Page 42 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 42


 India’s urea production estimated to rise by 6% to 24-mt

 India’s urea  produc-  Department of Ferti-  put,”  Mr.  Bishnoi  added.  Earlier  this
 tion is estimated to in-  lisers  has  taken  vari-  year, the Cabinet had approved the
 crease by more than 6%   ous initiatives which  pooling of gas for all urea plants under
 to 24-mt in this fi scal on   will  defi nitely  result  in  which gas will be provided to all plants
 the  back  of  new  policy   raising domestic urea  at one uniform price. The government
 initiatives,  a top Ferti-  output,”  Fertiliser  Se-  had also approved the new urea policy,
 liser Ministry offi cial has   cretary  Mr. Anuj  Bish-  which emphasizes on improving en-
 said. Urea production has   noi  said. The  Secretary  ergy effi ciency.
 been stagnant at around   added that in last fi scal,
 22-mt for last few years,   urea production was at   Urea  is  a  controlled  commodity
 whereas  demand has ri-  22.6-mt, which is esti-  and its price is fi xed at Rs. 5,360 per
 sen to about 30-mt.  The difference  is  mated to reach 24.0-mt this year.“The  tonne. The difference between cost of
 met through imports.  policy initiatives like gas pooling and  production and selling price is paid as
 incentivising  the  energy  effi ciency  subsidy to manufacturers. The govern-
 “Following  the  government’s  agen-  measures  under  the  new  urea  policy  ment wants to reduce its dependence on
 da of promoting ‘Make in India’, the  will yield good results in terms of out-  imports.

 CCEA approves special banking arrangement for

 payment of outstanding subsidy

 The  Cabinet Commit-  This  has  already  Rs. 64.03-crore was paid to the banks.
 tee  on  Economic  Affairs   been implemented/ope-  Government  is  making  available  fer-
 (CCEA)  chaired  by  the   rationalized  to  over-  tilizers, namely urea and 22 grades of
 Prime  Minister  Narendra   come the liquidity prob-  P&K fertilizers to farmers at subsidized
 Modi, has given its ex-post   lems  of  the  fertilizer  prices through fertilizer manufactures/
 facto  approval  for  a  Spe-  companies. Under  the  importers. For making funds available
 cial  Banking  Arrangement   above  SBA,  a  total  of  to the fertilizer companies against their
 (SBA)  for  a  loan  of  Rs.   Rs.  6,806.66-crore  for  subsidy claims, the Ministry of Finance
 7,000-crore with a consor-  settlement  of  subsidy  had  approved  SBA  for  an  amount  of
 tium of public sector banks   bills with the two con-  Rs. 7,000-crore with Government inter-
 led  by  State  Bank  of  India   sortia  led  by  SBI  and  est liability limited to G-Sec rate. Ac-
 (SBI)  and  Punjab  National   PNB was raised by the  cordingly, an SBA was worked out with
 Bank (PNB) for settlement of outstand-  Government.  The  above  loan  amount  the two consortia of banks to meet the
 ing indigenous urea subsidy bills of fer-  along with interest liability on the part  outstanding subsidy claims of fertilizer
 tilizer companies in 2014-15.   of Government thereon amounting to  companies.

 Zuari Agro’s Q2 net plunges 86%

 Zuari Agro Chemicals Ltd. (ZACL)  of  Rs.  21.95-crore  in  the  year  ago  pe-  said. During the quarter, the company
 has  reported  a  86%  decline  in  its  net  riod. Net sales of the company during  has  invested  Rs.  16.69-crore  in  the
 profi t  at  Rs.  3.12-crore  for  the  quarter  July-September quarter declined to Rs.  equity  of  MCA  Phosphates  Pte  Ltd.,   25 KL Reactor  Condensers  Ribbon Blenders
 ended September 30 due to fall in sales.  1,327.17-crore from Rs. 1531.61-crore  which is a joint venture fi rm with Mit-
 The  company  had  clocked  a  net  profi t  in the year ago period, the company  subishi Corporation, it added.

 160  Chemical Weekly  November 10, 2015  42                               Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024

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