
       Scenario (STEPS), which is causing  Despite these risks, the report suggested  markets.                       We are reviewing the forecasting tech-  the next two years the country will be  electricity demand, facilitate renewable
                                                                                                                     nologies for solar and wind generation  able to start producing some amount of  energy integration and green hydrogen
       ENERGY CONSUMPTION                                                                                            to address the challenge for effective  special steel. That will be a big relief  loads into the grid.”
       India’s LNG import dependency deepens to 51%                                                                  grid management and plan better,”  for the demand of transformers in the   Pumped Storage Projects (PSP)
                                                                                                                     said Dr. D. Sai Baba, Joint Secretary,  country,” said Mr. Sai.
       on higher consumption                                                                                         Ministry  of  Power.  He  was  speaking                             policy in the offi ng
                                                                                                                     at  the  fi fth  ‘CII  International  Energy  ‘Rs. 9.15 lakh-crore to be invested
                                                                                                                                                                                            The Power Ministry is also plan-
                                                                                                                     Conference  and  Exhibition’  at  New  till 2032’                   ning to bring a Pumped Storage Pro-
          India’s dependency on imports of                                rising 10.41% from last year at 48,682     Delhi on December 18.                As part of its climate action  jects (PSP) policy, said Mr. Mohammad
       liquefi ed  natural  gas  (LNG)  has  in-                           MMSCM.                                                                       commitments,  India  has  fi nalised  its  Afzal, Joint Secretary-Hydro, Ministry
       creased in the current year amid higher                                                                          Dr. Sai also added that the govern-  National Electricity Plan (2023 to 2032)  of Power. Given that tariffs of hydro
       consumption but stagnant domestic                                     India’s domestic production, how-       ment is looking to modify the Produc-  for Central and State  Transmission  power are higher than solar and wind,
       production.  The  country’s  LNG                                   ever, has been stagnant over the years,    tion Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme  Systems  that  aims  to  meet  the  peak  Central  fi nancial  assistance  is  being
       import dependency has jumped to 51%                                increasing the country’s reliance on       for specialty steels for inclusion of  demand  of  458-GW  by  2032.  Under  provided in various forms.
       of the total domestic consumption in                               imports and in turn resulting in higher    steel used in transformers and other  the previous plan (2017-22), about
       the current fi scal till November, com-                             import  bill.  The  LNG  import  bill  of   transmission equipment  in  order  en-  17,700-ckm lines and 73-GVA trans-  Mr. B.  Thiagarajan, Chairman,
       pared to 46.5% in the same period last                             the country in the period came in at       courage domestic production.      formation capacity were added annu-  CII’s Indian Green Building Council
       year, showed offi cial data.       of  LNG  from April  to  November  2024,  $10-bn, compared to $8.7-bn last year.                              ally. Under the new plan, transmission  (IGBC) and Managing Director, Blue
                                         21%  higher  than  the  last  year.  The                                       “One  of  the  major  challenges  in  network in the country will be expanded  Star Ltd. said within a year, India
          The country imported 24,798- million  higher imports come on the back of   Despite government’s efforts to boost   supply-chain is getting transformers  from 4.85-lakh ckm in 2024 to 6.48-  will have the largest number of green
       metric standard cubic metre (MMSCM)  increased gas consumption in the period,  exploration activities, gas production   and reactors. For that the special steel  lakh  ckm  in  2032.  During  the  same  buildings.

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