Page 235 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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            chemical weekly acetone

 1,4 Dioxane  Chromic Acid  Glyoxal 40%  AVAILABLE REGULARLY FROM READY STOCK
 1-Bromo-3-Chloro Propane   ŝƚƌŝĐ  ĐŝĚ  DŽŶŽ ͬ ŶŚLJĚƌŽƵƐ  Gluconic Acid 50%  Key Features
 2,2 Di Methoxy Propane  Cyclohexane  Glutaraldehyde 50%     Advertising in Chemical Weekly is now even more
 2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate  Cyclohexanol  Glycolic Acid 70%
 2-Hydroxy Ethyl Methacrylate  Cyclohexanone  'Ƶŵ ZŽƐŝŶ tͬt 'ƌĂĚĞ  HႇHFWLYH
 2-Methyl THF  Cyclohexylamine  Heptane (S)     Every advertisement is uploaded in ChemXchange
 4-Amino Butyric Acid  Dextrose Mono & Anhydrous  Hexamine  at no extra charge to advertisers for 12 months.
 4-Di Methyl Amino Pyridine  Di Acetone Alcohol  Hydrazine Hydrate 80% & 100 %
 4-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde  Di Cyclo Pentadiene 95%  Hydrogen Peroxide-50%     Free & open access to all – No registration to search
  ĐĞƟĐ  ĐŝĚ  Di Cyclohexylamine  Hydroquinone     and locate business opportunities
 Acetone  Di Ethanol Amine  Hydroxylamine HCL
 Acetonitrile  Di Ethyl Amine  Hydroxylamine Sulphate       Over 7500+ products & 700+ companies
 Acetophenone  Di Ethyl Amino Ethanol  Iodine     Updated every week
 Acrylamide  Di Ethyl Carbonate  Iso Butanol
 Acrylic Acid  Di Ethyl Ether  Iso Butyraldehyde
 Acrylonitrile  Di Ethyl Malonate  Iso Butyric Acid  Rising viewership
 Adipic Acid  Di Ethylene Glycol  Iso Phthalic Acid
 Allyl Alcohol  Di Ethylene Triamine  Iso Propyl Acetate  15500  15243 15274
 Allyl Chloride  Di Iso Propyl Amine  Iso Propyl Alcohol  14977 15015 14990  15165
 Alpha Naphthol  Di Iso Propyl Ether  L - Proline  15000  14856
 Amino Ethyl Ethanolamine  Di Iso Propyl Ethylamine  L+Tartaric Acid  14532
 Ammonium Per Sulphate  Di Methyl Acetamide  Lauryl Alcohol  14500  14100 14150  14337
 Ammonium Thio Cyanate 99%  Di Methyl Amine 40%  Maleic Anhydride
 Amino Guanidine Bicarbonate  Di Methyl Carbonate  Malononitrile  14000
 Aniline Oil  Di Methyl Formamide  Malonic Acid  13500  13334
 Benzaldehyde  Di Methyl Malonate  Melamine
 Benzene  Di Methyl Sulphate  Methacrylic Acid  13000
 Benzoic Acid  Di Methyl Sulphoxide  Methane Sulphonic Acid
 Benzyl Alcohol  Dicyandiamide  Methane Sulphonyl Chloride  12500
 Benzyl Amine  Di-N-Butyl Amine  Methanol
 Benzyl Chloride  D-Tartaric Acid   Methyl Aceto Acetate  12000
 Beta Naphthol   ŵƵůƐŝĮĞƌ ϰ͘ϱ Θ ϵ͘ϱ DŽůĞ  Methyl Acrylate   s />  >  /E d E< Z >K    h>< ^K>s Ed ͳ Έ yͳDhD  /ͳ< E > ͳ, /Z Ή  Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov
 Bisphenol-A  Epichlorohydrine  Methyl Chloro Formate
 Boc Anhydride (DIBOC)  Ethyl Acetate  Methyl Cyanoacetate   ĐĞƟĐ  ĐŝĚ   Acetone    ĂƵƐƟĐ ^ŽĚĂ >LJĞ
 Boric Acid  Ethyl Aceto Acetate  Methyl Ethyl Ketone  Chloroform  Cyclohexanone  Di Methyl Formamide
 Butyl Acetate  Ethyl Acrylate  Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone
 Butyl Acrylate  Ethyl Carbitol  Methyl Methacrylate  Ethyl Acetate    Iso Propyl Alcohol  Iso Butanol
 Butyl Carbitol  Ethyl Cellosolve Acetate  DĞƚŚLJů dĞƌƟĂƌLJ  ƵƚLJů  ƚŚĞƌ  Methanol    Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone  Mix Xylene
 Butyl Cellosolve  Ethyl Cellosolve  Methylene Dichloride  Methylene Di Chloride  Mono Ethylene Glycol  N.Butanol    Email:
 Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) Ethyl Chloro Formate  Mix Xylene  Ortho-Xylene  Octanol  Phenol
  ĂƵƐƟĐ WŽƚĂƐŚ &ůĂŬĞƐ  Ethyl Cyanoacetate  Mono Ethanol Amine  Styrene Monomer  Toluene  Vinyl Acetate Monomer    Web:
  ĂƵƐƟĐ ^ŽĚĂ &ůĂŬĞƐͬWƌŝůůƐ  Ethylene Di Amine  Mono Ethylene Glycol
  ĂƵƐƟĐ ^ŽĚĂ >LJĞ  Formamide  Mono Iso Propyl Amine  Can Also offer our supply to SEZ Units against LUT without Payment of IGST
 Ceto Stearyl Alcohol  Formic Acid 85% & 99%  Mono Methyl Amine 40%
 Chloro Tri Methyl Silane  Fumaric Acid  DŽŶŽŐůLJŵĞ ͬ  ŝŐůLJŵĞ  WůĞĂƐĞ  ŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗    ŶŬŝƚĂ  ŚĞŵŝĐĂů  ŽƌƉŽƌĂƟŽŶ
 Chloroform  Glycerine  Morpholine  (Trading Since 1995)
 Please Contact:    ŶŬŝƚĂ  ŚĞŵŝĐĂů  ŽƌƉŽƌĂƟŽŶ  ^ŚŽƉ EŽ͘ ϱ͕ ^ŚĂŶƟ <ƵŶũ  ƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ϴϳͲ,͕ EĂŝŐĂƵŵ  ƌŽƐƐ ZŽĂĚ͕  ĂĚĂƌ ; Ϳ͕ DƵŵďĂŝ Ͳ ϰϬϬ Ϭϭϰ͘
 dĞů͗͘ ϬϮϮͲϮϰϭϭϴϬϬϴͬϮϰϭϭϭϭϮϴͬϮϰϭϭϭϵϲϬ z dĞůĞĨĂdž͗ϮϰϭϭϭϬϬϲ
 (Trading Since 1995)  c   ŵĂŝů͗ĂŶŬŝƚĂĐŚĞŵĐŽΛLJĂŚŽŽ͘ĐŽŵ ͬ ĂŶŬŝƚĂĐŚĞŵĐŽƌƉΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ  d
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